Training the Jock Part 2

It made her horny as fuck, and she bit his lips until he screamed and she tasted blood to add to the tang. breaking the kiss, she looked into his confused and terrified eyes and kissed his nose. "nice start stud, but now you need to do it properly.

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Why I am convinced mermaids exist!

"i became horny as fuck", she admitted in a whisper. my dick was standing like a champ. holy shit, this story just grew hotter in an instant and it couldn't be any worse timing.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 51

"i thought that's just when they git horny as fuck."   "no, that's only when they're in human form. but when they're in the ocean..."   "kay... so what's you're point?"   "sometimes, jamal... as much as i really, really love him..."

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The One - Part 02

I'm horny as fuck, a little bit buzzed, and i want you. in my ass," stephen said, settling back onto his knees. charlie's heart jumped for the hundredth time that evening. "now!"

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Party Like It's 1999

She is horny as fuck, her vent glistening and warm. groaning, i slide my hand to her pussy, rubbing her. but what i really want is a taste. sliding down, i push my nose up to her scaled cunt, taking advantage of a dog's large, warm tongue.

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Scout's Summer Vacation

All that fucking made me horny as fuck." she leaned back, getting comfortable as she spread her legs wide. "you both better get to eating before i turn your asses to jelly." "yes ma'am."

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Splitting the Advantage

You're an adult, you're a long way from your parents, and you know exactly what happens when a boy cat and a girl possum are horny as fuck. now. answer my question." "he... i mean.... we've... never done it."

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He Brought a Well Endowed Friend, Part V

They didn't know what it meant to be horny-as-fuck. they didn't know what being horny meant at all! and there was something inside me. it was that lustful part in me, that same part with the outrageous, insatiable sex drive. it grew, and growled.

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The Royal Bed Bunny

Oh, and also horny as fuck. i'm not sure if i was horny because of her but it does seem possible. i'm not even sure if i'm attracted to girls in that way, to be honest. i think i like boys and girls, but there's no word for that.

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The Dream Come True

"sorry, i was just thinking... and now i'm horny as fuck," chiaro said, rubbing his brow. "do you, uh, need some help with that?" fuck, he wished. he wanted nothing more than to climb on walnut and get hollowed out. maybe it wasn't such a big deal.

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Elora and Spyro

Feeling horny as fuck, and figuring that he had nothing real to lose here, he had propositioned that elora helps him with his heat. and after some persuasion, she had agreed.

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