Misplaced By Type - Chapter 9: Conflicts Clashing

"alright you two, you can stop being kissy-kissy." flin said from the dining table. "not unless i give him better kisses." she said instantly as she flew and lunged at me.

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Getting Familiar

kissy kissy!" he bounds about happily, but then suddenly stops. "oh! does... this mean izzy and sorel are gonna mate?" he tilts his head curiously, "who is gonna mount who?" both isaiah and sorel turn a shade of red.

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Experimental Potions & Side Effects

Frida making kissy faces while, as per usual, tabitha's tongue lashed at another set of unseen lips. at least she trained her daughter well in that department, even if she'd hoped for grand-phoxes one day.

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Four's Company

Again, the girl giggled, and made a kissy-face up at him, which only made him laugh. taking a pendulous breast in each paw, she wrapped them around his stiff dick, squeezing them together, enveloping his tool in her soft flesh.

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Buyon Is A Girl?

"make kissie face for mommy." said buyon playfully, puckering up her big lips. goku was clueless to what a kiss was as buyon planted a big kiss on his lips, this was all new to goku because he's never been kissed before.

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Amber Alert

When he looked to her, he found such a look of lust upon her face, that she was still making a kissy expression. she barely broke her gaze of him, but more and more, her body was submitting to instinct. her vagina was burning with desire.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 14

"i bet you wanna give me a kissy kiss now don't you?" he made kissing sounds with his lips as i glared harder.

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Daisy and Boss: 17 - Take Two Steps Back

Dani leaned over the table and reached out to boss's face, making little kissy noises at him. "here kitty kitty, it's okay..."

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Chapter 11

Yuri and enya sat on the bed, each cradling a little one and making kissy faces at it. yaholo drew near, watching the infants curiously. yuri offered to give him mio, but enya cried, "not where his paws have been!"

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Kid Game

When he pulled himself out of the center of your kissy-face, it left a strand of his liquid seed connecting the tip of his cock to your puckered lips.

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Legendary Chaos - Chapter 5: Shocking News

His lips were being blocked in a kissy way. in response, ash's mouth took up the kissing seriously. shaymin was surprised to find ash kissing her back.

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