Black Silence 3

Abd al krim said in broken english with a sneer. carla gave him a cold stare. the jackal walked back and forth in front of her looking her up and down. "a female infidel that is unkillable?

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The Art of Chance: Three

Lee even attempted to talk with him in broken english on occasion; something he had never seen him do with another customer. their plates arrived in front of them shortly and they both examined the dishes with ravenous eyes.

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Timeless Vacation (Book9, Chap3)

I am not having of the condom," he said in broken english. she snatched one of his hands and brought it to her breast. in a commanding tone, she said, "fill me up. _do it_." and, finally, euphoric bliss. not for her - not this time.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 114: Something Only You And I Know (Revival Part Five)

The lady coyote said in broken english. "excellent." gabrielle said with a devious smile. "now how can we divide the responsibilities?" the farmer's wife took a good look at lady ursa, sorren, lurie and myself.

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Puzzle Heart - Chapter 6

I think one guy, some dirty, fat old spaniel with enough paunch to lay a table on, gave us one look and suggested - in very, very broken english - that we should visit one of the bars in nicho, district 2.

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Kioga: Diaplomacy 5 - A Silly Museum

Kioga and ceylon giggled, then had to smile when there was a group of portly northerly-midwesterners in hawaiian shirts, then a distinctly stereotypical chinese or japanese couple (broken english and photography fetish), and a foursome giggling in french and

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Between: Chapter 1 - Runaway

A thick eastern european accent clashed against her broken english. i nearly jumped out of my skin as i whipped around. looking at the right lounge. the sheep from the painting stood in the archway. smiling as she slowly made her way towards me.

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Bada-Ping, Bada-Boom

The chinese agent said in only slightly broken english. "i know you a mutt, but i expected mow fum a woof award recipient." she narrowed her eyes and flattened her short, pointed ears.

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Inkerman Street - Part 5

Like the old greek tigress two doors down who would feed me dolmades and spanakopita and tell me in decidedly broken english about her time on the run with ellas.

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Table Seven

This is the worst animal at the table and apparently he is also the only one that can speak a little broken english. he likes to slam his chips down every time he bets. he is also very clever at giving me compliments like, "you suck!

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That rough voice taunted in broken english, even as cameron felt a warm, flowing heat pulsing into his backside. it filled his guts up... with more and more warm fluid snaking it's way deep into his bowels.

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In broken english, the waiter tells us to enjoy our meal. "alright guys, go for it." says frank sr. signaling us to get our food. whatever looks good winds up on my plate. from chicken and broccoli to dim sum. my plate fills up fast.

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