Predators' instincts

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#1 of A RANGER

After the terrible experience with the ranger troop, Nick is comforted by his mom. His nightmares becomes the first sign of a unknown problem for Nick, but a very know problem for her mom and any depredator. Nick must find a way to control this new urges, a way that his mom shows him.

He had expected this moment since the weekend and a couple of hours he had finally been able to use his ranger's uniform and had opportunity to join the troop, Nick with all his enthusiasm joined the first meeting of the troop.

The detail that he would be the only predator did not seem to import him to the moment of the initiation. Everything had clearly been planned and now he is to the feet of the stair of the building that is the place of meetings.

Nick has his head glued in front of his knees while he cries due to the terrible experience that he had just suffered. The muzzle is something terrible and humiliating, just a wild beast uses it, and that is what they consider of him.

Nick's tears get his arms wet, but he stops when he listens that someone calls for his name. He looks up to see that his mother comes closer rapidly toward him. She is very worried while she comes closer, and she kneels in front of him.

"What happened?" His mother asks while she wipes his tears away.

"It is... they used a muzzle... they said that they could not trust in a fox without muzzle..." Nick says beginning sniffling, but his mother wipes his tears away, and she uses his finger to raise Nick face his face in order that he looks at him.

"I am sorry, darling." His mother says with a lot of sadness in her voice and look. She stands up and helps him to get up. With an affectionate grasp she guides him toward her automobile, it is an old vehicle and very used.

His mother guides him to seat him in the back seat of the automobile. She closes the door while Nick sniffles. He sees that his mother enters the automobile sitting on the driver's seat before closing the door and buckling up the seat belt.

She stretches her hand to take her purse that is on the other seat at her right side.

"I Have a couple of candies, look for them." His mother says smiling to him maternally and passing him on to the purse to Nick before pulling out the automobile and beginning to drive. Nick nods and opens his mother's purse to begin to look for candies.

He makes a revision between the keys and other stuff, Nick finds also his mother's identification.

"Elizabeth Wilde." Nick reads in the identification before moving her to one side to continue looking for candies.

Elizabeth is the name of her mother, she is always very warmhearted with him.

She always smiled on him in spite of having any trouble.

That was something constant because his family lived in a home where they counted on what's basic in spite of the fact that his father works hard to try obtaining more resources for the family.

His father used to be in home on rare occasions, he is usually out for long periods of time because he travels a lot.

Nick gets excited a little to find two candies of lemon and a half-way flattened chocolate bar. He unwraps one of the candies, and he puts it in his mouth, the savor is quite good and Nick enjoys it.

His mother uses the rear-view mirror to look at him and smile without stopping to pay attention to the street.

Nick enjoys each candy and also the chocolate bar that has pieces of peanuts, while he enjoys the last portion, Nick gets surprised when he sees that his mother drives the car to enter the parking lot of a pizzeria.

"We are going to buy a pizza to eat." Elizabeth says looking at Nick using the rear-view mirror.

Nick gets excited completely and the automobile stops, he gets out of the automobile before his mother. She does not scold him, and she locks the doors before taking the hand of Nick and taking him inside the pizzeria.

His mother buys a pizza with the size enough for her and Nick, it was not necessary bigger, and she does not clearly have enough money to buy one bigger. To buy pizza was an oddity that only she buys on rare occasions.

Nick and his mother sit down to wait. He looks at the interest-bearing surroundings, his common sense of the sense of smell allows him perceiving the aromas that fills the place.

The aromas of the different pizzas make that his stomach growls hungrily.

His mother listens to it, and she laughs smoothly for some moments, but her pizza already is ready, and they pick it up to go back to their automobile. Nick charges with a lot of pleasure the pizza box, he enters the automobile to sit on the back seat.

His mother closes the door, and she again enters the automobile, and she sits on the driver's seat. Soon the automobile is again moving in the streets, Nick cannot wait to get to his home, and he does not lend a lot of attention to the streets that keep on being left behind.

After around forty minutes they finally get to the suburbs, streets are almost empty. Nick sees that they get close to his home, he is a small house and different not much to the rest in the neighborhood. His parents had bought this home with effort and a lot of luck.

The exterior not is in such a good condition, they repaired it every time that they can accumulate some extra money for it after pay debts, taxes and things that are irrelevant or unknown for Nick.

The automobile stops in front of the garage and Elizabeth comes down from the automobile and opens the automobile door for Nick. He comes down from the automobile, and he heads toward the front door next to his mother, she begins to open the lock and soon both enter the house.

Nick heads toward the kitchen while his mother opens the door of the garage to introduce the automobile.

In the kitchen Nick expects for her until she returns, Nick grows impatient a little.

Elizabeth returns to the kitchen and smiles to Nick before opening the Pizza's box and beginning to distribute portions. Nick is ready to give the first bite when she gives the piece of pizza, and she sits in front of Nick to eat a piece.

The first bite is somewhat sublime for Nick, he closes his eyes and enjoys it while his mother smiles smoothly before giving her first bite. Nick finishes off his first piece rapidly and takes the second one.

"Nick what happened today... I believe that there could be another troop where you could enter." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods without thinking a lot about that before giving the first bite the other piece of pizza.

His mother smiles and both continue eating the pizza for a couple of minutes but until the pizza disappears. Nick licks his fingers while his mother takes the pizza box and places her on the garbage can.

"It is time to go to bed, go to brush your teeth." Elizabeth before beginning to clear the table.

Nick nods, and he runs towards the bathroom, he takes his toothbrush and the toothpaste that he applies to the brush before beginning to brush his teeth while he looks at his reflection in the mirror. He brushes his teeth, and he sees that his mother enters in her bedroom.

With pretty calm Nick brushes his teeth, some minutes after he finishes his task and smiles seeing the mirror to check the good job that he did. That finishes when his mother indicates to him that he is time to go to bed.

Nick rapidly gets out of the bathroom and runs to his bedroom, he prepares the bed, and he gets inside it without changing clothes. After some moments his mother enters the room, she is wearing her nightgown.

She moves the drapes of the windows impeding that the moonlight enters through the windows. Elizabeth gets close to Nick, and she gives him a kiss on the forehead.

His mother smiles at him smoothly, she caresses his right cheek affectionately.

Nick smiles content and his mother kisses him on his forehead.

"Good affection, have a good night's sleep. Everything will come out better." Elizabeth says looking at Nick with a soft and maternal smile. Nick nods, and he gets comfortable better, his mother tuck him into bed before saying good night to him and going out of the room after turning out the light.

The room sinks in the dark when the door closes. Nick looks for a comfortable position and closes his eyes and falling asleep.

Around twenty minutes after he achieves it, but the balmy sleep that he needs does not come to his head. His dreams become a vivid representation of what happened with the other scouts.

Nick pleas that they do not use the muzzle time after time, but they make it and even worse they throw him inside a forest while they laugh. While he flees Nick tries to take off the muzzle, but it is impossible for him because his hands transforms in big hands with sharp and lethal claws.

He gets scared more and feels a great burning heat in all his body, his body keeps on becoming deformed while he keeps on running to fall on one's knees at the edge of a water puddle where the full moon reflects.

Nick gets alarmed seeing his reflection, he is a big and horrible beast. His snout grows up and the muzzle flies off for the airs to fall in the puddle of water.

Just at that moment Nick wakes up at one bound breathing agitated, his heart throbs with force, and he trembles with fear remembering so terrible images. Rapidly, he gets out of his bed to get out of his bedroom and to run towards room of his mother.

"I am not a beast... I am not a beast!" Nick repeats for himself while he runs to open his mother's door without knocking first.

His steps stop suddenly when he is witness of a weird thing that he is doing his mom, and she cannot understand what she is doing. She is on her elbows and knees in bed in the meantime she has her back turned on him.

Her tail is down, but Nick can see as she moves her right hand between her thighs, her mother moans and growls surprising Nick. He never listened her moaning in this way, is something more savage and free, not as when she gets angry with him for any mischief.

Her hand moves rapidly, and she moans of pleasure, Nick looks at her impassive without knowing what it happens. But aside from the image, his nose begins to track something in the air.

His nose moves perceiving a strange aroma very particular, it is new completely. Nick breathes in and exhales repeated and deeply, his mind at that moment gets blank, and he closes his eyes.

He breathes in with more force and feels as his heart accelerates, in his pants begins to be movement. Nick feels that inside his sheath his penis begins to react.

His eyes are closed while he only listens to his mother's moans, his penis goes out by the opening of his sheath and it grows up without control, the tip presses his trunks and manages to raise his pajama pants to form a tent in his pants.

Without knowing it, Nick introduces his right hand under his pants and under the waistband of his trunks to catch his penis. He goes easy on it and begins to move his hand slowly.

A drop of precum springs forth by the opening and gets his trunks wet.

"Nickk what the hell?!" He listens to the shout of anger of his mother. His eyes open completely, and he sees that his mother covers herself up with a pillow and part of her bedspread.

"Get out from here!" His mother shouts aiming with her finger to some place of the house.

Nick says absolutely nothing, and he only runs out of the room, he only needs a single minute to get to his own bedroom to get in his bed covering himself up completely with the blankets.

He is in the darkness while his ears stay in alert waiting to listen that his mother at any minute she would enter the room to give him a severe reprimand and for his supposition a punishment that certainly will not be nice.

Nick does not move while minutes pass, but nothing happens. He only can listen to silence and the transit of some occasional car on the street. Nick discovers himself to see towards the door.

Everything is dark as before he left his room, his look this setting in the door. He expects that the knob moves and the door opens, but that does not happen.

After around thirty minutes Nick is convinced that his mother would not come, that seems strange to him. She does understand why his mom would not leave a punishment without coming true.

Nick yawns, and he sees a little clock that to be in his bedside table, it is nearly midnight.

Although tomorrow is Saturday, his body he asks him to rest. He closes his eyes in for trying falling asleep.

But his mind is not calm, Nick moves to one side to other one while his memory keeps alive the images of his mom in her room. Nick clenches his eyes with force while he moves constantly.

He focuses on those memories and in his mind he can remember the moans and heavy breathing of his mom.

His penis begins to react and get fill with blood.

Nick without desiring it moves his hand down introducing it under his pants.

His hand goes away underneath the waistband getting to his crotch, he feels as the tip goes out by the opening, his cock grows and again lifting his pants. Nick whines with a light pleasure when the cloth of his trunks rubs on his cock's tip.

His precum sprouts from the tip and creates a slick, his knot is completely hard in the base of his penis. Nick whines, and he leans backwards in bed to take his penis He shakes when his hand begins to move up and down slowly, he moans and pants with each motion of his hand. He had begun to do this just a month ago.

Nick breathes agitatedly, precum leaks from his opening. The precum increases just like what he feels at that moment. His hand touches his knot every time that he moves it down.

Touching the tip makes him shake with pleasure. Nick in his mind reads over what he saw in the room of his mother, for some reason those images in addition to another girls of his class were related to make him get tough.

He did not understand it, but even so he uses his hand always gave him a guilty pleasure because he feels that it is something bad. Nick moves his hand without stopping, his penis pulses on his hand.

The motion inside his bed is evident, but Nick does not get worried about that now. He expedites the motion of his hand, some growls begin to get out from his mouth.

Nick begins to push, his penis tip presses his trunks, and the cloth rubs on that place and takes the boy to the climax. His penis pulsates with force and a semen spurt well out by the tip.

His cum is retained by the cloth of his trunks.

He feels as his semen covers a part of his hand and drips on his groin. His accelerated respiration keeps on calming down until he gets back his breath, and he releases his penis.

His member even pulses for some moments before that it hides in his sheath again. Nick turns over leaning upon his right-hand side and to close his eyes after finally he feels calmer. His body slowly keeps on relaxing until his respiration becomes slow.

But he is suddenly in the patio of his school, a light breeze stirs the lawn while he plays with a football ball but he suddenly stops dropping the ball that rolls far away from him.

His nose moves on the air and he shows his canine teeth at the same time that his eyes become wider. He feels an aroma, it makes him shake feeling an electric shock. He turns over his head tracking the aroma.

His eyes rapidly focuses in Cindy, a classmate, she is a timid rabbit of white fur. She is sitting on a bench reading a book, but her aroma is what attracts Nick's attention while the sky clouds over rapidly.

His tail enervates itself, and he begins to come closer slow and while he breathes agitatedly, and he opens his jaws. Cindy looks away from her book a moment and her eyes open with terror to see him.

Nick growls and rapidly he jumps over her, she begins to shout, and she tries to push to Nick and getting free of his grasp. But Nick is stronger and with a hand he begins to tear her clothing while she continues fighting.

But Nick does a strong push, and he bites the same one that he begins to push inside Cindy neck. She shouts with more force while Nick growls, and she stops at the moment of feeling a great pleasure.

That moment of pleasure lasts for some moments before separating from Cindy and panting completely satisfied until another aroma reaches his nose, he breathes in with force to see at his left and to see Sophie, he is a sheep of black fur, he looks at him horrified, she is to a couple of meters, and she tries to flee.

Nick rushes at her, he moves on all fours before jumping over her and repeating the attack.

She fights all that she can before Nick made the same as to her friend.

But he finishes he receives a blow that knocks him down, Nick growling looks at his right to see his teacher Lucy. She is the teacher of history, she has in her hands a stick or so.

His teacher is a hare female that uses glasses.

But Nick surprises her, he rushes at her, his teacher falls headlong on the lawn, Nick positions himself on her. His teacher orders him that he leaves her alone, but Nick does not make it, she sniffs her fur and drools savoring a prey.

He tears the skirt to brute force from behind, the woman shouts and asks for help at the same time that Nick presses her against the ground and pushes from behind. A growl of savage pleasure escapes of the mouth of Nick while his teacher cries and continue asking for help.

Nick growls, and he pumps over and over again neither to care about the whining of his teacher that does not move due to fear. Nick feels really powerful and like every one of his senses it is completely liberated.

With each thrust Nick feels that his pleasure increases, he licks the woman's cheek slowly, and she shakes with a lot more fear while he does not move. Nick growls and pumps without stopping.

But his body suddenly begins to shake, and he opens his eyes to see that he is in his own room and his mother holds him for the shoulders while she shakes him until she is sure that he is awake.

His bedroom is completely illuminated. And it is daytime.

"Nick. What were you dreaming?" Elizabeth asks with haste in the meantime she still holds him from the shoulders. Nick sees that his mother has a look of anger and worry.

"Nothing mom... I do not remember it." Nick responds rapidly trying to avoid answering that question.

"Nothing?" She asks with incredulity. Nick answers affirmatively with the motion his head.

His mother does not clearly believe him, and she takes the blankets off.

Nick gets surprised seeing a great tent in his pants, he had not realized that he has an erection and there is a great stain in the pants.

"I can take charge of it, mom!" Nick says rapidly taking the blankets to cover himself up and to prevent that his mother saw it. He had refused to tell him this before, he was getting into trouble to make something that certainly is bad.

Elizabeth looks at Nick with a most flexible look.

"I am completely sure that you can, but I must know what you were dreaming." She says looking at Nick.

Nick opens his eyes with surprise and sees that his mother looks at him attentively expecting that he talked.

"It is very important, please tell me about it." Elizabeth emphasizes looking at Nick.

He gets surprised for the insistence of his mother. It should be something really terrible, if she requires it in this way.

"I don't know, mom." Nick says squeezing the bedspreads with force. His mother looks ad him, and she raises an eyebrow with bother, but she softens her expression seeing that Nick is dubitative looking for ideas.

"I was in the patio of my school when... I do not know Cindy's aroma attracted me.

Something unusual... very intense." Nick says looking up a little to see his mother. She looks at him attentively without batting eyes.

"I... I only jumped over her to attack her... I did tear her clothes and uhmmm... I pushed while she asked me to stop, when... when... I felt an incredible feeling before do the same thing with my teacher; Ms. Connor" Nick says a lot of confusion.

"It was worse than the previous nightmare." Nick says swallowing hard.

"What nightmare?" Elizabeth asks with a little of surprise.

"Last night I had a nightmare where... I became a wild beast that not even a muzzle could contain. I woke up fearfully... do not want to become one." Nick says with fear.

Elizabeth embraces him to comfort him.

Take it easy, you will not become a beast, you are a very sweet boy." Elizabeth says caressing his head with affection and slowly. Nick enjoys the hug that his mother breaks when separates some moments later.

"What is happening to me, mom?" Nick asks with a lot of worry and fear. His mother seems somewhat worried, but not fearful.

"Nothing... short of the normal thing dear, it is somewhat non-desired, but not unexpected. It happens most of the predators sooner or later." Elizabeth says looking at her son with a soft look to calm him.

Nick looks at his mother tilting the head lightly and raising an eyebrow with a lot of confusion. He notices that his mother looks at him and she avoids his look for some moments before she breathes deep.

She seems contemplative and something to be in her mind. His eyes open rapidly when he thinks that she came up with something.

"You still you have on your ranger's uniform." Elizabeth says looking at Nick and taking away his cap of the head to watch it releases.

"Yeah, that was my biggest dream, be one of them." Nick says with a lot of sadness with voice. He looks down a little, in his mind memories of as those boys treated him so badly appear.

"Well... what does it seem to you to obtain an insignia that no one of that boys will obtain in a lot of years? Elizabeth asks with an ample smile.

"What is that insignia?" Never hear from any special one." Nick asks with surprise. He had read all about being a ranger and Nick never found anything of a special insignia out of the common.

"Well is something pretty special that you will know, and they not." Elizabeth says with an accessory and friendly smile. Nick nods with emotion to be able to defeat those boys in something.

His mother smiles at him content.

"We will talk about that tonight, ok?" Elizabeth asks caressing Nick's head. He enjoys the caresses and he nods completely happy.

"Then it is time to get up, you must eat your breakfast." Elizabeth says getting up.

Nick feels pretty happy, and he sees that his mother gives him a broad smile before getting out of his bedroom. After the nightmares of the previous night and the one of this morning, this is the best that it could happen.

He goes out from bed to stretch himself and to have a good time of the pleasurable and short sensation. Nick changes of clothes to go out from his bedroom to go to the kitchen, when he gets there, he comes across his mother. She is washing the cups in the dishwasher.

When she feels him, she stops washing and turns over smiling at Nick.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Elizabeth asks looking at Nick.

"Cereal." Nick responds content and looking at his mother. She smiles on him affectionately, and she proceeds to serve the breakfast to his cub. Nick with true pleasure eats up his cereal while he sees his mother moving in the kitchen doing the cleaning.

As it is Saturday, it is day of doing the cleaning, they would do it all day, something busy or at least that considers Nick. In around thirty minutes later Nick feels like his stomach this full for the moment, and he is satisfied.

"Well, it is time to put in order everything." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods without a lot of temper, which is not a surprise at all for Elizabeth. Nick moves and gets out of the kitchen to head toward his bedroom.

Once there he is begun to pick up his dirty clothes to heap it up before taking her to laundry.

He hears that the vacuum-cleaner begins to work in the living room of the house.

Nick does not pay attention to him and leaves his dirty clothes at the laundry before going back to his bedroom and going on with cleanliness, he picks up some things from the floor in addition to put in order his bed.

He does it without a lot of haste. Nick gets bored in the meantime the cleanliness continues, he asks himself about what his mother wanted to show him. It should be something pretty exciting.

One hour before the noon Elizabeth stops the cleanliness to prepare food, Nick meanwhile has fun with television. He sees one of his favorite movies.

Fortunately he found the correct channel to see it, for Nick it is a quite good day, and he does not see like day it can show improvement. But that changes after lunch and a brief siesta his mother takes him to the supermarket to buy some groceries.

He walks with her, this is pretty been boring. His mother notices it, but she continues doing shopping placing what they need in the shopping cart.

Nick helps her, he passes her some canned foods that are within his reach.

One more hour later she and Nick are placing the things on the trunk of the car. Nick feels pretty boring while he passes on one the bags to his mother until they put everyone in the trunk of the automobile.

"You behaved properly. What does it seem to you, if like reward you spend a while in the arcade? While I look for something that I forgot buying." His mother says looking Nick.

He opens his eyes with complete surprise, and he nods with enthusiasm. After closing the trunk of the car, his mother, and he gets in the automobile. Nick sits on the backseat and his mother begins to drive.

Nick is pretty trilled, go to the arcade is something that he does not make very often.

They have many expenses to pay the cost of a daily visit to the arcade. The automobile moves for a couple of streets to get to a shopping center, the automobile enters the parking lot and it stops in a free spot.

Elizabeth is who comes out first from the car and Nick makes it too. He waits with longing until his mother locks the car. When it is done, Elizabeth takes him by the hand, and she smiles at him.

Nick's tail moves showing his happiness, her mother takes him to the arcade hall, it is pretty full at that moment. She gives him some money and the necessary recommendations, she leaves him there before going out to corridor and disappearing between the people.

Nick rapidly puts his attention in his surroundings, the sounds of the games are heard everywhere. He begins to walk up and down looking for some game to play.

He gets excited finding that the game of wildfox is empty. A video game that he loves, where the main character is a fox that should go over the different stages in city to recover a great treasure that a big bear and his band had stolen him.

Nick introduces the first coin, and he begins to play forgetting about the world to his around.

His mind is focused completely in the game, passing each stage and defeating enemies.

He needs to use a couple of coins to continue after dying, his mind does not appreciate time that pass until he feels a squeeze on his right shoulder.

Nick moves the lever and presses a button at the same time that he looks up to see to his mother that looks at him with an ample smile.

"Time to leave." She says without bother or anger.

"Some minutes more mom... please, I no longer have more coins." Nick implores. His mother nods while she supports her purse, Nick rapidly puts his attention in his game.

But that is not enough to defeat the next enemy. Nick gets angry about losing his last chance, but his mother places a hand on his shoulder, and she pushes him slightly.

They go to the parking lot, and they get in the automobile before going back to her house.

Nick looks at for the window all that can distract him.

His mother introduces the automobile in the garage, and she turns off the motor, they come down from the automobile and while her mother closes the garage door, Nick begins to extract the supermarket bags.

He carries one with difficulty because it is overfilled. Nick takes the bag to the kitchen and he puts it on the table, he breathes with relief to get rid of that load. His mother enters shortly afterwards in the kitchen and places another one of the bags at the table.

Nick returns to the automobile to take out the last bag and take it to the kitchen and as it usual, Nick passes each vegetable and other stuff to his mother in order that she fitted them into the cupboards and in the refrigerator.

Elizabeth values help highly and shortly all is ready and in its place.

"Well, you can go to watch television." Elizabeth says looking at Nick with a maternal smile. Nick nods and rapidly he heads toward the living room and turning on the television.

Nick makes one a gesture of disgust seeing the image of a couple being kissing in park, he immediately changes the channel to look for something better to see. A romantic scene is the least interesting in the life for Nick.

He finds a channel where he can see a cartoon, Nick makes himself comfortable in front of the television to see the show. He makes at a prudent distance in order that his mother did not reprehend him.

Nick enjoys television while the afternoon keeps on becoming dark as the sun keeps on putting itself in the horizon. One more hour after the evening, her mother serves the dinner.

It is a delicious dinner and Nick enjoys it a lot. He eats up each mouthful with pleasure, his mother also enjoys dinner.

"I see that you like it very much." Elizabeth says content while she takes a food mouthful.

Nick nods with a lot of temper.

"It is very delicious, mom... as always you make it." Nick says looking at his mother. She smiles on him smoothly and affectionately.

"Nick, after-supper I will take a bath. You can see television a little more and next we will talk about that matter that I promised you." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He nods and continues eating. Nick is the first to finish off the food before returning to the living room and continuing watching television. His mother after a while finishes eaten and locks the doors of the house.

Nick does not pay attention to her when she sets herself to take her bath. Minutes pass and around thirty minutes after he hears that his mother gets out of the bathroom, and he heads toward his room.

That alerts him, and he runs to his bedroom to change his clothes rapidly, he takes his ranger's suit, and he gets dressed with it. This is going to be somewhat similar to receive a ranger's insignia.

One that no ranger of his age would have. Shortly after being ready, Nick hears that his mom calls him. Nick rapidly gets out of his bedroom and runs towards the bedroom of his mother.

He arrives there and his mother is waiting, she is sitting at the edge of the bed, she pats the bed to indicate to him that he came closer. Nick nods, and he comes closer, his mother still is using the bathrobe that she had used to go out of the shower.

It is a bathrobe with images of flowers that go perfectly well with a soft aroma to rose that emits his mother's fur. Nick gets to the bed, and he sits on the tight border next to his mom.

She places the right hand on the head of Nick and stirs his hair a moment.

"Let me turn the lights off and seeing that it is all in order, I return in a moment." Elizabeth says looking at her son. Nick nods and his mother gets up to get out of the room.

Nick waits for her a couple of minutes, she returns and closes the door. Elizabeth gets close to the bedside table and takes a tape of VCR. Nick feels somewhat confused, but his mother says absolutely nothing while she places the tape on the player, and she pushes the button.

She turns on the TV, and she prepares everything before getting close to Nick and climbing on the bed and leaning on his right side on the bed. Elizabeth indicates Nick that he places himself at her side.

"We will see this side by side and next I will explain a couple of things." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods.

"By the way. Why are you dressed in that way?" Elizabeth asks laughing smoothly and caressing softly Nick's chin.

"You said that this is ranger's stuff..." Nick says looking at his mother. She laughs a moment before making herself comfortable, Nick does the same to it at her side.

Elizabeth takes the remote control and she presses play button. Nick puts his attention in television. If his mom wants him to see this, it should be something very important.

Nick makes himself comfortable in spite of knowing that this is not a cartoon movie. It is more than likely some type of documentary. And that becomes more obvious when on the television screen appears the logo of zootopia's educational channel.

The screen changes color and it gives the appearance of being a young raccoon couple in a plaza being kissing. Nick makes a disgusted look, his mother laughs softly, but she says absolutely nothing.

In white letters the title appears of "The beginning of life."

That title confuses to Nick a little, but he sees as the image fades away and from the left-hand side of the screen a male gazelle appears, it is a guy that reminds him a lot to one of his elementary teachers.

He begins to speak.

"One of the more impressive things and also stranger that someone learns in life is about himself and the changes that get there in certain moment, changes that can become pretty confused." The man says while he looks at the screen.

Nick raises an eyebrow, but he says absolutely nothing at that moment.

"If you are seeing this... you have noticed these changes that already began to manifest themselves, certainly these somewhat confused, but now you will be able to know what happens and understanding why this happens to you." The subject says while he still looks at the screen.

"At this age every boy or the girl begins to change and to mature. It is a transitional epoch where physical changes appear pretty evident for any boy or girl. Changes that make a lot more evident when they become a man and a woman." The guy says looking at the screen.

A girl's image all of a sudden appears, she is a bit older than Nick although she is represented in one draw well done, it represents very realistic the girl's body, she is a white-colored cow, her face does not show itself because the image shows her from the neck to toe.

Colors are soft and basic, like the one of a drawing colored with colored pencils.

She wears a white dress.

At his side a boy is, he is a white-colored horse with a couple of stains in his body. The boy stand up while he uses a T-shirt and some shorts.

Both drawings are very good, and he could find in them a certain remembrance with a couple of his friends of school. Nick is pretty confused because he does not have a clue about what it is happening. This is a very weird educational video.

The image changes and the eyes of Nick open completely with surprise and incredulity when he sees as the girl and the boy are completely naked side by side.

Nick sees the girl, his gaze is focused on the breasts of the girl, and they do not almost exist.

He had never seen a naked girl before, Nicks looks down toward the legs, and he does not see a sheath or some balls.

He knew this, but he never could check it until now. Nick gets alarmed when he feels as blood gets to his crotch and his penis starts in react.

His member rapidly slides out from his sheath and it touches his underwear, Nick sees the boy, he opens his eyes with surprise seeing the boy's penis, it is quite big.

Although nothing surprising, he is one of a big species. The guy again begins to speak and the image changes, Nick gets surprised when the image changes and shows again the same girl and boy.

In this occasion they are older. They are around the fifteen years, Nick's penis grows up without control and it presses his pants forming a very evident tent.

Nick cannot avoid it, the girl's breasts are bigger before, her body is more die-formed with more pronounced, and she has more curves.

Nick sees the boy, the bigger change is clearly the size of his penis that is flaccid and even so it is quite big. Not even erect Nick's penis cannot compare to him.

The narrator gives details of the growth and a boy's development and girl, putting special emphasis on the size of the breasts. Nick gives a fast look to his mother, she can clearly see his erect penis in his shorts.

She sees it, but says absolutely nothing while the man in television continues talking about the psychological development of a boy and girl.

On screen, they show up imagine to and recordings of boys and girls spending time side by side and kissing. The narrator in voice off tells about the psychology of the people at that age.

The kissing stuff is not interesting for Nick, he takes his attention away and prefers to see another side.

His mother does not get surprised, and he uses his finger to point at the television.

Nick again puts his attention on screen, his eyes open completely when he sees a woman and a man naked. This images a real, so the previous draws were done based in this couple.

Nick's eyes focus in the bigger breasts of the woman, they are tits that surpass in a lot than in size the previous girl's breasts, Nick calculates that they can be twice big.

Nipples project out clearly, Nick's penis releases precum that gets wet his shorts, the rubbing of the cloth makes him shake lightly.

This is something that does not go by unnoticed for Elizabeth, but she says absolutely nothing, and she only smiles. Nick needs not to see the man to know that his penis had triplicated itself or four in size than the one of boy that he was.

That surprises him, but is the same thing as it succeeds his penis, something that he sometimes measured, and usually finishes the work using his hand to permit that thick liquid appeared from his penis at that moment of great guilty pleasure.

For Nick the answer comes under the name of semen and the reason of why his penis gets hard in the called erection. He sees as a drop of seed springs forth by the tip of the penis of the male, although according to the man that explains everything, it is precum.

Everything stops, and they are many close up to different parts of both bodies, Nick had never listened to those names or descriptions of that body part.

The narrator again appears on screen without that the images of the male and the woman disappeared at the bottom.

"These psychological and biological changes take place with a single purpose: Mating and reproduction, in other words, having babies." The shoulder says while he does not move.

Nick arches an eyebrow with confusion, he had a vague idea or at least that was thinking of as cubs were born, he knew to achieve it there should be a man and a woman, but he did not have details.

The couple appear represented for a couple of drawings again.

The narrator moves to disappear of the screen, the couple appears again. They are in bedroom, they are caressing each other and kissing repeatedly while they are near to the bed.

Both are using a bathrobe, Nick's eyes open completely when they get rid of leaving them falling to floor and being completely naked, after a couple of kisses they get on the bed.

The man is erect and Nick can see the precum dripping from the tip.

Nick opens his eyes wide when the guy positions himself between the legs of the woman, she opens them largely and with a thrust he penetrates into her. Nick gets surprised when the male begins to move.

It is exactly the same thing as he made in his dreams with his friend or his teacher, but they clearly did not desire it. Nick feels as his penis releases more precum and his shorts get wet.

The image freezes to show an internal image and to show as everything about how the mating takes place.

A minute after the motion resumes in the meantime Nick attention is complete focused on the screen.

The voice-over of the narrator explains what happens, Nick already has a better idea of as everything works. After some moments he sees that the man does funny expressions, and he pushes with force and the woman also makes the same facial expressions.

Thanks to the narrator, Nick learns that they had reached an orgasm, that marvelous sensation that he understands very well.

The couple stops and everything gets dark to begin to show up as the process of fertilization comes true. Nick gets surprised a lot, it shows how cubs grow up and the body of the mother also changes until the cub is born.

He shows last image of the educational film is happy couple carrying his newly born son before the image became dark and the logo of the company that made this educational video appeared.

Nick sees that his mother turns off the TV and the VCR too.

"Nick, did you understand everything?" Elizabeth asks looking at her son. Nick nods quietly.

"Really?" Elizabeth asks with a little of phony incredulity. Nick nods again while he sees the tent in his pants.

"Well... then already you have idea of what it happens to you, but there is something that they did not mention in the video. This is an educational video made for preys, I did not find one for predators, and it is the same thing only varies the size and way of the genitals." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He nods understanding that very well. An elephant is not clearly equal to a wolf or a hippopotamus.

"But there is something more than it makes us different. It is a predator stuff and the preys do not understand or prefer not to know... it is what is happening to you." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He opens his eyes with surprise and says absolutely nothing while he looks at his mother with attention. It should be somewhat serious in order that it is a secret or so, he again gets worried.

"Well... Nick, in the predators when they begin to grow, aside from beginning to develop physically an instinct of hunting emerges on them, you know how our forefathers lived." Elizabeth says looking at her son.

Nick nods. That is somewhat basic that every boy knows.

"That instinct often blends in with the sexual stuff that sometimes brings critical problems along, predators can lose the control to follow those basic instincts." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He nods with fear, he does not like where this is going.

"A boy can get to attack a girl, generally a species which he would have hunted to in wildness. The boy does not attack the girl to kill her, he does it to rape her. Do you know what that word means?" Elizabeth asks looking at Nick.

He shakes his head in silence.

"It is forcing somebody to have sex without care that he or she wants it, it is something very horrible from every point of view, but in these cases they are something that cannot be controlled." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

"The dreams that you had are that first sign, I told you that it is not somewhat unexpected, to most of the predators goes pass through this, unfortunately for the boys or girls is difficult to control these impulses... everyone that cannot do it is obligated to use a special collar, you already have seen them." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He nods again remembering as it saw a young tiger carrying one, clearly he did not look happy.

"Those are collars of necklaces of electrical shock, they create give a strong electric shock if they detect that the boy or the girl begins to feel these impulses. Everything with the purpose of preventing any serious problem." Elizabeth says breathing deeply and looking at Nick.

"I do not want to use one." Nick says rapidly. He refuses to use something like that never, it looks terrible and certainly extremely painful.

"With time and maturity often these impulses get under control, but in the meantime a lot of moms or dad of predators takes measures that are not approved or understood by the preys, or they know it, but they prefer to pretend not to notice and to try living in their ideal world." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He looks at her with attention expecting the answer to his problems.

"A lot of moms take care of the impulses of their children, that means... that they permit that their children use them to maintain that impulses under control." Elizabeth says placing her a forefinger on the base of the penis of Nick and moving it up to get to the tip.

Nick gets surprised and shakes feeling as the finger goes over the cloth that covers his penis, the contact makes that his erect penis pulse with a little more force.

"You... me?" Nick asks shaking with some fear and insecurity. He already has an idea about what his mother wants to say to him.

She smiles on him smoothly and she nods. Nick looks down seeing the tent in his shorts pants.

"Is it right?" Nick asks looking at his mother. She does him an affectionate and maternal facial expression.

"No necessarily, but this is a common trick to keep them out of problems and bad experiences. This happened to your dad too and your grandma took care of it by herself." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He opens his eyes with complete surprise.

"Dad?" Nick asks without being able to believe it.

"Uh uhh, your grandma told me that, as far as I know your dad began at your age too.

She caught him when he was almost close to jump over a younger girl than he." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He gets surprised pretty with that.

"These problems is not exclusive of the males, also it happens to us the girls, although in us it is different. The boys like to look for a smaller specie girl. Do you imagine a fox trying defeating a bear?" Elizabeth asks comically.

Nick laughs smoothly imagining something like that, a fox has nothing to do against a bear. His mother smiles too.

"The girls preferred to look for a big guy looking for an alpha male... a Saturday I woke up to my father completely naked and looking for sex, my father got surprised but understanding what happened... he did not need a lot of insistence. While we were in the middle of the action, my mom entered the room and it saw me on your grandfather." Elizabeth says looking at Nick and doing a funny face.

"What did grandma?" Nick asks with a lot of surprise and interest. His mother smiles smoothly.

"She just told us that we should keep quietest possible, she did not want that our neighbors listened everything. Your grandma got out of the room closing the door to leave us alone." His mother says laughing impishly.

Nick looks at her with open eyes. His grandmother in spite of being tender, she never looked pretty accessible to mischief, although that is what he remembers. His grandparents had perished when he was very young.

"But... if we make it, you will have a baby." Nick says looking at his mother. She smiles on him smoothly before his innocence.

"Thereof do not get worried, I have a pretty special pill that avoids having non-desired cubs." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He only nods quietly.

"This information or what you will learn is something that no other ranger knows at this age, they learn it much later." Elizabeth says again caressing Nick's penis on the cloth of her pants using her forefinger.

He closes his eyes and enjoys that pleasurable sensation until his mother's finger stops on the tip of his cock. Nick opens his eyes again, and he finds with the maternal smile of his mom.

"Don't get worried, we will make it step by step. And in case it worries you, it does not hurt." Elizabeth says laughing smoothly and touching Nick's nose smoothly with the forefinger of her left hand.

Nick laughs smoothly when his mother caresses his chin for some moments. She stops after some moments, she smiles on him smoothly before getting up and opening her bathrobe to move her shoulders a little.

Nick's eyes open largely when the bathrobe glides over the back of his mom, he sees with surprise a woman's naked breasts. The first real tits that he sees.

His mother does move while Nick looks at her breast with complete surprise, his penis gives a jump in his shorts and a drop re precum sprouts by opening. And get his shorts wet.

His mother's breasts are surrounded by a white short fur, the two pink nipples stick up from her fur. Nick does not blink and his mother smiles at him smoothly.

He gets surprised when she moves, and she positions herself on him. Elizabeth looks at Nick affectionately, and she proceeds to take the ranger's cap off and dropping it on bed.

Nick does not move while his mother unties his bandanna and places it on one side.

Elizabeth unties the buttons of the jacket of Nick one by one, he does not move while he looks at with a bit of fear to his mom, she opens his jacket and caresses his chest smoothly up and down.

"Touch them, darling." Elizabeth says affectionately. Nick looks at his mother, and she smiles to give him more confidence. Nick raises his hands, they quiver, and he does not forget to set apart his look from the eyes of his mother.

His affectionate and maternal look makes him bring near his hands and to put them on the two mammary glands. The skin is soft, and they emit a moderate heat, Nick does not move his hands.

"Squeeze them, but not much hard. You can touch them as much as you are desire." Elizabeth says smiling at Nick. He nods quietly while he squeezes softly the breasts.

They are big for him, but also very soft, his fingers sink in them lightly, his hands move from side to side, his fingers go over the nipples of his mother, and she utters a groan of pleasure that makes Nick stop with fear.

"It is ok, honey. They are sensitive and I like that you touch them." Elizabeth says catching her nipples between her thumbs and indexes of both hands. She twists her nipples softly.

Nick looks with surprise that his mother growls of pleasure, he sees that it is true, and she enjoys it. His mother stimulates her nipples some moments before to release them.

Nick placed his hands again in the tits and caresses them a moment before squash the two nipples with the fingers indexes. He sees that his mother closes her eyes and moans.

He catches the nipples between his fingers to twist them smoothly, his mother moans with force. Nick had never listened to his mother to moan in this way, just the previous night.

With care Nick continues while he cares much about his force not to hurt his mother. She moans and pants of pleasure. Elizabeth shakes with pleasure and excitation, she was enjoying the inexperienced touch of her cub.

She will teach him everything about the females, this is for his sake, but she is going to enjoy it completely. She growls when Nick pulls his nipples a little, and he releases them.

Nick sees with some surprise that the nipples time after time they return to their normal position. He takes the breasts to knead them with pleasure while his mom looks at him attentively.

She can see as her son acts as if he was playing with his new toys, something true for him. Elizabeth knows that her tits will be a great distraction for her cub.

Nick continues stimulating the breasts for some moments until his mother stops him. She smiles on him, and she moves to lean at his side, she moves his right hand on the chest of Nick.

He sees as she takes down her hand going over her stomach, he trembles, and he gets nervous when she introduces her hand under his shorts pants. He feels as the hand moves around his penis.

His mother does not put the hand under his underwear, she moves her hand rubbing the cock over the cloth. Elizabeth sees that her son has his closed eyes, Nick feels as the hand caresses softly the knot over his underwear.

Elizabeth feels pleased, and she stops drawing her hand from below the shorts of Nick.

She looks at him with some surprise and disappointment, but she nuzzles his left-hand cheek smoothly. She moves down to be between his legs.

She takes Nick's shorts to open them. Nick does not move and his mother takes down the shorts and underwear. His member jumps getting free.

A drop of precum flies and it lands on the nose of Elizabeth, Nick gets surprised, and he becomes uncomfortable, but he opens his eyes when her mother licks her nose slowly.

"Mmmm..." Elizabeth says perceiving the taste of the precum of his son. It has not yet the stronger taste of an adult fox's precum, which makes her shake with emotion.

Nick gets surprised a little at the moment that his mother sniffs that sector. Her hot respiration makes him quiver.

"Very good size dear... this is a good beginning." She says smiling at Nick. He opens his eyes with surprise, his mother places his right forefinger's tip to caress that part with the yolk.

Nick moans with pleasure, and he does not move, his penis moves lightly from one side to side while his mother's finger moves in circles scattering his precum on the tip of the member.

Elizabeth watches with a lot of happiness that her son is trembling. She feels as her thighs get wet with the juice that drips from her slit, she knows that this will be the most important experience for her cub.

Nick sees that his mother looks at him, and she opens his mouth wide. His sharp teeth are visible and Nick, he trembles with fear when she fences her mouth to his penis.

His fear rapidly changes for a great feeling of pleasure when his mother's mouth closes around the tip of his cock. He remains airless when he feels the touch of the tongue.

The precum that sprouts disappears rapidly, and Elizabeth delights in the taste of liquid and the meat of her cub. The taste is pretty delicious for her, the young meat always is it.

His mouth moves down devouring slowly Nick's virgin meat. He moans and pants feeling as moist surrounds his penis slowly. His mother does not have problems to take his shaft.

Nick pants with surprise to see like his knot also enter the mouth of his mother, it positions itself behind her sharp teeth. Elizabeth does not move for a moment before beginning to suck the cock softly.

"Mom... this...!" Nick says moaning of pleasure. It is something very incredible, he never something like that, except when he used his hand on his penis, and even so this is more sublime.

Elizabeth moves her tail content while she is listening the whining of her cub, she sucks smoothly in order that Nick enjoys every moment. Her saliva covers the penis completely.

Nick moans and growls feeling as his knot is behind the sharp teeth of his mother. She caresses her boy's balls with calm, both fit in a hand.

Elizabeth stimulates them while Nick pants and moans with pleasure, his precum drips from the opening to his mom's tongue. Pleasure is very intense, his mother opens her mouth and releases his cock.

His member moves and hits his stomach, the saliva coats Nick's hard meat completely.

He pants and sees that his mother smiles at him smoothly, she has the expression of a playful vixen that only is playing with her prey.

Elizabeth licks Nick's balls raising them on the air, she drops the sack of balls, and she moves her tongue up. Nick shakes with pleasure when his mother's rough tongue moves on his knot and it moves on his shaft getting to the tip.

She licks the tip and takes it between her lips, Elizabeth resumes the sucking with more intensity. Nick growls, and he digs his claws into the bedspreads, he clenches his eyes.

Lips move up and down on his shaft, lips touch his knot before going back to move to the tip. Elizabeth feels as her cub begins to whine and shaking.

Nick pushes his crotch against the mouth of his mother, his knot gets inside between the lips, and a grunt of pleasure is heard in the room when Nick begins to ejaculate in the mouth of his mom.

She closes her eyes and feels as the semen squirts drip on his tongue, the vixen delights in the sweet taste of the seed of his son. Nick continues pushing for a couple of seconds before to let himself fall on the bed.

"I am... sorry, mom." Nick says panting and looking up the look to see his mother. He gets surprised a little seeing that she licks the mouth with slow movements of the tongue.

"There is no problem sweety, it was very delicious. I believe that I will use this piece of candy very frequently." Elizabeth says caressing completely Nick's member using a finger.

He gets surprised and his mother smiles at him.

She moves to position herself above him, Elizabeth takes her right breast to place her nipple between the lips of Nick. He immediately begins to suck his mother's tit.

The vixen moans of pleasure, her son sucks her nipple with pleasure, she takes the left hand of Nick and slowly moves it down, to her thighs. Nick feels as his hand gets between the legs of his mother and it touches her pink opening.

His mother moves his hand slowly in that sector, Nick feels the slit wetness.

"Do you want to see what mom has there down?" Elizabeth asks affectionately while she looks at Nick. She laughs smoothly seeing that her cub stops the sucking of her nipple, and he looks at her even without releasing her tit.

Nick nods, and he releases his mother's breast, he sees that she smiles on him and with a facial expression it indicates to him that he gets between her legs. Nick moves taking down his body while his mother opens her legs wide.

Soon Nick has at sight the first pussy that he sees in life. It is surrounded by a white fine hair. Thanks the educational video he has a good idea of every part of it.

"Come on dear, touch it." Elizabeth says smiling affectionately at her son to encourage him.

Nick looks at the slit, and he places his right forefinger between the vaginal lips.

He moves his finger up and down, Nick feels like his finger gets wet in high-temperature juices than originate his mother's inside. He takes out his finger and sees as it glistens brightly in juice.

Nick puts his finger in his mouth, and he sucks it, the taste of the juice surprises him lightly, he expected something different, but it is a nice taste. His mother simpers, she takes out her tongue and moves it.

That surprises Nick a little, he bends over and places his mouth at the height of the vulva of his mother. A woman's intense aroma makes him shake in a way that he never felt in his life.

His member jumps lightly feeling it, his senses escape and something gets free in his body. Elizabeth blurts a groan of pleasure out when her boy does a complete lick on her vulva.

Her juice is dripping right into the tongue and Nick begins to lick the slit without stopping, the tongue tip divides the vaginal lips every time it moves up.

Elizabeth moans with pleasure while she sees as her cub eats up her pussy with pleasure.

Nick licks over and over again and his tongue gets out of the slit going over clitoris.

He gets surprised seeing that his mother shakes with pleasure, and she moans with more force.

Nick placed his right forefinger on that point, and he presses it, his mother moans with pleasure with force again and his hands squeeze the bedspreads.

"With calm dear, it is a supersensitive place." Elizabeth says moaning and half-opening an eye. Nick gets surprised a little, he nods and stops touching that point.

But his tongue replaces his finger, he has the warnings in his mind, he begins to tap that point. Elizabeth moans and closes her eyes, her boy's tongue hits her clitoris.

Nick hears that his mother moans with pleasure, each rap of his tongue achieves it, he puts his finger into the pink slit to move it lightly. Elizabeth moans and sees her son concentrated in what he does.

She feels pretty happy seeing that Nick learns fast. His vagina releases juices without stopping, her pleasure increases rapidly.

"Push it... push it in me...!" Elizabeth asks whining. Nick says absolutely nothing, and he takes out his finger to replace it with tongue. He pushes it all that he can in his mom, he feels as the vaginal walls surround his tongue while it is coat in juice.

His mother moans with pleasure, his nose touches her mother's clitoris, his hot respiration touches it and adds a little more pleasure for his mom. She caresses his head without stopping.

Nick gets surprised when she catches him by the scruff of the neck, and he presses his mouth against his crotch.

"Nick dear...! Elizabeth growls of pleasure when her son is witness of her orgasm, he gets surprised seeing as her mother arches her body.

He feels as juices flood his mouth, his mother takes down her body and juice squirts splashes his face. Nick moves back while juice squirts splashes his stomach and crotch.

"Mom!" Nick complains while he cleans the face feeling that his hair is wet.

"Sorry dear, but the orgasm of the girls is sometimes very intense." Elizabeth says laughing smoothly and kneeling down in front of Nick to help him, she dries the face with her dressing gown, and she smiles at him smoothly.

"Very well done dear, you made mother feel great, it was one of the intensest orgasms that I had in my life." Elizabeth says caressing Nick's head affectionately.

He moves the tail with a lot of happiness. His mother catches his hands, and she pulls him on her, both fall on the bed with Nick above her.

Nick feels like his knot is on the vulva of his mother, he feels the heat that comes from the slit. His mother looks at him and the face with both hands caresses him on the back while she looks at him smiling smoothly.

"Well now we go to the main thing, you know how the subject goes." Elizabeth says looking at her cub. Nick nods swallowing hard, he gets up and kneels between the legs of his mother.

He again sees the swollen vulva of his mother, the aroma that comes from there makes him get a bit harden. He holds his penis and aims it down toward the pink slit, Nick is nervous, and he stops before the tip gets to enter.

Nick looks his mother over a second time, and she smiles on him to reassure him. Nick moves his hips and his cock tip penetrates between the vaginal lips, he stops and takes air before pushing again.

His hips move forward, and he opens his eyes with surprise, a strong groan of pleasure comes out from his mouth when his penis is hedged by the velvety and moist vaginal walls of his mom.

His penis keeps on sliding over and over again inside his mother. Elizabeth moans and sees with complete happiness the face of expression of her cub, Nick has closed eyes while he loses his virginity.

The vaginal walls receive the penis without problems and soon the knot touches his mother's vulva. Nick does not move, and he enjoys this moment, the tunnel is warm and wet.

Nick opens his eyes when he feels some caress on his head. His mother looks at him lovingly before agreeing to imply to him that he should move.

Nick tries to make a little himself comfortable, he had never made this before, and he begins to move his ass slowly. His eyes close, and he moans of pleasure every time that he pushes his penis.

The vaginal walls caress his penis, juices coats it.

Elizabeth moans and caresses her son's back to encourage him to continue, the member gives her pleasure in spite of not be so big. The feeling of being the first female for her son is much more stimulating for her.

His growling of savage pleasure are tender, she looks pleased as Nick pushes the best that he can. His coital motions are not very coordinated, but that is not important.

Nick whines of pleasure with each thrust, his ass bounces following an instinct that never before he had felt. Something in his inside dictates his motions, his penis enters and goes out without stopping.

The incredible pleasure makes his precum sprouts over and over again, his balls get wet with juice that drips from within. Nick opens his eyes to see his mother, he feels happy seeing her moaning with pleasure.

She is having a good time as much as he, her mother looks at him and smiles before moaning with pleasure.

"Very well dear... increase your velocity!" Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods and tries to increment the rhythm of his thrust in his mom, but his penis suddenly slides out.

Nick gets surprised and Elizabeth smiles, she uses his right hand to guide the member to her cave of love again. Nick immediately pushes and growls of pleasure sinking his penis into that marvelous place that brought him to this world.

Nick resumes his pushes, and he sees as the breasts of his mom rock in front of his face.

His mother looks at him and whining she places her right nipple into the mouth of Nick.

He begins to suck with pleasure, his mother moans closing her eyes. Nick sucks trying pleasuring more his mother at the same time that he enjoys the taste of the nipple.

Elizabeth moans and closes her legs around the ass of her cub, this does not go by unnoticed for Nick, and he slows down his coital movements to see what happens, but her mother catches his face smoothly.

"Continue Nick... don't' stop!" Elizabeth tells him while she smiles on him and next closes her eyes to moan with pleasure. Nick vivifies his pushes and his knot slides inside his mom.

Elizabeth feels it, and she takes Nick's buttocks to knead them and to squeeze them.

Nick increases his velocity to the maximum that he can and his pleasure intensifies just like the pleasure of Elizabeth. She whines of pleasure while her breasts rock without control.

His son moves very fast, his vaginal walls are stimulated with more intensity. She feels that she is close to her orgasm, Elizabeth opens her eyes to see Nick.

In that precise moment he clenches his teeth growling ferociously while he pushes his hips with force. His penis pulses with more force and shoot semen spurts that spatter the vaginal walls.

Elizabeth feels as the little sperm squirts splashes her vaginal walls triggering her orgasm. She howls with pleasure and uses her legs to press still more the ass of Nick against her crotch at the same time that she quivers with pleasure.

Nick moans with pleasure and pain, he feels as the vaginal walls squeezes with more force his penis, the pleasure of his climax increases by this. Although feeling as the claws of his mom dive in his buttocks it is painful, but this does not decrease his pleasure a lot.

Both whine of pleasure for some moments more, Nick opens his eyes feeling that his mom caresses his snout softly. She breathes agitated while she smiles.

"That was great Nick, I did not expect less from my boy." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He moves his tail with a lot of happiness.

"Can we do it again?" Nick asks with a lot of hope. His mother laughs with great pleasure.

"Of course Nick, but go easy on it." She says smiling to him smoothly. She feels like the penis of her cub still remain hard.

Nick raises his ass, and he resumes his pushes, his mother holds his ass to direct his pushes.

He enjoys each thrust, his mother also enjoys. They look at each other content, Nick obeys taking his time, pleasure is soft while he has a good time, and his mother kneads the cheeks of his ass affectionately.

Nick's rhythm slowly increases and it becomes much faster, his mother releases his ass to permit him act by his own means. Nick growls and pumps up savagely without control.

Suddenly his penis slips out and Nick pushes with force. But in this occasion his cock penetrates in the ass of Elizabeth suddenly, she gets surprised and gives a groan of pain by the intrusion not planned in her ass.

"I'm sorry, mom!" Nick says rapidly pulling his penis out.

"Take it easy, do not get worried... mom likes to be fucked there too, but before do it, you must prepare that entrance." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. Nick's eyes open with complete surprise.

"Can it be done by this way? Isn't it dirty?" Nick asks looking at his penis and next to his mother.

"Yes we can, and I cleaned it before start, I made it during my bath." Elizabeth says smiling smoothly and turning over to position herself on her elbows and knees. She moves her long tail to one side.

She stretches her right hand to open a drawer of the bedside table, she introduces her hand to look for something while Nick looks closely at her before looking the ass of his mother over a second time.

He with a lot of interest places his hands to separate the cheeks and see that hole.

Nick tilts his head lightly to the right seeing his mother's sphincter.

It is a pinhole, he cannot understand how his cock entered there, and Nick sees that his mother draws a toothpaste from the drawer. She passes it to him.

Nick looks at the toothpaste, but he realizes that it is not what he supposed. He reads the name of savage lube. That makes him raise an eyebrow. Nick opens screw cap and squeezes the tube a little, by the mouthpiece comes out in a slippery and transparent liquid, and it emits the aroma of strawberry.

"That helps a lot, my tail hole or the one of any girl does not have its own juice like my pussy." Elizabeth says looking over her shoulder toward to Nick.

"My vagina is coated by my juice and it helps a lot. I mean it helps you to move without problems. Do you understand?" She asks looking at Nick. He nods and sees as some juice drops drips from the slit.

"Now I want you to apply the lubricant in my hole." Elizabeth says separating her buttocks using her hands. Nick nods quietly, and he extracts more of the liquid on his fingers.

He brings closer his fingers to his mother's hole, and he touches it, she shakes lightly and Nick begins to move his fingers smoothly, he sees as the sphincter of his mom glistens when it gets covered by the lubricant.

Nick also hears that his mother moans smoothly, Elizabeth has her closed eyes feeling as fingers move in circles on her posterior hole.

His juices are dripping with more speed from her slit, she loved the anal sex.

"Nick, dear... it is enough, now apply it to your cock." Elizabeth says panting. Nick stops and squeezes the bottle to obtain more of lubricant on the palm of his left hand.

He closes his hand around his penis, Nick shakes and closes his eyes. The lubricant is cold and that is somewhat painful or annoying, he begins to scatter it on all his cock, soon the lubricant makes him feel a heat around his penis.

His hand moves for all his penis that shines brightly completely, Nick extracts more lubricant for his knot. He does not want hurt his mom, perhaps his knot would not enter that tight hole.

"Are you ready, dear?" Elizabeth asks looking over the shoulder.

Nick nods and his mother smiles at him.

"Now get in position and push it with calm in order that you enjoy it, you will not hurt me." Elizabeth says looking at her cub. Nick leaves the bottle on the bed, and he gets comfortable behind his mother.

Make it is a little hard due the unstable surface of the bed. He grabs his mom's hips and takes his penis using the right hand, he looks down to aim it down and soon the tip touches his mother's sphincter.

Nick looks at his mother and she nods. Without knowing how this will work, Nick pushes with force and his eyes open when he sees that the tip of his penis disappears when it passes through her sphincter.

He stops and opens his eyes feeling the internal heat surrounding the tip of his cock.

"Do you like it?" Elizabeth asks seeing the face of the surprise of her cub. Nick nods with enthusiasm.

"Then push it in." His mother says moving her ass slowly. Nick does not expect more, and he pushes slowly, he closes his eyes and moans with pleasure to feel as his shaft enters in such a tight tunnel.

He cannot believe what he feels, it is somehow different, not so soft like the vagina of his mother, but the reduced space makes the anal walls caress his penis and his knot touches the sphincter.

Elizabeth feels the heat that surrounds her son's member, it does not get deeper. It gets close to the middle of her rectum, but she enjoys it in addition to see Nick's face of pleasure.

Nick does not consider it more, and he begins to move his hips, he moans and pants with pleasure every time that his penis enters and goes out. The anal passage is somewhat incredible, Nick cannot believe that he is doing this.

Elizabeth moans with pleasure and embraces the pillow while her son pounds her ass, she enjoys each thrust. The member stimulates her anal walls, the lubricant makes it more pleasurable.

Nick's growling are strong, he does not stop while his groin hits his mother's buttocks, and both cheeks shake with each blow. The sphincter moves back and forth following Nick's rhythm.

Nick is in his element, this hole is incredible. He opens an eye to see his mother, she also is having a good time. The tail of the cub moves with happiness while he pumps.

Elizabeth feels as the bed moves and it gnashes, her juices are dripping between her thighs. His breasts rock lightly, she gets surprised by the fierceness of her boy, she likes that, Nick would be incredible in bed, only he needs more experience.

Nick moves more rapidly feeling that his pleasure grows, with a strong push his knot opens his mother's sphincter and it disappears in the hole.

Elizabeth gasps and moans feeling like the knot enters in his anal passage and also it moves caressing her anal walls. Nick moans and all his member does not stop it is caressed over and over again.

His mother whines with more pleasure, she feels that the most marvelous moment is near.

"Fuck me hard, babe, make mom yours!" Elizabeth says moaning. Nick listens to his mother's order, and he increases his velocity while he growls with more fierceness.

Less than two minutes later Elizabeth's body begins to shake, and she bites the pillow whining of pleasure and her juices come out in squirts from her vagina.

Nick feels it.

He feels that anal walls clenches around his penis that already was pretty sensitive, Nick pushes and clenches the teeth at the moment of ejaculating.

His penis pulses with force while he shoots sperm in his mom's ass. Elizabeth looks over her shoulder to see like her son is in an orgasmic stupor.

Nick releases his mother's hips letting himself fall on her while his penis releases the last little spurt of cum. His eyes are closed while his tongue hangs out from his mouth.

"Well dear. What did it seem to you?" Elizabeth asks looking happy to Nick.

"Awesome... mom." Nick responds opening one eye while he breathes agitated. His mother smiles at him soft and maternally.

"Now an important piece of information that you should have to consideration, not all females like it, and if you find the one that wants to try, you must prepare her before introducing it." Elizabeth says while he gets comfortable better on the pillow.

"How I do that, mom?" Nick asks with a lot of interest.

"Well sweety, we can practice it tomorrow, now we should sleep." Elizabeth says looking at her cub over her shoulder.

"Mom...I want to make it one more time, please." Nick asks with supplicate.

"So...Why don't you begin to move?" Elizabeth asks moving her ass playfully.

"I want the other way" Nick says looking at his mother. She smiles and nods.

"But you already know what you must do before that." Elizabeth says looking at Nick. He nods, and he sits to pull his penis out, much to his surprise his knot comes out without problems just like the rest of his cock.

He moves out from the bed, and he runs to the bathroom, his penis wobbles on the air without control. When Nick gets to the bathroom, he rapidly opens the bathroom's faucet and adjust water in order is it warm.

He climbs on a stair to have his penis in the washbasin and to be able to wash it without problems, Nick gets soap wet, and he begins to move on by all his penis creating foam.

Nick moans smoothly and shakes lightly, he moves his hands in his hard meat, and his attention focuses on each crack making sure to clean it very well. His knot is the most important place.

Nick takes a prudent time to be sure that his penis is clean, his mother told him that he, if does it bad, it could carry consequences. When Nick is confident of having prepared correctly, he cleans foam pouring water on his penis before drying it and closing the water tap.

His cock even is hard thanks to the extra caresses during the cleanliness. He turns off the light of the bath and runs again towards the bedroom of his mother, she is waiting for him.

Nick gets on the bed, and he gets surprised a little when his mother leans him backwards in bed, and she proceeds to inspect his penis. Nick says absolutely nothing and expects that he did it good.

His mother nods approvingly and she positions herself on Nick. Elizabeth takes the cock and aims the tip at her slit, it gets inside between her vaginal lips.

She and Nick moan with pleasure when her ass descend and her vagina devours the cub's hard shaft until only the knot is outside.

"As you were a good cub, mom will take care of everything." Elizabeth says smiling and looking at Nick. He nods and his mother begins to ride him of a slow and careful way. Elizabeth moans, and she moves with calm in order that she and her cub enjoy the maximum possible time. Nick feels as the soft walls caress his cock without stopping.

The bed squeaks lightly with each motion of Elizabeth, she sees as her cub has his closed eyes while she continues moving her ass.

Nick's face of pleasure is something that she will never forget in her life, Elizabeth leans forward to take her son's hands and to lay them on her tits.

Nick opens his eyes feeling the softness of the mammary glands, he looks at his mother.

She smiles on him and Nick begins to have a good time and to stimulate the two breasts achieving that his mom moans with more pleasure.

Minutes pass and the pleasure of both increase, Elizabeth takes down her ass with force and the knot enters in her vagina. Nick takes a breath when his mother begins to ride him with more speed.

The bed squeaks strongly, and both moan of pleasure. Nick no longer can delay his climax.

"Mom!" Nick says growling and pushing his hips at the same time that his member explodes inside his mother.

Elizabeth stops and grunts of pleasure, the little semen spurts touch her vaginal walls provoking an intense orgasm in her.

The mother and son growl of pleasure until their orgasms dissipate and Elizabeth moves on one side to position herself on her right-hand side. Nick pants rapidly and his mother holds him to lean him against her body.

Nick's head rest on the right tit of his mom.

"Now that you know what you should make, if you feel those impulses." Elizabeth says caressing her son's head affectionately. Nick nods.

"But...what I do, if happens at night? After a nightmare." Nick asks looking at his mother.

She laughs smoothly.

"There is no problem sweety, you can proceed in the daytime or at night. I will not get upset... and do not get scared, if mom does the same thing with you. . I also need it and now that you can help me..." Elizabeth says looking at Nick.

He nods with enthusiasm. His mother covers both with the blankets, Nick clings to his mother and lays his head on his breasts to fall asleep completely exhausted after a night out of the common.

Nick Wilde and his mother are © Disney

Written by Janus Oberoth