Lunar Enhancement

The food on his plate looked perfectly appetizing, but something about the entire moment felt wrong; it wasn't just the food. Raize was still trying his best to push every forkload into the back of his maw in the hopes of sparing Yukiko's feelings....

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I Think She Likes You

Geronimo could feel it grow so close that taffy was giving it everything she had, sucking him off and licking his huge cock with all she had, her huge tongue was smothering his huge cock with every lick she gave it.

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Dominating a Hellhound Queen

RP from 10-26-2011 Alexandria Rouge-Ryushi, a tall 5'11" chocolate-skinned hellhound queen with a bushy black and red tail, mocking that of a German Shepherd walked around in the Dark City, just walking home. She'd had a long day of watching humans...

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To Hold On To Pt 4

Tyler wanted to keep all of it, but Mrs. Hutchinson said he should just get rid of it, as she wouldn't let him wander around making a mess. He insisted he wouldn't, but he couldn't go two feet without proving that a lie. Their compromise was for him to...

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A very pent up Snivy

# A very pent up Snivy The forests are normally a big place for most Pokemon, even those who can fly, those who can run fast and those that are simply so big they can make huge strides and cover large swathes of land in a few...

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Ma Beagle Has a New Boyfriend

This is a story based on the cartoon called "Ducktales" where Ma Beagle finds herself a young mouse she's immediately got hots for him and wants to show her love to in one way she knows how. Somewhere in the countryside of Duckberg, a comfortable...

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Jake's Sheila Is A MILF?

This is a story based on "The Rescuers Down Under" Jake wishes he had himself a girl friend but his luck changes when he finds himself a hot girl but finds out she's an older woman and treats him like a child. It was almost dark in Australia and Jake,...

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Heavenly Pleasures

Feeling her massively huge and busty tits rub and squeeze his huge cock with her huge tits were feeling amazing to charlie's huge cock and balls, he could hear loud and rubbery like rubbing and squeezing sounds as his huge dick was rubbed and squeezed eagerly

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After effects of growth - part 2

Let me suck your huge cock!" "you sure? everyone is going to see what a slut you are, letting them watch how you work my cock like a pro."

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4. Bath

Twilight led Trixie through the empty halls of the castle. The leashed mare looked around unsurely, trying to get a grip on her surroundings. This place was like a maze for someone who wasn't familiar with it, Twilight knew. That's for the better: it...

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Horny Herm Housewives Book Club

# Horny Herm Housewives Book Club Book clubs are a great way to spend time with friends, that much most people can guarantee you, a few will say that they are boring and kind of cringey at the core, after all the core of the...

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Family Trip 2 Chapter 2

# Family Trip 2: Group assignment Kay was a bit of an odd one among dragons, not because he was too big, too small, too weird or anything, he was just a bit of a loner compared to his wildly more social and friendly kin, preferring to stay by...

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