Shooting Star

Concentration wasn't a strong point for her, which was going to be problematic since the suit was largely controlled through a biomechanical link with her mind.

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 1

"'made by mason biomechanics corp.'" the panther read the thin words stamped into the shoulder plate of the arm. "this is a finely constructed apparatus." "it is." cross agreed. "though, i think i should upgrade for the waterproof plating.

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Lugiabot 2.0

My "nanites" are designed to turn human flesh into biomechanical circuitry.

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Day Dreams

The internet was abuzz, of course, but only with strange messages about weird things: biomechanical-fusion, multi-consciousness entities, nanites, all originating from ips in one city.

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Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 3

He knew far more than most about the biomechanics of sex than most men. he knew that (mostly) women didn't get off just from having something sliding between their legs.

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Solving The Fertility Crisis

This time it was clear that it would be impossible for him to fuck her with her belly this huge, it simply wasn't biomechanicly possible.

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An Island No More

With great interest, juliana studied the alien biomechanics of the creature's stealthy gait as he prowled around her. the beast placed each foot down gingerly to avoid making any noise. he began to growl softly, deep in his throat.

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Ordering Delivery (Safe Version)

First barbed needle into his left temple; the barbs both connected into drone's nerves and prevented the needle from being pulled out, while the metal was also coated in a polymer that further cemented the device in drone's connective tissue and promoted biomechanical

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Another Year Begins

"in this course we will study a broad range of topics including but not limited to life history, behavior, whole-organism performance, functional morphology, biomechanics, anatomy, biochemistry, endocrinology, classical physiology , and molecular evolution

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Mortality Prologue and Chapter 1

While his degree in biomechanics gave him opportunities in other fields - possibly medicine - he had opted to use his knowledge in chemicals into his cooking as well, becoming one of a self-styled chef of molecular gastronomy.

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In case of emergency

The composite plates and their biomechanical muscles added to his already substantial bulk. it made him look slightly like a machine... which wasn't _entirely_ inaccurate. he didn't really know much of this.

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