The tod sat back in his chair. he was already well aware of the contents.
Dexter & Tod Kapitel 9 - Falscher Stolz
Auch wenn er als fuchs der schrecken jedes nagers war, empfand tod für ihn mitleid. als maus sollte tod das schicksal eines fuchses eigentlich nicht kümmern.
The Fox and The Hound: Upbringing
"tod?" copper weakly asked with a small cough as he stared at his best friend. his eyes started watering at the sight of the glow around tod. "yeah cop, its me" tod said as a smile appeared on his face.
A fox and his lamp. *short story*
The tod growls as he moves to the pot, "i want a plant in it!" tinny sighs as he magics the tod to levitat and plant him on the soil. "alright." the tod blinks, "hey!" tinny blinks, "aw crap!" the tod blinks his cloths disappear.
Through the Night
Blatant lust flashed across the tod's face, and briefly, he glanced up to jarreth.
Vulpine Gratitude (OLD)
Which the tod appreciated on men.
Chapter 3: Flight! (part 1)
Something about the tiger's demeanor made tod feel anything but reassured. as he stepped toward the hybrid tod got a good look at him.
The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 7: The Uncle
The tod was a slightly different shade of red than chris. chris was colored more like a red delicious apple, this tod was more colored like a cocktail cherry.
The Family Vulpes Chp2
The tod's irises were unsteady from what val could see, trembling slightly as if they desperately wanted to dart away. "you're obsession with that old bike is unhealthy!" the tod rebutted.
Arm Deep: one finger in
It met very little resistants from tod's tail hole i pushed it all the way in slowly as it hilted i heard tod moan long and hard. i slowly began to remove it and it came back with a slurping sound as the head popped out of his ass.
Dexter & Tod Kapitel 10 - Kollaboration
Es war tod, der ihm bis hier her gefolgt war. stutzig schaute dexter zu ihm herab. „was willst du denn jetzt noch, tod?"
Twelve Vores of Christmas - Second Vore of Christmas, Rabbit
"you win tod, so you going to untie my ankles, i won't run." tod looked at the tied ankles and shook his head as he walked away. "no, think you can do that by yourself."