2.7 - Best Behavior

She lowered her voice to a private, confessional tone. "we want the same thing." "which is?" "survival." "for its own sake?" he countered. "who says i don't have goals and plans?" "i'm telepathic," he deadpanned.

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The Cycle

In the dark, with only the thin slats of light filtering through the blinds, speaking to a quiet and attentive stranger, the living room had taken on the atmosphere of a confessional. "sounds familiar. there's always nasty people.

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The Telephone Booth, Part II

I have memories of them, of myself clinging to them pouring a cascade of thoughts, expositions of instincts, sensations and affects into the black holes of the receiver in last a ditch confessional.

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The Tutor: Chapter 9

He remembered the many times that he had kachya here, her body on the cool stone floors, in a pew, in the confessional. a heady mixture of blasphemy and lust mingled here, but this wasn't his kachya.

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Crime and Cruel and Unusual Punishment

She continued, speaking about confessionals to be held and rites to be done, but leshana was not listening. she stumbled away from the crowd, tails twisting around her ankles and head whirling. the emperor was a telepath.

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Awakening - Part 10

"something else i have learned, that i hope will amuse you to know," he said in a low, confessional tone, "as much as it has amused me. your special dietary supplement, to help you avoid the irritation of dry climax and so on - you remember?"

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Swiss Mix - Chapter 351-375

I feel much better now," he said, before leaving the confessional and rejoining his family.

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The Final Voyage of Captain Alva - Ch.2

Only when i came upon the room where we had held my confessional did i catch another sound to go along with her cries - like the snapping of leather, or a pathetic crack of a whip. _snap!

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The Final Voyage of Captain Alva - Ch.1

Everyone is free to participate in a confessional. you..." she paused for a moment, as if doting on her next choice of words, "... aren't well versed in our practices, are you?" "n-no, sister," i admitted, and instantly dropped my gaze to the ground.

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Phade and Natalie - Have Faith

 i reached out and grabbed her chin, then pulled her eyes up to mine.â "you're not a damned soul, faith.â and if you don't believe me, i have a priest you can talk to.â one who doesn't paw off during confessional."

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