The Payment

It seemed he rather enjoyed her, and has offered me a significant amount of money for her life debt." tilia blinked slowly. "we...we had a deal!" rut nodded slowly.

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Premium Kashyyk Wood

A life-debt; it was part of the wookiee honour code. if someone saves your life your life belongs to them until you save theirs. sleep came very easily to ket, maybe because of the pill, however, most likely because of everything else.

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Aion's Rebirth - Exes, Chapter 5

There's no way she's going to call a life debt. there's just... she's a royal. royals don't do that, and her mother wouldn't let her even if they did," i pointed out, looking away from him afterwards.

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Shadow Stalkers Cross over pt7

Jorst had spouted something about honour and a life debt, and had sworn to help trillian in his current endeavour and anything else he needed help with.

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Featherheads: ...Are Questionable At Best

He looked up at her, and shrugged while saying, "life debt, i guess?" trying to explain his charity more to himself than to her.

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27- Omega

"does your culture not possess any kind of life debt tradition?" the sith knight asked. syrra considered the question carefully. "it...

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Chapter 1: A step into the world of Izzy Potter and joining VultureWart's first War.

One of your ancestors saved me so i swore my allegiance to him in a life debt." i nodded then walked into the library following a tugging in my gut before dropping my bag and seeing a large book on a stand.

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Wisk: but i beat her and got her life debt and everything. what am i going to do with a dragon here? dam: i didn't say i wouldn't fuck her. but she's not my mate. i'm getting one soon enough and i'm not going to have 2 of them here as this dragon.

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On the Nature of Dragons: Cruelty

At this point you've done enough for me that i should be the one who owes you a life debt." braun sighed. "you don't understand." "how long has it been now, braun? eleven years? we can't do this forever. it'll end at some point.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 22

I owe you a life debt because of it. we do not really follow that tradition where i am from, but i understand how that tradition may have come about.

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Scales and Honor: The Shattered God: Chapter 30

Achaaz is strong enough to carry the rest of you off...i am the one slowing you down...and i have a life debt to fulfill." he gestured to feku, slumbering, unaware of what was to happen.

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