He Who Would be Master: Prologue and Chapter 1

He'd been told time and again that these things weren't real, he'd had some sort of psychosis. but... he liked believing in them, these boogies and muses and imaginary-friends.

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Chapter I: Like Clockwork

._ pushing the initial signs of psychosis out of his head, he reached into the pocket of his jacket and fished out a small, glass cube that was surprisingly sturdy.

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[DolphinSanity] Paper Tiger (Yes, Commodore: Book 2, Epilogue)

The undergrowth of the jungle fringe unfolded around Harry, the edges of his vision hazy as he ran -- his stamina endless, but still no guarantee of sufficient speed as he navigated the tangle of plant life. He _had_ to get to the ritual site and stop...

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Filling His Rubber Paws (4/10)

Though the original host was eventually apprehended the creature had spread to nearly a dozen different people, which all began to manifest the same symptoms of intense psychosis in order to deal with their newfound drive to get what they wanted.

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The Runt: A Virtual World

Large, dripping words proclaimed "zombie psychosis". tod watched in surprise as dante leaned sideways and snatched up a controller, while eric, shade, and sheila grabbed the other three.

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Daddy Issues Part 1

The broken air conditioner meant his room was far too cold, and the torturous miracle of jetlag was that you could be physically and mentally exhausted to the point of psychosis, but that your body could still decide that you will eat sleepless shit for yet

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 2

He seemed perfectly normal; no one could have told whether he and othello shared the same psychosis! though, by now, othello was starting to doubt either of them were crazy.

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She was a lawless demon with no small amount of psychosis, but she was -his- demon! he ended up giggling, especially when he realized that whole ordeal was her idea of a romantic night. "love you too, evil crazy me."

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Nightwalkers Part 2

Individual is a sociopath, shows signs of psychosis, paranoid schizophrenia, and severe manic depression. lethal force advised, suspect knows key information about the agency. * * * **humanity protection agency.** security level 1.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 15

Aside from psychosis, few have anything beyond an adolescent education, their average intelligence quotients are below normal by two to three standard deviations, and all but one are illiterate in any language...though that was expected."

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Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - The Pain of Another Year Ch. 2 (Justin's Tale Pt. 4)

But even before he fell ill, justin spoke about his symptoms and what he was feeling, which all told of a tale of psychosis and dissociation that was even more terrifying than a horror film.

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