Marla Chapter 16 - The Gathering Storm

** _ you are all under arrest for acts of terrorism, sedition and treason against the elysium government. you will be taken into custody, processed and sent to retraining facilities. do not resist!" the voice said.

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Ein Wolf in der Falz - For King and Country

For this act of negligent treason and willful sedition, you are to be summarily executed." drake just continued to smile. "take him outside and shoot him!" putzkammer yelled, his brutish goons dragging drake outside into the snow.

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Of Wolf and Yote

You've been detained for trespassing on government property and sedition. oh, and murder." "murder?"

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Stranded Part I

The tigress was prepared to become immediately hostile at such questions, but the shepherd had asked it in a tone of pure curiosity rather than sedition. "aw, now that would be telling, now wouldn't it?"

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Marla Chapter 10 - The Orgy

"the government threw everyfur out and sent us home with orders to keep our muzzles shut under pain of being charged with sedition. the unspoken threat was we were all going to disappear if anything got out. "i am not complaining too much.

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Before the Gardens

The military and civilian leadership of the native rebellion will surrender to face trial and consequence for their sedition, with the understanding that no punishment is to be visited on those followers below the rank of general or the position of town mayor

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Metempsychosis III, part 2 - Alswaram, Raven, Lancer, Reiken and Sorvaa'hr

The tensions keep increasing as the days ago by and we cannot afford to have lemuria in a bigger state of sedition than it already is.

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The Beastmaker's Quest - THEOKRIOS

A few of them even made a point of having already dealt with any 'lingering sedition' in their towns, just to make it clear that there was no need for her to send her military to 'help' - words that made her think of witch-hunts and street-justice, while shivers

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Stellar Dreams Chapter 9

"high captain..." her face filled the view screen, "i am formally charging you with treason, sedition, and betraying your service oath. you are not only letting the pirate n'tanya tsarchon get away, but i know you helped her!"

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Vandals to Vanguards

"since last hearing elsie vedas is hereby formally charged with fourteen additional counts of sedition, obstructing the administration of justice, misprision of treason, misprision of a felony, aiding and abetting, and treason.

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He is wanted for questioning for dozens of petty thefts, racketeering, sedition, privateering, drug smuggling, and is a suspect in two ongoing murder investigations.

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Red Twilight Long Distance Runners Free E-book Download

He is wanted for questioning for dozens of petty thefts, racketeering, sedition, privateering, drug smuggling, and is a suspect in two ongoing murder investigations.

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