Making Friends

Avelle suspected their horses led happier, healthier lives than the wild horses who shared the plains with the centaur. for now, avelle would just try to be a friend to leyelil. if she gained the centaur's trust, leyelil would come to believe her.

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Fennix race sheet part 1 (defense and survival)

Taming a fennix takes patience, but they are generally easier to domesticate than wild horses. treats like cuttlefish will quickly convince them of your goodwill, and they won't deny a comfy cushion to sleep on. fennix live in small groups.

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An Infestation in the Herd 18

The first was that there were any herds of wild horses at all, considering that they had long since disappeared from equestria. in truth, this was merely an excuse to get them to that area.

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Hope - Fate of the Herd Chapter 6

No need to keep a dangerous creature like an intact wild stallion in our midst." she dropped her muzzle to her screen, dismissing me as effectively as if she had ordered me hauled from the room. i could only stand and stalk out, my mind whirring.

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Quality Time 1

She breathes out, her breath huffing on the sensitive head, which bucks like the wild stallion it is. "you sure you can handle me not being clinical. because, if you're not... then i can't hold back." "oh, really?"

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Rugby Balls

:d technically the third part in the wild horse whispering (and here is part two) series, though gwen the mare makes no appearance. desmond and writing (c) me adharc (c) fa: thorsoneyja illustration (c) fa: reindeeroo "addy, man, that was a good game.

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Marshall Law (8)

"mike wild horses would not have stopped me from being with you and the boys today, now please remember this my friend, if you ever need anything and i mean absolutely anything then all you have to do is call no matter the time lucas and i will be there for

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Dragons after Dark

Flexing the shaft so that it slapped against her belly like that of a wild stallion, amethyst laughed wildly, mane tossing back from her neck as her smaller, weaker prey shrank down to the ground, tail hole clenching reflexively.

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My Busty Family Part 5

"i'm gonna ride you like a wild horse, wait till you feel all tingly inside." said nanna with a coy smile. the insides of her vaginal walls began to squeeze around kadaj's length, making him feel more horny with every thrust.

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Here be Dragons

The dragon bucked his hips like a wild stallion, the wicked creature's back rounded as he drove viciously into her warmth, rousing her to a chorus of high-pitched whinnies that echoed through the deserted valley.

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Pleasure on Repeat

Emerald grunted like a wild stallion on the plains and jigged a hind hoof, every fibre of his being screaming to climax, to rock and buck and thrust into that warm muzzle, the muzzle that seemed so intent on delivering every drop of pleasure he so craved.

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