Gangland Decescration

The third was a sheep herder named dasher, because of the fact he was the fastest runner in the gang. the fourth was the biggest of them all, a bull mastiff by the name of skull; no one knew how he got that nickname, only lockjaw new that one.

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The Outcome of a Dare

I leaned into her back a bit herder as i grasped both her hands with one of mine and kept them restrained above her, the other leaving her body for a moment before sliding between her body and the wall to drag between her soft breasts and reach between her

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The Tomb of Lithescoast (Big-Red Gift)

"i cannot speak for them as one, but i expect that the farmers and herders would be willing to tithe to you for your protection, should you wish it," paul replied.

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My Human Kuni - Chapter 7

Replied a sheep herder canine named starchy de long. "good...and what over the course of that time has our glorious nation accomplished mrs. angelica?" he asked a ditzy poodle type of lupine.

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Halloween Special: And the Year After

In a sudden, uncontrollable moment of desire, i reached behind her, grabbing her by her ass and lifting her against me to thrust herder against her.

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DREADWOLF Chapter 45 to 49

I'm a herder." lyra snapped her fingers together. "that's it!" "nothing is it sheepy, we're gonna kill the leveler and then we're going to eat him... and then his herd," said opal.

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Skyrim: Tale of a Dragonborn Chapter Two

Holding on with one hand, like a horse herder would, breaking in a wild stallion, i held on for dear life. my right hand, held a firm grip with my sword, as i brought it down with a battle cry.

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Darwin's Legacy 4 - The Power of Attraction

The feline warriors had snatched several sheep just on the other side of the river as the herders lead them to the meadows. while they had a head start the livestock would slow them down and make them easy to track.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act II, Part 5

"the disbelievers and the enemies of the high commander call me the sheep god because they think i am nothing more than a foolish, iconic herder of other fools.

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Fallout Equestria: Letters to Celestia - Chapter 2

Would you two happen to be a set of runaway slave-contract herders stealin' the property of one business-stallion by the name of steam bolt, would ya?" he spoke with a malicious grin adorned on his face. "word travels fast."

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Book One of Rabbits Part 3 of 29, "I don't know what you are anymore."

No crime goes unnoticed to the keenly trained snouts of our herders." "bry keeps being the one walking in on them," vick says. cecil looks at vick and asks, "does sena or keel know?" vick shakes his head to dismiss the two. "i--don't think so.

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A Treasure Worth the While, Final Draft

And shi would not only be immortal, unkillable by most standards, but protected and armed with magic the likes of which no slave herder could ever dream of overcoming.

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