To Dream of Darkness III - CH 53

Meghan's eyes went blank, and she looked straight ahead as she heard the trigger word for the post-hypnotic suggestion that sarina had planted the day before. "you will let me in, and shut the door," sarina said to her.

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Hypnovember - Day 29: Bad Ending

The trigger words created an obedient mindset. obey. submit. surrender. please. enjoy. kneel. pet. toy. moan. whine. squirm. each and every word got engraved in his mind through the frequent discharges. he struggled.

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Wishing for More

When that thought bloomed in her mind she had to consciously bite down on her lower lip to keep herself from saying the trigger word again out loud. it would be so easy.

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Lionheart's Triumph

After he said the trigger word, they would be his to do as he pleased. he had many things in mind for these fellow equines, being his bodyguards being one of the many tasks he had in store for them. the two equines looked at their master and then said.

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Sexy Scales and Bandit Booty

Leaving the bit of guilt about using one of the trigger words behind him, he dropped to his knees. this was going to have to be quick; if he didn't make to the other part of the tunnel quickly, one of the bandits could look this way and see him.

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05. The Scoop

I've been using every trigger word on my list and we have been coming up with some really.... interesting stuff." i closed the book, curious to what wayne had found i pocketed it as i heard a light knocking at the door. "mister cox."

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Custom fit with replaceable limbs, already brainwashed, with options for connections allowing for new commands and trigger words to be implemented. completely nullified with a gropeable bulge. even managed to include that paint you like.

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Something in the Colours

It took several hours but eventually quinten was satisfied, the new trigger words had set and he would be able to plunge the fox between personalities with a simple phrase.

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Spike At Your Service (Ch. 1)

"spike, you know what a trigger word is, right?" "yes master. it is a phrase that will make me follow an order even if i'm not hypnotized." "very good. good spike.

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A Small Trance: Fantasy in Hir Mind

Shi figured that the word "grow" would be the trigger word. finally switching the video off shi returned hir attention to hir dripping sex, both of them.

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PTA Meeting

"sure thing..." the ferret smiled and climbed down off the desk before taking the parents to one side and giving each their final commands and trigger words for future use while the others tidied up and put things back in order.

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A Small Trance: Too Real to Believe

Now it was time to try out a second repetition of the trigger word. taking the stairs two at a time in just a fraction of the effort it would normally require, shiveneve savored the sound of the creaking steps as they fought to bear hir weight.

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