Rendezvous, Part One

Jack ford was a melanistic coyote with oversized ears even for his species. he'd figured 'anubis' was an obvious nickname, or even 'jackal,' but losing thirty coin tosses in a row had been what _really_ impressed the others in his squadron.

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Searching for Silver Clouds (Part 2/2)

I guess the weird part is that most of my family is colored like red foxes, but i am melanistic. somewhere along the line my genetics took a left turn and over-pigmented my fur, but then left my hair and the normal white parts alone." he frowns.

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Bred and Circuses

I know that you're a supporter of the performing arts, animals, and melanistic jaguars. and that you're sasha's type. but i'm sure there's more than that," helene stated with interest, crossing her legs carefully as she did.

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Oral Fixation (Depths side story)

And when one of those men crossed the line and started to use him as a punching bag instead of just a sex doll, and even took out one of his eyes, if it hadn't been for rhos, luke's owner was going to sell him to that man," the melanistic cat told him, "luke

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Depths Side Story: Oral Fixation

And when one of those men crossed the line and started to use him as a punching bag instead of just a sex doll, and even took out one of his eyes, if it hadn't been for rhos, luke's owner was going to sell him to that man," the melanistic cat told him, "luke

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