Chapter 10 - Links To The Past

Munchy stared back at aries a little confused, he had just been infected with a mind-altering weapon, forced to kill colin and yet all aries was interested in was his career? he found that a little strange. "yes... i was just a private back then...

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2:6 The Messenger

It had to be something they had shot him up with, some kind of mind-altering drug that was poisoning his brain. there was no way that the female cat who looked down upon him was real.

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Flight or Friendship

Unlike the ones that he'd been forced to change, those still had their minds. altered, of course; something about what subject #332 had done had let them keep their minds, and had turned them horny as all hell at the same time.

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Don't Mess With Nikki

"mind alteration." nikki said grandly. "and it'll make that little head of your's have a heart, and you're going to be joining the side of light...dim light, but light none the less. we'll be doing the right thing."

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Teaser 2

He could remember a little bit, but it was like looking through a veil; everything was blurry, likely from its relaxing and mind-altering effect. isaac stared up at eris, having just now noticed how close she'd gotten.

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Dragon Story: Flight or Friendship

Unlike the ones that he'd been forced to change, those still had their minds. altered, of course; something about what subject #332 had done had let them keep their minds, and had turned them horny as all hell at the same time.

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2593, Chapter 32

There had been an alcohol dispenser and even a few mind alteration bands. "my family's gotten used to traveling in style over the centuries." "you have the money, so enjoy it?"

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Commission Zone: Sisselixer 2 (Finale)

Sisselixer 2: Free Refill By: Terinas Tiger You are passing through a different dimension than what is known to humankind. It is a dimension as deep as your pockets and full of opportunities. It is the staging ground between fan and...

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Fractured Memories ending

Over the cores of this performance we may choose to utilizes: make up, prosthetics, light manipulation, radio and camera equipment, costumes and mind altering chemicals strictly within limits described by the surgeon general.

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Banged in the Butt: A Birthday Story

Allows great manipulation, dragon mind altered by electric currents -" "oh fuck me..." "yes, that idea." the dragon stood between her legs, and she stared at the massive spire of cock that stood up between them.

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Don't Mess with the Moons 3 [TF/TG]

After a very brief moment of bitter defeat the mind altering serum was injected, and danner's goal in life was now identical to nikki.

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An Infestation in the Herd 5

The hive was very good at making sure that its members were well-supplied with slippery, thick, mind-altering seed, and that was what was dripping from his balls these days.

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