The Stallion Needs Still More Cock

Scott's eyes never left the grey nozzle attached to the cum-guzzling syringe, hoping that at any point that same plastic object would be slipped between his lips and then plunged, sending a beautiful stream of warm, sticky cum directly over his tongue

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Why You Should (or Should not) Hide Your Porn Better

He let out a roar of his own as he shot off again, his cum guzzled by the greedy bear. he kept cumming for a little longer than he did at first, but ben only kept drinking it in. ralph began to sway as he sat.

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Call of the Manor: Chapters III and IV (Transformation)

She had broken her and humiliated her, but in the process had shown her how much better it was to live life as a cum-guzzling, toe-sucking, soaking wet drusky slut.

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He was drinking cum, guzzling it down just out of slutty instinct. there was nothing else in his mind but to serve his predator. to give in to that hungry churning that clamped hard enough on his body to make it hard to swallow all that cream.

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[Commission] The Making of a Broodmare: Part 3 - Learning His Place

"come on, suck like a good little cum-guzzling bitch." with another whimper and belly-deep gag, caristos' body moved to obey. his lips pressed to those of his brother's slit, and he began to suckle on the hardened smut.

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Not Without You: Part 3/4-Everyone Loves a Party?

What dirty little fur have you been with, you cum-guzzling gutter fox!?" "i--" began lance, but ty cut him off. "no! you know what, i don't want to know," he said, opening his bedroom door.

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School Troubles

And niko could be proud to have joined such a privileged club of cum-guzzling sissies.

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The Dark Park: Chapter IV

She survived for a full minute of werewolf cum guzzling, and even managed to swallow most of it. some of it trickled from her chops, or her nose.

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A New World: Rainbow and Applejack

Interestingly enough though, the pegasus didn't seem to display any negative reaction to being called a cum-guzzling slut. "i don't cherish the idea of randomly wandering through this maze of trees," falor added.

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The Faithful

A writhing, sweaty cum-guzzling whore. cum? where had that word even come from? she wasn't even sure how she was even aware of the meaning of the word.

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A Night In

She wasn't usually into cum guzzling, but for some reason, she couldn't get enough of it. it tasted...sweet and meaty?

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