The Road Before Us

'a christmas carol' or whatever it is." "no, i meant..." he gave the dog a squeeze. "tell you what, i'll explain the full range of deep christmas lore later. after dinner." sam rigney didn't care about christmas any more than dan hayes did.

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Good Enough (Making Dysfunction Function)

He smiled widely as he helped his father and brother trim the tree, enjoying the sound of his mother humming christmas carols, the cocoa his sister made. and, with the tree trimmed and ready to be decorated, he was the first to hang an ornament.

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Diary of the ODST

Some of them were reading mail from home on personal data pads, others were singing christmas carols. one week to go until the whole unwrapping of presents fiasco. somehow gaz was glad he wasn't on earth.

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A Favor Returned

No christmas carols? at least today of all days you'd play carols." "no," said soren firmly. "i really don't like carols. they bore me musically and they're overplayed." those weren't the real reasons.

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They Could Be Angels

Singing christmas carols? don't they have a cold dark flat to go home to?" "crumpet's places are not that bad, really. true, they are small and plain but everything works and he keeps them clean."

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A Good Enough Christmas Story

"don't you even think about trying to christmas carol me! again." "aww, but i was gonna be the ghost of christmas fuck!" asterbury's cackling laughter rolled through the tavern. "could have been worse.

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A White Christmas Knight

As we walked down the metal gantry there was a group of children singing christmas carols, dressed in clothing, that reminds you of those christmas cards you get of carollers from that time...victorians that's it, waste of good credits.

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A Puppy For Christmas

It was a celebration at "bonerz", where they had rave christmas carols and half off egg nogs laced with all kinds of whiskeys and brandies.

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Our Human Masks, Chapter 3

Here was a lupine christmas caroler, falling prey to an overgrown captain before taking the shape of a taut hot dog. and here was a kangaroo, unwittingly fattened beyond measure by furry's sinister-motivated cooking.

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A Polar Bear's Christmas

But he soon discovered that sina had endless ways of making his life miserable, like suggesting that santa would love to hear some toothless toddler's endless rendition of a single misremembered line from a christmas carol or telling the ones that smelled

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