Luna and Thief, OI Ch: 5

The pikachu mentioned silently. "if he tried anything, i'd give him one good wack with my iron tail." seviper had softly hissed. "that would hurt like all sin." the seviper joked in reply. "i hear you mention arceus plenty."

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a to z - Passersby

_first mention: "passersby"._ **otawatapolis station** : the main bus and rail station in **centertown, otawatapolis**.

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Abigail's Boyfriend (Episode 1)

"she seems really cute", aoi started to mention, blushing slightly while we continued down the hallway.

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Luna and Thief Ch: 23

Moonlight mentioned "maybe absol can." he'd mention without turning around as... **as though he was holding onto a little secret.** luna just stared at her paws... _i guess i could lick the whole thing?

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Luna and Thief Ch: 18

Moonlight mentioned and watched another spark flicker and then rest. "alright! thank you moonlight! i'll be there soon!" scarf mentioned and went back to training.

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