*Cub* Young Tannim and the New Farm Hand - 2016

It seemed gross but wasn't really that gross once he thought about it, just different. he did like how the other male's shaft pulsed against his feet.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 107 - Frienemies

"gross, and you just picked it up out of the dirt?" the raccoon looked it over, and plucked it in his mouth, making to swish it around. "ew! gross!" rini winced. "ziggy, you're not supposed to put coins in your mouth. they're covered in germs."

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Omega and Amora

"yeah, ok you reptiles are gross i don't want to see this after all!" lion said after getting a good look. he left as omega gently stroked alligators malehood. amora is not grossed out as being a raptor she knows what reptile penises look like.

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Kapitel2: Freund und Feind

Blaffte mich der grosse an. der zweite sprach mit einem verhoehnenden grinsen weiter. „und wenn du den erbaermlichen koeter meinst, nun vielleicht wirst du ihn wiedersehen.

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Kapitel1: Keine Erinnerung

Obwohl ich kein wissen ueber meine vergangenheit habe wusste ich, dass dieses schmuckstueck eine grosse bedeutung hatte.

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From Perv to Pig

You gross, gross..._pig_!" there was no coming back from that for marv as he fell heavy, panicking, down on all fours, his back rounding, his body becoming thicker and thicker and more unwieldy.

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Elder Scrolls Story: Burning the Nest

gross gross gross gross no no no no!" serrek was still shaking as he got to his feet, and by then, the other pests were already taking flight.

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Tales of the Jackalope, Teil 3

"kein problem," laechelte viskis, "mein bett ist gross genug fu:r zwei." "das ist lieb von dir, viskis." sagte xinko und seufzte leise.

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Death Kiss 8

"im gross, want to go home and have a shower with me?" i ask excitedly. he smirks; the sides of his beautiful lips perk up. "now why would you say you're gross? you're the non-gross girl i have ever seen."

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Living with a Giant- 2- Reminiscing

I don't know if you have recognized this, but mouths are really gross; especially if it is as big as jakil'ns is.

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Alte schlachten waren gross wurden geschlagen mit viel getos.