Minced Love

During the passage of time, steele would join them when eating and sleeping. it took some time to fully lower his guard around them and the other canine's didn't press him. but that didn't stop rodger from sneaking into his bed occasionally.

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Loving Breeding: Dragon Passion in the Sun (erotic eBook teaser)

It was as tender as a lover's kiss as the water tickled over the sand and the pebbles, worn smoother and smoother by the passage of time, and she lazily rolled onto her back, exposing the lighter blue scales of her underbelly, grains of damp sand clinging

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Part III: Warm

When one actually stopped to pay attention to the passage of time and the sequence of events within a certain frame it was rather interesting to play back a scene in one's head and realize the transitional points from something to something were just so abrupt

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The Unintended Curse ch11

Two...maybe three years ago, i can't really recall the passage of time that well anymore, " i went into detail of how i'd saved the elf from the bandits/highway-men, was accidentally cured into my blob form, how i was able to survive by learning

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Farm Boy

He lost track of the passage of time, the only was he kept track was by watching the golden retriever girl in front of him. every day her belly would grow fuller, and fuller until one night john came in and helped give birth to the pup inside of her.

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Werecollie Emergence

He'd caught her scent briefly at first but given the passage of time that warmly intoxicating odor became harder to ignore until he was completely fixated on it, drawn to it's source and brazenly pressing his cool snout right up under her tail.

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Unleashing the Night (An MLP Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

It was almost noon when celestia came to, not having been fully unconscious per se but so zoned out and fatigued by her pleasure that she had entirely lost track of the passage of time.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 21

Tristan preferred doing, he didn't feel the passage of time quite as acutely then, but now he used the time more productively. he'd run a few security sweeps of the area.

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Null House

He had no way to pinpoint the passage of time. he floated there, stroked and treated like nothing more than a toy, forced to feel the pleasure of tentacles and disembodied hands on his body. "ahn..." he mumbled.

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Dragon Lust

The big dragon growled as if he wanted to lay his head back, horns brushing the stones, yet the pebbles were worn smooth already by the passage of time and there was little that could be placed there suitable to harm either dragon in the slightest.

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Chapter 1: Hibernation Sickness

Not only would they have to occupy themselves for 15 years with little to do, but they'd have to age all that time, while everyone in cryostasis didn't really experience the passage of time. so it was decided to split the tenure into 3 shifts.

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Little Red Shaman Squirrel

He had so much fun picking the marijuana plants, that he wasn't aware of the passage of time. veverka, tassa, and teasport were already near jukrit's cottage. "there you are, son," said veverka.

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