Samel's Summer 5: Pigsty

"i'm just some fuck up adult with a job." davie smirked. "any horny bastard with a cock could've done the things i've done with you. i'm not special, just a pervert." "i see." samel creased his brow. "i don't really know what to say."

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Imagining Dragons at an Exhibition

Yeah, i need some fucking help alright. my cunt is throbbing almost all day, every day, and i need somecreature to come fuck me. and that's what i thought about as i took my cock-rock out of my satchel and began running it up and down my belly.

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The Evening After

"yeah man, we've been through this" chase said, "leo somehow thinks its a good idea to spend time at sydney's place for some fucking stupid reason." "toby likes mr.

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Sabhira's Daughter #1 - (Tails of the Khajiit)

It's lewd, contains nudity (early on i kept them pixellated but later i dropped that and have some seriously raunchy stuff sometimes), some humor, some violence, some sex, lots of totally non-immersive outfits, and some pathos. and skyrim mods.

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Chapter 1 - Escape

End part 1 * * * well thats it for now, i have more but wanted to get a response first, i promise some yiff in the next part. any and all concepts are welcomed, but if you insist on ranting about how much i suck, please give me a reason.

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"some fucking faux hemingway, eh?"

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 12

"there is one more thing," ander said, dearly hoping the fox wouldn't think he was some sex-crazed maniac like all the others for suggesting this. "if we ingratiate ourselves with the foxes, who knows?

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Dragons Lair pt 15

(dont worry. theres some sex soon.) ================== they worked in relative silence, occasionally kissing. michael finished his picture and showed it to myra, "what do you think?" "it's wonderful michael. i love it."

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Chapter-5_What dreams may Kill

some fucking stranger just came in here and tried to kill me and now here you are, taking over her house and -" "this is her house?" "yes, and now you expect me to --" "harvark stop. i have something to show you."

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Training Him (an excerpt)

And if all you wanted was some sex toy to keep you company, to play with. i would have given him those and you wouldn't have had any reasons to complain, but you have tasked me with creating a complete being, not just a doll.

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Janet the skunk in apology sex (erotic)

Get some fucking base in your voice when you fuck me!", ordered janet pushing onto him, feeling she swelled, and expanded with each thrust making him jack her off. "there!", said janet getting used to the rhythm.

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Welcoming Party (Commission for Mooglepower on FA)

But here, two stallions were just casually propositioning him, virtually in the nude, for some sex. "well... i guess i could..." "that's the spirit!"

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