Autumn Night

My mate and i didn't know it at the time but what happened that night was more than just a simple fluke. no that was one of the best nights of my life. i had never known what it could be like with a male till i met him.

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Other Poem's

fluke? or fate? ? while flying through the air, on a morning summer breeze. the sight of snow on the mountains, the sight of flowers on the fileds while enjoying the sights of summer, my world went dark.

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Land Bridge Part One

We are not these 'sirens' that are in myths," she lifts her fluke out of the water far enough for me to see that yes. she was a mermaid, "we are known for our singing ability.

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Sea and Sky

He whimpered and tightened his splayed haunches against her chest so that his paws were brushing against her flukes.

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Where Ocean Meets Shore

This seemed to shake isthia out of her daze, and she fought back, thwacking me playfully with her flukes. i reeled hyperbolic-ally. "quick, spinner! we gotta escape! she's gone mad with the man-fever!"

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Warm Up - 8

Had it been a fluke? a trickery? no, his ears twitched. someone lurked around the grass with him, and his tail stood in excitement. "hi, i'm ricky," he announced himself. smiling, and feeling as if he truly existed.

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Xavian had become what the animation specialist referred to as a genetic fluke, something that happens only once in five generations. xavian had become a feline taur.


Ma-cheese-mo (Teaser)

"that---that was a fluke." he said. "ain't gonna happen again." "oh, is'at so?" vinnie said as he put his bottle down and got up.

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A Slippery Slope - Part 5: Linnaeus' Enthusiasm

Linnaeus would watch the flukes, shoulders and legs all working in perfect sync, doubling the best speed that any otter could hope to achieve in a lifetime on just a warm-up.

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Bloody Sunrise: Act 1

"maybe that one was a fluke?" brad said hopefully. "let's pray so."

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Nothing Gold Can Stay

Maybe jerome's crunch hadn't been such a fluke, after all. jerome's gaze was bemused. that wince hadn't escaped his sharp eyes. not at all. "why do you push yourself so hard? hiro is only a young trainer, he doesn't really know what he's doing...

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