Pet Love (Reciprocation)

That was where ilorek and valencia lived; i never quite understood why ilorek agreed to living so high in a tree like that if he couldn't fly naturally.

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The Community

The suspected kidnap victim is none other than rasha valencia. only daughter too the valencia empire at the age of eight-teen. rasha's father is the leader of the countries self defense force.

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A Potion of Exponential Growth

The tallest tree of that area - which stood out as at least ten times the height of the forest - was where ilorek and valencia lived.

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Teaching the Ropes

The last time she felt this happy was when she boarded the storm of the rift for the first time at behest of valencia. she'd been a chef for the royal balican family, and she was miserable there.

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A Shocking Defeat

I'm sure you still have more to give, valencia." she settled back, sitting on the shark's dick, grinding it up between her cheeks.

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Metal Pony Sex Dimension: Chapter IV

His cutie mark was a samurai warrior mask with a valencia rose clutched delicately in its teeth, showing that he was a major badass yet also very sensitive. [author's note: original character. do not steal.]

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #12- Friendly Rivalry Advice

Darren [zeraus] (lion, gm, nwk) and his sister [valencia zeraus (lioness, pg, nwk)]. kinda makes me wonder how much of a 'family' business these fba teams are. and just what the heck i'm doing here sometimes."

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Meet Chiryn Amaet

valencia, i think you called her?" there was a brief pause before vaulix nodded gently. "yeah, she was the one. and her race is called bachier, she doesn't like being called a bat; she just resembles a bat, is all."

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Drac Ch16

'v-valencia.' the rattis said. 'too long.' dienza shook his head. 'i'm gonna call you val.' 'that's fine.' val replied with a nod.

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