Testing Talons 2

One raptor reached forward, his clawed fingers stroking the ass cheeks of the raptor before him, finally plunging the finger in. he slid it foreword and back, causing the raptor to chitter in excitement.

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The College Contest

Grunts issued from that solid jaw, through predator's teeth, a grunt for each audible buck into raptor scales, until a sudden press-back from the raptor raised the hyena's grunt almost to a bark.

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Bigger Bad Rap

The orange raptor replied, giving a grand and toothy grin. "and how will you do that?" haxx said. bad rap looked over to the other raptor before opening his massive jaws wide!

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The Raptor - A Halloween Poem

Quoth the raptor "you like vore?"


Taken in the Locker Room

And he'd be lucky to have that raptor too. soft steps snapped him back to the real world and he jumped, heart leaping back to a vibrant pound as he locked his gaze on the fur entering the locker room. it was the raptor.

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Four Dragons and the Raptor

Combined, they leave the raptor in a neutral aggregate state of fleshy raptor pile of fear.

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Beneath a Raptor's Talons

The raptor screeched in elation. her legs buckled, her nether walls convulsed, and her lips shuddered to allow spurts of hot raptor climax to surge past them.

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A Shiny and Gooey New Year

Wedge happily accepted those cocks down his throat and did his best to please the raptor, even bucking his hips out of lust and the desire of axel's cum. the raptor can tell how desperate and thirsty this shiny fox is for his load.

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School Spirit

The raptor even resorted to putting highlights in his hair feathers to attract more attention upward, away from his feet with the 'odd-looking' long hooked claws. by what he could tell from the new school, he was the only raptor there.

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Raising an S-Pet Raptor: Entery 1

Josh - human, raptor caretaker, boyfriend & room-mate to amanda, mate to jysper. jysper - s-pet raptor, imprinted upon josh, mated to josh&amanda. !!!warning disclaimer!!! : read at your own discretion.

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Following The Heart, Part 9

Being cut off from their leader, however, only seemed to spur the mixed forces further, cutting down teal-cloaked raptor after raptor.

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