The Cold Dawn Chapter: 8

While everyone tried to forget about what was going to happen in a far off distant corner of the digital world, in a dark castle and sitting on top of a golden throne with a pile of treasure under it was a masked wizard looking in to a magical mirror watching

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 4

Spyro continued the train of thought, gazing at the crystal in cloudas' chest as if it would be a magical mirror ready to tell the future "you found the lock my friend" "that reminds me that we still have another part of our mission to finish" danox

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Jahaliya: Birthing Day

"i've linked this with the queen's magic mirror--" "not the poacher queen!" lydra cleared her throat. "begging your pardon, your highness, but i meant our queen. your husband's mother?" "oh." robin rolled her eyes at jasmine's ejaculation.

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The Hard Working Minotaur 4

She started putting her magic mirror to work. meanwhile back in the living room. bear, the bear, sat watching nature shows. the current story happened to be my pandas boyfriend doesn't love me.

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 13

Then he opens a portal to look at the magic mirror he sent towards forest town, and finds anuvia still flying around checking villages and having fun terrorizing people, jacob chuckles at that then decides to visit the goddess and mirabelle who is studying

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All A Quiver

"magical mirror cabins? how come i don't know about this?" he could feel the darkness throbbing at the edge of his consciousness. knew he had to keep himself awake.

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Deviant Delights #13 - Changing Gears

"you mean you need some time to think without a magic mirror telling you everything you already know." "yeah. that," seth said, realizing where he was. he knew where to go from here, taking a left turn as he headed toward the bar.

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Doe White and the Seven Badgers

After they were married, she took to one of the towers to set up her room, with potions and spells, and a magic mirror. the mirror that could talk, telling nothing but the truth.

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An Indecent Disposal

In fact, if my brother and i stood across from the two dragons, it would be like looking into a magic mirror and seeing what we would look like as a different species! feratl laughed, pointing at me with a dark blue talon.

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New Arrivals

But that wasn't what he was after, and if he'd tried to follow up with a disabling spell, _that_ would have bounced off the magic mirror just fine.

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From Partners to Lovers

"i just don't want to be a burden to this team, with my weird magic mirror abilities now. it seems no matter what tricks i do, i will always be weak." chojuro stopped in his tracks and looked at his partner.

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Corrupted Candyland

"magic mirror that knows all, show me the visitors six, and what they are doing." just before the reflection faded, king saccharum saw tmc pulling at the zipper to his human disguise, followed by a few rather frustrated 'baa'ing sounds.

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