Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3

"before you are given your order's grim, i came here personally to share with you that your promotion has gone through... you are now rightfully a major in the iszan mobile force."

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Military Doctrines and Attributes, and the Road to War

It is quickly apparent that the revolution has been fostered and well organized for quite some time, and bengaria has to mobilize its military to respond effectively.

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Metempsychosis - Part 3 - A Dramatic Turn of Events

Mechanical activator or not, he could not bear to think his shark was gone and no mobile unit was going to be able to make up for this.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 14.5

Gwen put her mobile phone away and made her way past the crowd of passengers towards her plane. janice was following along when she noticed someone familiar at a café. it was the vixen with her ski mask off.

Opponents of Dusk Chapter 2;First day in battle...

I did as he said and hopped on the back of scruffs snow mobile and hoped to god he wasn't drunk. we rode about a mile ahead of the convoy and parked our snow mobiles and got off the road and just sat there looking and waiting.


Change of Perspective Page 34

"we agree," reply all of the mobile hubs from the ship. the other mobile hubs showed curiosity about what occurred, but it was not a fear or an alarm, just a general curious interest. "consensus achieved," all the geth state in unison.

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Beau - Chapter Six

"give me your mobile," he asked suddenly. "excuse me?" "trust me." he slipped his own mobile out, popped the back off and dislodged the battery. he popped the back off mine and looked. "good. they are the same type.

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The mark ii mobile armor was a wholly new form of mechanized weaponry from previous concepts, utilizing bipedal locomotion for mobility as opposed to tracked or wheel based propulsion.

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classroom 4b

"now if you go straight you will get your sweater" minogue cycled across the intersection, she tried the voice of hatred mobile to understand, but in one way or another there was a fault on the line.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 38 - West Virginia

Another fjord truck, only it had a muddy brown paint job, happened to be parked right beside the mobile home.

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