Felicia's Fancy 03 Strip Club Thank You

\*closes eyes and smiles as she sticks her tongue out.\* well again i went for the v.i.p. and so did that milotic and ponyta. the umbreons, scizor, and lucario went for the lap dance.

Home Late

She glanced around the room and noticed toys on the carpet and a rocking ponyta in the corner by the closet. she then looked down at the purple blanket she sat on and gathered that this was a young girl's room.

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The Rock Cookie - Tyranitar TF

As he wandered through the grassy pathway that was route 28, he could see various different pokémon lying in wait - ponyta, dodrio, arbok...all of them were high level, and would no doubt give him a bit of practise before he made his way into the mountain

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New Dawn Chapter 2: Swarm

While we were there, i noticed a rather life-like red \*ponyta\* plush laying on hir bed. shi mentioned it was actually a \*pony\* from another world, and another of hir five mates.

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Rest, Rut, Repeat

Among them were two pidgeys acting like antagonistic but inseparable twins, a foal ponyta whose mother rapidash lurked close by, watching cj with skepticism but no malice unless provoked, and a butterfree whom was her favorite of all.

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Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 7 Halloween Special.

The team consisted of the evolved form of ponyta, rapidash; an evolved form of charmander, charmealon, and a flareon. both teams only have a few seconds left to light the last pyre and win the competition.

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Adamant 04: Sweet Pleasures

Instead i used kai, serenity, and ponyta to get plenty of practice against the wild pokemon. it would have been nice to still have machop, but there wasn't anything i could do about him running off.

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Sex by a lake

"oh good, i was worried it might be a ponyta" she says with a smile as both of them start laughing. the end

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Their first time

On the screen the rapidash is bent over and servicing several well hung ponyta. the end

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Ash's Loyal Charmeleon

From the back not even minding his flame, for charmander had the ability to only burn those it wanted to, just like ponyta and rapidash.

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My New Best Friend: The Injured Puppy

His loyal prinplup, his energetic ponyta and his noble staraptor formed his team. alex had won four gym badges already, but decided to quit traveling to go back to school. he was anxious, and couldn't way till vacations started to continue his journey.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 3: My Great Dream(that any normal five year old wouldn't have)

With pokemon with various sunkern gliding through the forests, bellossom dancing in some of the meadows, chimecho messing around with some of the nearby park goers & also some of the pollywhirls in the lake and at night, there would be carriages pulled by ponytas

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