Internal Study

See i was on my suspended animation. my ship got damaged in an asteroid field and thus got me to where i am now. sort of a crash landing. i slept until i had come to a stop and here i am.

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Valley of the rising moons 2

And i was placed in tested tube, chemicals in that tube put me in suspended animation 5 years. during that time, the humans altered my body for the own selfish reasons. they wanted to create the world's first dragon.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 28: Time And Eternity

Lea soon finished her examination and placed the petri dish back into i guess what could be some type of suspended animation storage cabinet and then turned her attention back to sorren and myself. "so how may i help you today?"

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 43

Atarah told him that adam is barely surviving, that she has put him in a moment of suspended animation to keep him alive. all he can hope that the human healers really can save him... ===a day and a half later=== "nnnn..."

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Assimilated Part 2: Cyborgs Fight Back

Every clone we made was put into suspended animation until it was time to "activate" them. we would send them into battle against the cats instead of the originals.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 26: Final Judgement

Anger away to be placed in suspended animation not quite alive and not quite dead- consciously thinking and aware of his actions and what he did wrong for the rest of his existence. (served him right.) "that brings us to you mr. honors."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 23:The Investigation of Mike Anger

"suspended animation." the bull countered she will be frozen alive, aware and conscious with nothing but her thoughts and stay like that the rest of her life- not quite alive but not quite dead either. i wouldn't wish that fate on anyone."

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 25: Can You Feel The Fear? 

I started to state my opposition to his opinion- the many many many many missions i have gone on to assist the knight core, my beastial friends and my lover risking my life and then there was the time i spent in suspended animation in the maximum.

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A Timelord's Beginnings

His tardis rather abruptly ended his suspended animation cycle and with a hard jolt to the tardis, he was dumped out onto the floor. before he could get his thoughts together, the cloister bells rang loudly to alert regarding the impending danger.

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Stars of Time - Cynder's Condition

Being in there preserved both your lives as it keep you both on a state of suspended animation. however, it seems that the time you spent in there somehow took a tool on both of you." he explained, and spyro continued to look at him.

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Emperor's Shadow: Chapter 9

"didn't read this right before, says that he's _actually_ in a state of suspended animation...the spell you disabled would have woken him up." "you mean..." cold slithered down her spine, staring into her victims bloody, destroyed sockets.

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24- Southern Star Station

I'm perfectly willing to part with one of the station's medical stasis pods to keep her in suspended animation until you get to the jedi order- you can keep it afterward, free of charge.

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