Assisted Regicide 01

His clothes were over close to the door, where valencia was almost certain to step in soon. he could fly up to his bed and fake sick, but valencia was the one person on the ship he couldn't lie to.

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Preparing for the Shoot

It was trisani and valencia, both bundled up in winter wear. "come on, valencia invited us and we're heading out to hers and ilorek's ranch for some hot cocoa. you should totally come with. get dressed, we're leaving in a few minutes."

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Kaiju Dragon Reborn Chapter 5

"and valencia is apparently one of the best psychics the emperor and empress know of. so ilorek helped fidget with her memories and valencia helped me with mine. that's when we both uncovered the truth.

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Beachfront Fisting

Art - mikial writing - runa ilorek and valencia - runa just a cute little quickie about ilorek's bondage fisting session. i tell ya, valencia loves it rough, and knows how to spice up a vacation.

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Transformation Therapy Part 1

valencia was that psychic. beyond her were a handful of others that ranged from folks that ezra did recognize to ones that ezra did not.

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Ceylon A'Merone: Dalonian Godfather of Transformation NSFW

Ilorek, keran, and valencia travelled to koluma and ijimu. yelena and sanfrit returned to yelfrit in disguise due to them being perceived as deceased.

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Comforting Reflections

valencia said with a wink, picking up the receipt between claws painted scarlet. her daughter tensed, fearing this topic.

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Shells 00-01 - Hatchday Party at The Ranch

valencia hopped off ceylon's shoulders and followed since she loved that sort of thing, too.

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Permanent Potion Effects Chapter 1

"i'm valencia, and i'll be your mind-fucker for the evening." once again, ceylon looked like they were about to say something, but valencia's quip made mae laugh so the gryphon simply shook their head and shrugged, defeated.

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S1 Ep10- Victor's backstory

Backstory- he is the youngest child of the shield family with many older siblings,valencia (31),valerie (28),abby (27),lucas & larry (25), ryan james and kevin (22).

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