To a New Horizon

"a chai latte for me, and a mocha latte with enough sugar in it to poison a two-ton whale for my mopey roommate," he said seating himself across from ryan, handing the red panda his cup. "here ya go!"

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Er bemerkte nicht einmal wie ihm vor vergnügen das maul offen stand und die eigene latte mittlerweile vollständig aus der felltasche gefahren war.

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The unexpected watcher

Shaking out of it i order my normal mint latte with caramel and chocolate. brushing my hair from my face i reach down and grab my drink along with chen's and i follow her to a table.

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Kapitel1: Keine Erinnerung

Mein blickfeld weitete sich aus und konnte seine immer noch voll ausgefahrene latte sehen.

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The Tails of Graduation - Part (2/9)

Then, when i found the book and we got back to my desk, she offered to get me a latte for my trouble." "uhh, that is pretty odd." i thought for a moment. "what did you end up getting?"

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 17: Social Statistics Homework

Oh well, nothing like a cup of green tea latte to accompany him doing his homework. he unlocked the door to his dorm room and walked inside, turning the lamp on and taking his jacket off.

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Dämonische Zeiten - Teil 4 - Kanes Sicht

Plötzlich bemerke ich wie meine eigene steife latte seltsam zu wackeln beginnt, etwas dass sie noch nie gemacht hat. nein, es ist nicht nur mein glied, sondern mein ganzer körper der da so vibriert.

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Boys Like You Chapter Two: The Chemicals Between Us

He spent the next thirty minutes sitting on the school monument, feet dangling in the air off the side of the marble stone as he smoked and drank his latte.

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Roscoe - Meet the Weredog Character

The latte-shaded splash in his fur is incandescent in the snow-reflected sunlight, making the darker portions over the malamute's head look like impatient shadows.

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Rocket and Ghazan 2: The Infinity Love

Cried rocket but it was two latte, ghazan turned into dust! "promise me you will live and let live!" cried ghazan as he embraced his lover, but he turned into smoke so he only filled rocket's lungs with bitterness and regret.

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Drekes und Juro Kapitel 1

\* \* oh ja , davon bekomme ich ne latte. \*, antwortete drekes und ã¶ffnete sein maul.

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