Late Night Swim

She'd heard plenty of dolphins coming up and initiating sex with swimmers, it was just good fun for them. even had it happen to her a couple times, she knew just what to do.

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The dolphins... you asked if we would lead the dolphins. you gave us a chance to choose. the dragons and those people i saw in the cities. did they have a choice?"

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Dragons and Dolphins - Part 1

Karna continued pushing adleisio deeper until only the dolphin's feet were sticking out of her sex. she let him sit there, wiggling as her walls clenched around him. a purr rose in her throat.

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Gray Ambition

The bull shark removes his fist from gray's belly and begins slugging heavy hooks into the shark-dolphin's maw, whipping his head from side to side like an owl on uppers.

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Strange Shores

She tries to steady herself by grabbing the older cetacean's legs with her hands and the younger dolphin's hips with her legs.

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Aquata Cove - Chapter 28

Merrick turned his head, and smiled as he spotted a distant pod of dolphins. he then undulated his tail to swim forward, and sent out a squeaking signal over to the dolphins.  

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Tuki and the seal (leopard seal/dolphin vore)

It had taken minutes of work and a push or two from his friends to convert the seal into a bulge in the big dolphin's midsection.

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Latex Zoo: Exhibition

Family was visiting the zoo today and they loved dolphins as much as he did.

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Another Life

Using the most delicate and careful of strokes with hir paw pads, the herm fox begins to tickle the soles of the dolphin's very human like feet.

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I reached the peninsula to find that there was a pod of dolphins playing out in the water. it was a little early for the anglers to be out yet, so they had the area all to themselves.

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History of the Hybrid.

One enterprising young scientist off the coast of wales even offered the technology to dolphins and other large aquatic mammals. about ten percent of the dolphins accepted the offer, however they made a few changes to the program.

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