Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 89: Something Is Out There.... And It Has Returned.... (You Needed Me Part Five)

The rebel powered on his vehicle, well tried. "come on baby, come on!" he said coaxing the vehicle. "you came to talk to us in this?" i asked as the man desperately tried to start the vehicle.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 33: All You Need Is Now (Places Both Known And Unknown Part II)

"now extend the deflectors to encompass both hover vehicles." my lady bear ordered. "i see that makes us one big vehicle." ms. stern said. "yes, but can overwatch get both vehicles back to the lost city?" "we are about to find out pet."

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Pluck and Determination

Police and swat were pouring out of vehicles and setting up to fire at grypha.

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Adipose City: The Eyes of the Oasis

A vacant lot had been rented out and was filled with a fleet of sandy-colored vehicles. the entire line of al ain transport was essentially on display.

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Hybrid theory- Part 1- Ghost town

He tightened his grip on the weapon as the vehicle surged forwards again, using it to hold on to so he wouldn't fly out the back of the vehicle. "don't hit anything!"

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Integration: Part Eleven

He shook his head rapidly, but before he could say anything more the vehicle slowed to a stop as the convoy halted. chatter over the vehicle's radio came on.

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Siren in the Night

The policewoman stands there silently after she watches the vehicle roll into the overgrown ditch, its frame bending on impact and engine smoking after it comes to a stop.

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Wylde Fyre - Chapter Three

**suv:** sports utility vehicle. any 4-wheel drive vehicle designed for comfort, speed, and luxury, as well a driving off-road and carrying passengers and vehicles. often used also as impromptu utility vehicles by paramilitary and military groups.

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Behind Enemy Lines

On the airman's back was an atr-9, a light anti-vehicle rocket launcher that's capable of knocking out light vehicles and inflicting strong damage against heavy ones with ease.

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Dealing with the boss

Diggs sees a vehicle in the hole. "come on." butch says at the moment of jumping in the vehicle and sitting in the right seat. diggs jumps in the vehicle and he sits on the left seat, the wooden floor closes on the two dogs.

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Subjugation, Ch 7

Herik's vehicle pulled over and came to a full stop when one of the five stepped out onto the path and blocked the vehicle's forward progress. the ralai was bathed in the soft headlights of the vehicle.

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Each company has a platoon of support, equipped with five jeeps weapon mounted kit reconnaissance vehicle wmkrv and five mortar carriers vehicle mcv.
