Examination, Nightmare

The choke hold was released, but hunter still couldn't move for some reason! dammit.....someone help! "prepare to feel the hell i went through!" exile/alma shouted.

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All in the family.txt

They had a choke hold on the city since far before i was born, and now i belonged to them. i often wonder what my mother did that they would do what they did, but in all honesty, by the age they told me, i was slightly detached from the idea.

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“Grandma, there’s a wolf here for dinner…” Part 2

Seconds later he was wrapping his huge arm around my neck like a choke hold and giving me a noogie. "bite me!" he laughed.

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The Pokemon Journey -- Back to Viridian City -- Pt. 2

The machoke wouldn't stop talking as it soon manuevered the fight where he got kelly in a choke hold. "all our masters just want to use us," he said. "soon, after he has no use for you, your master will abandon you." "never!" said kelly.

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The Ultimate Breakthrough

The figure reemerged from the water from behind me, and took hold of me in a choke hold. its free hand reached within its robe, and pulled out a sharp looking knife i've never seen before. *whack!!!*the figures grip loosened on me.

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A Fated Reality-Chapter 11

A mysterious figure appeared in front of the announcer, choke-holding him. "who are you?!" i cried as me and cynthi-mycoshi stopped our handshake.

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Twenty-Two: Chapter 1

Using the arm that was trying to break me free of the choke hold, i reached back and down and grabbed the man right between the legs and squeezed as hard as i could.

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Finale of the Taboo Market Industry's Fall, Part 1 - Deeper and Closer to the Taboo Market Industry's Core

However, after mark crushed his throat with one choke hold on him with one grab, arco's lungs were heavily burned by their own flames, but used a forbidden bankai to manipulate his blood cells' oxygen levels.

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Jeremy 070; Last straw

Jeremy was forced to maintain a choke-hold on his brother until he was passed out on the floor of the common hallway. several of their neighbors had opened their doors to see what was going on.


Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Fifteen

I could almost hear the crunch of vertebrae as mel stepped out from cover and grabbed one poor dog in a choke-hold before using her prodigious strength to snap his neck like a rotten twig.

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Patron Reward Roundup - April 2023

He pulled me into a choke hold and yanked me around, dragging me back towards whatever hole he'd come from. i managed to plant myself, stand my ground, and wriggle myself out of his grip just enough to keep me from losing consciousness.

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