Unstable Future - Chapter 9

Those prints may have belonged to wild anthros, but nobody was betting on that one. especially since the prints were headed in the same direction that we were.

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in a pack part 10

For them to see a set of tracks ,of wolfs prints dragging something down the snow path. you could just make out sabre paw prints,while a layer of blood coated the tracks.

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Jackal; A Twitfic

They paced a slow, deliberate circle, inspecting your body with printed-on eyes. prodding you with their inflated snout.

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The Search

I found four prints, covering an area of about 100 meters. i've spent like two hours sketching the best print and the surrounding area.

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Survival Of The Fittest

Flanking each print was a larger, fresher print, laid by a zoroark. his eyes focused on tracing the prints to his target.

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Icebound - Chapter 5

The prints of some large beast, like an impossibly large wolf print, were clearly visible in the dirt and mud at the base of the tree. each print was as wide as his hand with fingers outstretched. he shivered. dire wolves were a very real danger.

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Nineteen

"we are ready to give you the printed copies. they are available only as printed because you locked our server. where can we meet?"

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An Assassins Life

Ryan looked at his print out then at the raccoon. the raccoon in front of him was far too young to be his target so he smiled wider and bent down a little bit. "is your father home?

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The Outlander 3 31

In time the two warriors had found a paved road, there the paw prints stopped. "can't track prints over stone," said mattimeo. "perhaps we should follow the road," wataru motioned. "are you sure that's wise? what about stormvermin patrols?"

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Jonathan Steed- Risico- Chapter 2

On the slim white card was a rainbow paw print with the words "erotica club" in neat print long with the address. the fox stared up at his superior in disbelief. "erotica?" wilton's upper lip twitched as he patted the fox on the shoulder.

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