A Dragon's Love: Exploration

She whimpered a little and parted her lips to try and apoligize for what she was doing and ask not to be punished, but nothing past them but her mother's tongue which sought out her own and explored it's mass.

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Exploring New Territory

He does, however, love the eager admiration, and is perfectly content to allow the orca to explore his rear as he likes.

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Exploring the Market (Cub)

**exploring the market** the hot day had many people wearing less clothes than usual, but none so little as what andy bunneh was wearing. which was to say, nothing.

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1 - Brian explores

A message popped onto the screen above his chat. [Come down for dinner] He replied quickly, then said good bye to his friends. Another window popped up [Bring Julie Ann with you] He sighed and relied again, then shut the lid to his computer and headed...

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A new world to explore.

Alan reached out and grasped the hand rail of the gangplank, a sigh leaving his lips as he leaned heavily against the cool, slick, metal guard rail. This was the main reason he tried to avoid traveling by ship, the rolling motion made him incredibly...

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Exploration Into the Deep Unknown

Three days into her journey, and her water had already run out. Three days before, she'd been packing in tears, determined to leave her home at the news of her intended's refusal. After accepting her proposal, after one long, loud party with his...

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Urban Exploration IV

#4 of urban exploration brian wakes in the tunnels after giving alex a feeding, and a last reluctant kiss. things dont go quite to plan though, and alex faces a desperate decision.

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Urban Exploration III

#3 of urban exploration the third installment in the series about a modern day werewolf...and his need for seed from a sexy human. many questions answered. including one very big question, with a surprising answer. and quite a lot of sex.

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Urban Exploration II

#2 of urban exploration a sequel to urban explorationhttps://www.sofurry.com/view/718721 brian comes home from hospital...to be cared for by his new friends. megan he can understand, she feels guilty at least. but what is the mysterious alex after?

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Exploring Fetishes - Hypnosis

This involves myself and my mate lost exploring one of my personal kinks, while enjoying one of his. it involves goo, hypnosis, and gay anal and oral sex.

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Explorations - Part 2

explorations - part 2 nicky just finished her lesson about biology. it was quite boring and she almost fell asleep. she wasn't tired or anything, just the boredom of the lesson itself.

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The explorer and the free-runner

The explorer and the free-runner disclaimer: this story is for adults **only**. dedicated to all free-runners and urban explorers out there (both full-time and the 'first-timers' who are exploring abandoned places out of curiosity).

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