"you'll be working tonight and tomorrow as easter bunnies for the city-wide children's easter egg hunt, benefiting several local charities. it's your job to hide all the eggs, and i want you to do it by 'laying them', just as you've been practicing!
Anal, Babysitter, Bareback, Bat, Bisexual, Blow Job, Brothel, Bunny, Child_whore, Collar, Cub, Cum, Cunnilingus, Dachshund, Daughter, Deep Throat, Dildo, Dog, Domination, Dominatrix, Dungeon, Egg Laying, Feeldoe, Female, Femdom, Fox, Horse, Incest, Inversion, Leash, Lesbian, MILF, Masturbation, Mother, No_gag_reflex, Oral, Orgasm, Oviposition, Pet, Pony, Pre-Teen, Seduction, Sex Slave, Sex toys, Single mom, Single mother, Sister, Slave, Slavery, Son, Spanking horse, Sterility, Straight, Submissive, Teen, Vaginal, Vibrator, Vixen, Voluntary_slavery, Whore, Wolf, bj, cum inside, cunt, dom, gape, mistress, no panties, public sex, slut