Angenehme Schmerzen

Das grosse männchen näherte sich ihr von hinten. er stellte sich über sie und leckte mit seiner zunge über ihre nackenfinnen. sie spürte seinen kopf an ihrem und lehnte sich leicht dagegen.

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No One Knows Me Like You

"that's fucking gross. i told you to stop doing that you dweeb." "and i told you," he said as he shrugged, "that's big talk from someone who loves to swallow. that's gross." "it's not gross, you taste amazing. speaking of swallowing..."

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(Optional Chapter) Aromatherapy

But instead of being grossed out, it made my pussy just throb. i think my brain got my personal stank wired in my brain to the stank of sex. either way, i was turned the fuck on. i took another sniff, then another.

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"god, they're gross. your dick is as pretty as they are gross, but i really don't have any need for either your dick, or the bugs. so i'm trading in that gross and pretty stuff, mixing it together." the bird waggled his eyebrows.

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the chainsaw trials (ch.2)

(inside the room) in here its gross as can be with mold bone fleash eye balls and other gross shit. "who is this guy?" i ask myself. i hear my bf outside calling for me he sounds desperately worried. "adam!!!," he calls "adam!!!

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The Other Side

At first the thought grossed her out, but the strong musky scent quickly filling the stall, fogging her brain, told her it wasn't gross, that it would be nice, that it would taste good, that it was expected of a good wolf bitch.

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(Trade)A Chimera's Demise

How gross!" bamboo said as she was unable to move. bamboo decided to endure the grossness that was this. the amount she had left a minor distortion from her stomach. it was not big, but it was not going anywhere due to ziggs's cock plugging her up.

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The Horatio Chronicles 1: The Cement Walkway (Petrification)

Such a gross and humiliating way to die! frankie was going to be trapped in there for the rest of his life, just like everyone else here, and he'd get to listen to dozens of new tourists come by and get shoved in, just like him.

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Five Dragons: DLvP Kapitel 4: Die Schattenseite der Grossstadt

Roland schritt an die grosse wanne heran und hielt prüfend eine hand ins wasser. die flüssigkeit strahlte eine angenehme temperatur aus.

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Open Office - Chapter 1

Jacob groaned, grabbing the nearby pillow and holding it over his face. He tried his best to drown out the blaring of his alarm clock, to no avail. Giving in, his paw swatted out toward his side, trying to find the damned thing to shut it off. It took...

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A Bad Batch of Lobster

Joshiah didn't know there was something so lewd going on in the corner, because he was now a lobster out of water, and his brain was appropriate to the change, making him every bit as stupid as he was gross.

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"His Best Nightmare" - Story by Kaz

**His Best Nightmare - Story by Kaz** **Chapter 1: It Begins** Deep in peaceful slumber, a male blue dragon stirs slightly. Snow swirls wildly around the windows of his small home. It is a cozy cottage style house, one floor with a small floor...

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