It Started With Toast - Chapt 1

crunch just lifted up his left hand in a hi motion, i'm looking away at this point before hearing the best news all day "oh and tiger, crunch will be sharing your room with you".

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It Started With Toast- Chapter 18

Wawa turned around and watched crunch fall off and land into the water below. trying to swim upwards, crunch was struggling as there was a strong current pulling him down.

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Sizable Holiday

She felt it against her sole, how it moments later crunched beneath it against the seabed, with countless sailors perishing with it.

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It Started With Toast- Chapt 10

Looking confused he floated towards crunch and started to hit him on his head. "hey muppet, wake up!!" what happened next was so funny i fell off the thrown; crunch punched rok-ko and sent him into the nearby wall.

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Stolen Chapter 1

If he could hea- crunch. . .crunch. . .crunch. . . he began to panic again running only to trip and land flat on his face. he started to get up only to feel a cold sharp metal blade licking the back of his neck. he froze.

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Where Everyone Belongs*

Vasek followed, catching up as his feet crunched cars and left deep holes in the asphalt. the one rat, still carrying the super cinnamon crunch, tripped on the sidewalk, falling flat on his front as the cereal scattered in front of him.

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Zombiology - Sand Crab

crunch. crunch. crunch. it's appetite reignited, the zombie shuffled off searching for another meal, following the barks of a colony of seals in the distance.

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[COMMISSION FOR Xipher] Exhibition

The hood caved in heavily with a loud, satisfying crunch along with the front tires bursting with a loud explosive \*pop\*.

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A Broken Rose

crunch and crunch go my tiny little paws. crunch and crunch go the sounds all around me, every day, the simple monotony leaving me more likely to drown out the sound of rustling leaves. then came a swish ...

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Poetic Justice (Pt1)

crunch! crunch! crunch! squelch! crunch!_ gasping for air, she stood over the silent body, her boots covered entirely in blood and destroyed gray matter. hissing, she picked up the blade she had dropped.

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