August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Second Part

If anyone wanted to surf, today would be perfect. when i got back to our spot, i saw that only a pile of bags were left there along with juuichi-san.


In the Grotto...

He moved slowly along the cliff side of his favorite surf spot, sporting nothing but swimming trunks and board in big hand. it was days like these that he preferred to venture into the surf, and only this particular spot suited his interests.

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The Tail Underground - Crossing over

I lay there on the beach letting the surf lick at my feet, eyes close enjoying the 'afterlife,' my ears listening to the gentle surf and rustling of the trees, when i recieved a bad premonition tingling down my spine.

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Winter Waves

Lilith let go he began to "surf" down her massive tongue.

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Chapter 1: I'm Not Your Brother

He slammed it on the receiver and went back to channel surfing. tammy stared at him angrily. she leaned over to snatch the phone back, but david held out his arm. "cut it out, you jerk!"

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Fanasy Island

It's nothing but sun, surf, swimming and sex for them. comments appreciated, after all that's what keeps me writing!

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The rest the ocean will not say, it hides its secrets and stories away, buries beneath the surf and foam a world of lore and sunken tome.


Shark Attack!

"i need to go surfing more often." he mumbled as he lapped the cum off of his hand.

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Do You Want To Find Out How I Got My Nickname: "Orion the Protector?"

When the storm sends waves north, in what's known as a south swell; oceanside, california gets larger surf than other local areas.

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Not much of a yard really, it opened out to a beach where he spent many hours exploring, surfing and swimming.

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