Black Magic Fuckery

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Picture, of Trinity's costume from the story, by Pomela, thank you very much! Be sure to fave their post as well on InkBunny

When a daughter loves her father very, very much...

The doorbell rang.

"Coming, coming!" She said, lightly jogging to the door as the bell excitedly chimed over and over and over and over again. She opened it to see a young bunny, dressed as a witch.

A sheer shawl draped down around her to about the backs of her knees. She was wearing a deep purple leotard. The black-and-white striped leggings she wore were stretched a bit taught, letting the tones of her fur peek through. On her feet were ruby-red high-heels. Upon her head was a wide-brimmed, steepled black hat, with a purple ribbon wrapped about the base, and dangling over the edge. Over her face was a green mask, with a wide grin, pointed nose, and cleft chin.

"The Wicked Witch of the West, I presume?"

She brandished a thin, branch-like wand, which had been holstered in her jack-o-lantern bucket. "Where'ssss that goody-two-sssshoessss," she said with a sinister croak to her voice.

"I'll go get her," said the mother chipmunk. "Marcie?" She called, "Trini--I mean, Elphaba is here."

The young 'munk came down the stairs, very slowly, almost in a droll. Despite her dress being pink and frilly, adorned with shiny bows and lace, her hair done up in a pretty little bun, and clutching a fairy-wand with a pink star and glittery ribbons that drifted in the wake of each motion; she had a blank, disinterested stare upon her face.

"Are you two ready to get lots of yummy treats?" The mother said excitedly.

"Yessss, and that little doooog, tooooo" said the Wicked Witch.

The Good Witch merely nodded, arriving at the door.

"Well, here's your basket," she said, handing her daughter the pastel-pink Easter-basket she would use as her candy bucket. "And you take good care of m-mhmmm--hmm..." the mother faltered, cutting off her own words. "Have... A fun night."

The Wicked Witch took Glinda's hand, leading her out of the door. She tipped up her mask, and gave the mother a smile. "You, too," she said, giving her a wink.

"Sh..." The mother hushed, and closed the door, even while the rabbit let out a fit of giggles that went muffled once shut. She checked out the peep-hole, and saw the two walk away from the front porch. When they were far enough away, she reached over, and flicked off the light-switch, shrouding the door in shadow.

She made her way to the powder-room near by. A hanger gently swished along the doorknob as she passed in and shut it. She began unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a modest brassiere supporting her bust.

She snapped the button free from her pants, unzipping the fly and letting them drop. Underneath she had on a pair of ugly granny-panties.

She reached behind her, and fumbled with the bra-clasp. She grunted and huffed, trying to work the puzzle that she couldn't see. Finally, she felt a snap, and the bra loosened. Feeling about, she found the break, and felt that it was only half-undone. Taking both ends, she pushed the seam together, and felt the slack right away.

The bra fell to the floor, and she took a deep breath. "Holy cow!" She sighed, leaning on the powder-room sink. "That thing... Was so tight..." She huffed. Standing upright, she hefted her breasts. "These are really heavy..." She remarked, holding and massing them. Using her fingers, she pinched and tweaked her nipples, feeling tickles of pleasure. "...Don't get distracted," she muttered, and pulled down the heinously concealing panties.

She turned to the hanger on the doorknob. Upon it were two garments, and she slipped off the first. A pair of black, lacy panties that had a sheer band. Toward the crotch, it was more solid fabric, but then where the crotch would normally cover, it was split.

She slipped the crotchless panties on. They did absolutely nothing to hide the light-tan fur of her mound. Her vulva was on full display, framed by the black with curling whorls within the lacy pattern.

Turning back to the hanger, she slipped off the other garment, and bunched it up to more easily pull it over her head. The negligee hung onto her shoulders by thin, lacy straps. A thick, occluding ruffle of lace wrapped the top close to her body. But the occlusion quickly relented to the see-through fabric, which gave her fur only a slight tinge of black, as if in a poor attempt to conceal her body behind it. But she was still very visible underneath; if anything, it did more to accentuate her chest, as a slight line was drawn across her bosom from nipple to pert nipple.

Her chest also worked against her. The garment was not that long, and her bust drew up much of what little slack there was. This left her waist completely exposed; the hem of the negligee just barely covered her belly-button. In fact, her chest was so obtrusive to the garment, that the front draped an inch or so in front of her stomach, not even touching it.

She admired herself in the mirror for a moment. It felt so sexy and naughty to be wearing this stuff! She played around a bit, gasping and pretending to cover her nipples and crotch. "Oh my! You can see my privates!"

She pressed her back against the wall. She then tore the arm trying to cover her chest away, and placed the back of it against the wall, near her head.

"Wh-Wh-Wh--What are you... G-Gonna do to me?" She stammered, nervously, her other hand rubbing her vulva. Using her fingers, she pulled her petals apart. "Ah!" She gasped. "You're spreading me so wide!" She panted. She dipped a finger in, biting her lip. She was getting herself wet. She dipped three fingers in, panting. "Please, be gentle," she whispered, using her fingers to rub along her anterior wall. "It's my first time... With such a handsome man..."

She rubbed the soft, supple flesh firmly, and felt a quivering ripple all the way up her tummy. With a gasp, she pulled her fingers out, and looked them over. They were coated in her feminine arousal.

Shivering, and fighting a slight jitter in her motions, she opened the door and left the powder room.

Her bare feet patted softly on the cool tile as she walked with waxing confidence, the front of the negligee following the unrestrained sway of her chest. She paused at the door to the home's office, took in a breath, and opened it.

There he was, sitting at the computer.

She could imagine the reflection of the monitor shining off of his glasses.

She fondly recalled sitting in his lap and looking up at those glasses as he showed her lines of code that turned into three-dimensional rooms that she could walk around in and throw magic spells about, hither-thither. But he was the real wizard, for he would go to another screen, tap out a few commands and, presto: now she could fly with a trail of hearts behind her.

"Hhhhhh-mmmmmhhhhhh...." He took in a deep breath, leaning back and folding his arms behind his head in a stretch. The chair squeaked with his lean, and continued to emit little squeaks as he gently bobbed from his bouncing leg.

"Why don't you take a break from the crunch, hon," she said.

He swiveled partway, and then the chair snapped back up with a start. "Me--Whoaw--" His blurt was cut short when his glasses tumbled down, and he fumbled to try and catch them. He looked up, and even in his blurry vision he could see a beautiful thing that startled, but also excited, him.

He followed the sway of her smudgy hips as she approached. "Marcie's out with her friend," she said, casually stepping to him. "I put the bowl of candy outside," she squatted, picking up his glasses. "And... The bedroom is on the other side of the house," she pointed out, proffering them to him.

He took them, and put them back on. Now, in clarity, he could see her attire. "You don't... Wanna... See the trick-or-treaters...?" He asked, though his eyes flitted from one feature to the other, and followed what her panties framed as she stood.

"We don't get much 'us-time' anymore, so... Why not have some this evening?"

He gave her that goofy grin she sometimes caught him with, like when he finally got something to work just right in a world he was creating. "Sure," he agreed. "My code'll need a while to compile anyway," he joked.

She swatted his shoulder, and led the way to their bedroom.

He followed her like a lost little puppy. She giggled, glancing back at every turn to catch him just behind her, chasing her tail. She would wiggle it during straight paths.

They arrived at the bedroom, and she turned to him as he shut the door behind. She stood with her hands behind her back, pushing out her chest and moving one foot just a bit to the side to part her thighs. "So... Do you like what you see?"

"Yeah," he blurted, a bit dumbly. "I didn't even know you had that," he chuckled. "It's very..." He walked up to her, resting his hands on her shoulders. He dipped his gaze, pausing for a second at her chest, and at her mound, before drawing his eyes back up to meet hers. "Stunning," he settled on.

She shimmied with delight.

He moved his hand to his t-shirt.

"Ah-ah!" She snagged his wrists. "Let me," she whispered in a sultry tone, sneaking her fingers underneath his shirt.

With a dopey smirk, he relaxed his arms and held them up.

She pulled his shirt up over his belly. He had gained a few pounds each year, but she didn't mind. It was a side-effect of his work, and he did his best to keep it from going out of control.

Free of his shirt, she blushed as her eyes roved over his torso. She placed her hands upon his tummy, and coaxed him to the bed. He sat, and she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"You need to sit with good posture," she pouted to him, squeezing his shoulders. "I don't want you to get a stiff neck," her hands moved to massage the base of his neck with her thumbs.

"Mmmmmmh..." He hummed, his muscles relaxing. "But then you wouldn't give me any massages," he gently countered.

"You didn't let me finish," she admonished, bringing her nose to bump into his. "I don't want you getting a stiff neck, because I want something else of you getting stiff."

"Mh!" He shifted with a bit of discomfort when she kissed him. The words brought him right up, but still in his pants he was at a bad angle. He shivered when her hand tickled down his chest and stomach, arriving at his pants. The button slipped through, and he let out a sighing hum as she undid his fly, easing the strain.

She broke the kiss, panting. Spittle clung to her lips. She dipped her muzzle to his chest and kissed there, her other hand on his shoulder, coaxing him to lie back. Her lips kissed down over his belly, nearing his groin. As she neared, he started to squirm and twitch, her kisses grazing over sensitive spots.

She tugged his pants down, and took a moment to admire his tented, blue briefs. She was blushing furiously. Her heart was racing. This was it. In just a few seconds, she was going to uncover it.

But first, on last tease. She leaned in, and planted a kiss over his clad loins. She tried to figure out its shape from beneath the fabric. But it was so cramped and restrained, she didn't quite know how it was oriented.

At last, she couldn't take it anymore. She snuck her fingers into his waistband, and started tugging down.

She stifled a gasp when it flopped out, gently slapping against his tummy. It was thick, but a little short, and it tended to curve toward his right. But his balls were big; one was colored dark-brown, the other light tan. The fur that covered them looked like the fuzz on a peach: soft and short.

A throb of pleasure nudged between her legs. She licked her lips. Opening her muzzle, she did as her heart desired.

"Oh! Babe," he twitched, head jerking up to look down at her. He blinked, and met her eyes.

She had popped his nuts into her mouth.

His dick throbbed when she gave them a tentative suckle.

"B-B-Be careful," he pleaded, easing back down.

Oh, she would! She knew how sensitive and tender a boy's nuts were. She was actually terrified she'd hurt him when he jerked up, but seeing him ease back down lifted her spirits.

She tasted them. Something about their texture was amazing. The fur and skin of his pouch was soft and wrinkly. They were firmer than she expected, but she still regarded them with great care.

She delighted at how every time she gave them a little suckle, his cock throbbed and nudged up a little bit. She squirmed. Her petals were sopping wet, her body readying. But she also wanted to savor her time.

This was the only night she would have for a year.

But his cock was calling out to her. Suck me! It begged, getting a tease of the feeling from the balls just beneath it. At last, she couldn't take its pleading any more, not to mention that she wanted very badly to taste it.

"Oooooooh... Sweetie..." He moaned, resting a hand on her head as she swallowed his cock.

She loved how he moved his legs. He parted them a little wider, and turned his knees outward so that his thighs were flat. He was adjusting to give her more vantage to suck him!

She acquainted herself with this feeling. She couldn't help but compare it to a lukewarm hotdog. Especially since, well, that's what she had practiced on. But it was firmer, and throbbed within her muzzle.

She started to suckle.

"Mm?" He lifted his head up. "Heheh... Well that's a new technique." He rested his head back. "Not that I'm complaining."

She blushed. This time, she was embarrassed. She wasn't doing it right? Timidly, she continued to do what she had originally practiced. She suckled on his cock, sort of like it was a baby's bottle if it was jammed down her throat. It was only when his hand started to tug a bit on her hair that she began moving her muzzle up and down.

Ugh, duh! That motion. That's what boys liked. She had to do that motion with her muzzle. And that was confirmed by his hums of pleasure.

"Babe... That feels so good..." He grunted. "I thought you didn't like doing this... Nnngh... I might not last long..."

His cock was throbbing and twitching against her tongue. She started to moan, copying him. That seemed to excite him even more, as when she did he squirmed a little bit.

"I'm... I'm gonna cum babe..." He said.

Her heart started to pound.

"B-B-Babe, I... I can't hold it much longer..."

She held her breath, but kept her motions and doubled her suckling.

"Babe!" He said sternly, and leaned up to pull her muzzle off before he blew. But when he tried, she groaned in protest, and buried her muzzle into his crotch.

He slipped and fell over the edge.

Her spine felt like jelly when she heard him let out his moan. His cock suddenly throbbed with heat, and then the spurts started happening!

She reveled in the throbbing and twitching, as well as the spurting tickling the back of her throat. She then drew away just a bit, until he was resting on her tongue. She started to suckle again, as if wanting to suck the spurts right out of him. His moaning touched her ears more intensely when she started doing that--he must have liked it a whole lot!

He curled up, his body trembling under her chin. His hips thrust up into her muzzle, his moans raising in pitch. She sucked him harder, drawing more and more of the thick, salty spunk.

Finally, he flopped back onto the bed, and panted deeply.

His spurting stopped. But his penis was still warm, and a little firm. But, after a moment, it started to soften.

That disappointed her.

It receded as it softened in her muzzle. She suckled more, but when she heard him grunting she thought better of it. At last, she let him go.

Now all that remained was his jism. It settled on her tongue, bitter and with a hint of salt. Part of it was a thin, runny liquid, and the other part was a thicker, slimier substance. At first, she sort of grimaced at the taste and texture, but then she felt guilty for it.

After all, this was what she had wanted.

She pressed the tongue to the roof of her mouth, smearing the spunk around a little. She got used to the texture, the bitterness. Tried not to think of how it started to feel like she had boogers in her mouth.

He opened his eyes, and looked at her.

"Uh... Babe... D--Did you...?" He asked.

She blushed, and then opened her muzzle, and lifted her tongue.

He blushed as well, seeing his seed coating her tongue.

She closed her muzzle and, while still matching his eyes, swallowed. She did so a few times to get it all down. She liked how he sort of squirmed, trying not to show how he liked watching her swallow what he'd given her.

"W--Wow," he whispered. "That was..." He let out a breath. "C--C'mere," he beckoned with a finger. "Let me return the favor."

Heart pounding again, she climbed up onto the bed. "But... You're not stiff, yet," she remarked, looking down at his cock.

"Don't be silly, c'mere," he urged, reaching down to grasp her buttocks and pull her up.

She followed his guide, and then realized what he intended to do. It sent her heart aflutter again, and her loins got warm. She knelt over his face, and looked down. She could only see his eyes, and they went from matching hers, to looking at her nethers. His hands at her hips tugged downward.

She felt the warmth of his tongue on her petals.

"Oooh," she muttered, then gasped as his tongue dragged across her petals from the bottom to her mound. Right at the end, it passed over a spot that made her whole body shiver.

"Mmm... I don't think I've ever seen you this wet, babe," he remarked, before licking her again.

"Huuuuh..." She let out another huff, widening her legs to give him better vantage, just as he did for her.

"If I had known, I woulda just..."

She legitimately waited for more words to come, but then his tongue touched her, this time over that spot that was very sensitive, and then pushed forward. In doing so, her lips were teased apart, and then, the warm muscle slipped into her hole.

She sucked in a breath. "Oh! Daddy!" She blurted out.

"Auegh?" He asked, tongue stuck in her vagina. It was let go when she suddenly jerked up a bit, and looked down at him. She had the most adorable expression on her face, like she was terrified at what she just said. He gave her a smirk. "That was..."

Her breaths started to hasten. A ringing started to fill her ears.

"Kinda... Hot," he said, softly. "I dunno what's gotten into you... But I like it." He pulled her back toward his muzzle.

She was so conflicted for a few moments.

Her heart was racing with terror, her breathing light and shallow with embarrassment. But then, the fear and nervousness slipped away when his tongue slipped back in began to nudge around her hole.

Now, her heart was beating with excitement, and her breaths were shallow from the pleasure that tickled from his tongue, stroking along her soft, supple walls.

"Aaaaaaaah!" She let out a moan, relaxing into the pleasure. Just as she got used to his tongue teasing her walls, he would slip it free and lick over her petals. Just as she was getting used to him licking, he would let off and kiss her thighs, leaving her sex hot and throbbing. Just when it was left idle for too long, he would slip his tongue back in, and the sparks would ignite anew.

A pressure built within her. It settled each time he took a break to kiss her thighs, but after half a dozen cycles she realized that he never quite let it fall back down to normal. A bit of the pressure always remained, and now enough had built that when he slipped his tongue back in it was like he hadn't even left.

Now and again he would let out a soft hum, and the vibrations would carry through his tongue and into her hole. She found muscles she hadn't felt before. They quivered, weakly fluttering until she managed to use them. She squeezed down on his tongue, and now her breaths had a slight moan to them.

He started to play with her. He'd stick his tongue in all the way, deep as he could. When she tried to hold onto it, he would pull it back, resisting her squeezes.

She panted with desperation. She wanted so badly for his tongue to just stay in her hold. She just wanted to feel it, so strong and thick. Squeezing down eased the pressure, but in a strange way. It didn't just calm and ebb, and tingled and coursed through her.

She gritted her teeth, and bore down on his tongue as strongly as she could. But it still managed to get away--this time, it slipped all the way out.

"Daddy! P-Please... D--Daddy!"

"Ssshhh... It's okay, baby, daddy's got you."

She was seeing flecks of light in her eyes, the pleasure was so strong. She was just on the edge. If only he hadn't pulled his tongue out, she might've--

"Oooooh Daddy!"

She was so hot and ready, just the touch of his tongue upon that sensitive spot threw her off. Her hand pulled his head up to her loins, intent on not letting him tease her any more while in her throes. She pressed his cheek to her vulva, grinding against it.

"Hauh! Hauh! Hauh! Hauh! Hauh! Hauh. Hauh..." She moaned and panted, her cunny quivering with pleasure, but feeling empty and disappointed as the walls pressed together, slipping and sliding along one another.

Her orgasm started to fade. She whined, not wanting it to go. It was the best one she had ever had. So much better than when she used her own fingers, or even the end of her hair brush.

Even after her last flutters calmed, she kept his cheek pressed against her petals. Her body was cooling off, and a shiver was running up her spine.

"Um... Babe... About me having a stiff neck?"

Reluctantly, she let him go, and rolled off of him onto the bed.

He chuckled. "Sheesh, need me to get you some water?" He remarked, feeling his cheek, covered in her nectar.

She blushed, shyly closing her legs, the fur of her nethers feeling matted. "Um... Please?" She asked.

"Sure, be right back."

She didn't really need the water. What she needed was just a few moments to get her breath and let all the shivers work their way out. Her head fell back onto the pillows of the bed. She had never cum that hard.

A few moments later, she heard his footfalls approaching. A throb of pleasure between her legs made her squirm.

The cup rattled when the ice sloshed. He sat down on the bed next to her, holding the cup with her to make sure she didn't spill it. But, she seemed to be okay after a few sips, so he let her have the cup.

She did need the water after all. She made sure to catch a bit of ice and chew on it. She hated it; the feeling and the sound of it squeaking and crackling between her teeth made her stomach churn a little. But, she had to.

Then, she got an idea. There was very little water left, mostly ice. She looked back up to him with a smile.

"Finished?" He asked, holding his hand to take the cup from her.

While still meeting his eyes, she tipped the cup over, and the bit of water, along with the ice, spilled out over her chest. She sucked in a breath; it was a little colder than she expected.

But, it had the desired effect. Beneath the sheer fabric, her nipples began to harden. They stood pert after just a moment, adding creases and wrinkles in the lace that trickled down from her areolae.

"Uh oh," he said, though he was clearly feigning concern. "Let's get that off of you. Don't wanna catch a chill," he remarked, as if she had just gotten some water on a jacket or her hat.

The ice still clinging to her fur was finally cast off, along with the negligee. Her chest was now bare; the only other garment she wore did nothing at all to cover or hide her private parts from him.

She shivered.

"Oh, are you cold?" He asked, still feigning that concern.

She nodded, and with her heart racing, she brazenly wrapped her hand around his shaft.

"Mm-hmm," she whimpered. "Could you... Keep me warm?"

His whiskers tickled her as he rested his muzzle next to her ear. "For you... That's the least I can do."

Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of scarlet, and rather quickly he was kneeling between her legs.

He shook off the rust from the dry spell, like riding a bike. Once he lined himself up, he thrust in with a soft grunt.

"Ah!" She let out a nervous moan, both from anticipating the penetration, and from being surprised at how quickly it happened.

He paused, nearly hilted within her soft, shivering tunnel. He did as promised, letting it rest there to keep her warm. The bed squeaked when he shifted his weight to lay over her.

She let out a mutter when his lips locked with hers. Her breaths were light and rapid, and when his tongue slipped in to nestle with hers, she squirmed and murmured.

He eased off, breaking the kiss. Licking his lips, he let out a chuckle. "I dunno why you're acting like it's your first time," he said, softly, pressing his nose to hers. "But I'm really diggin' it."

She smiled back up at him, then gave a little shimmy.

"Hm?" He raised an eyebrow.

She looked up at him, a little concerned. Then, gave another shimmy.

"What's that about?" He asked, imitating the shimmy.

She bashfully turned her head away.

"Ooooh, I get it. You're asking for--this?" He quickly pulled out and thrust back in.

She giggled, squirming from the small wave of pleasure that pushed all the way up through her body.

"She wants more?" He asked, nuzzling her cheek.

She nodded.

"Okay, but only cuz you're cute." He replied, and started a gentle thrusting. He was glad that she'd blown him earlier--not something usual for him. But since he'd already popped off, he didn't have to think about how he wanted to design the path-finding routines in a generalized way so that he could adapt them more easily to the different mobs.

He got to enjoy her reactions more. He liked to see her squirm and shimmy, almost like she was being tickled. Her coyness and lack of words was oddly alluring, like she was just so shy she couldn't say what she thought, so he had to read her naughty little mind.

Her squeaks, moans, and coos were so genuine and natural. She was almost too adorable to be rutting into, except that he hadn't gotten to do this in quite a while and he wasn't going to stop just because she was acting bubbly. Not like it ruined the mood. It just wasn't the mood he was used to, that's all.

She closed her eyes out of nervousness, but also for a purpose. She wanted to better focus on what was happening inside of her right now. He was so gentle and tender, just like he was with her when she was upset or frustrated at the silliest little thing.

But then, just like after she got through her glum and he would get more excited and wacky to cheer her up, his thrusts started to hasten and get more frantic.

Both directions sent different pleasures through her. When he pushed in and bumped against the back and entrance of her tunnel, a lance of pleasure shot through her, making her go weakly limp for just a split second. Then, when he pulled out, the gentle stroke along the anterior of her wall made her toes and fingers curl; as well as her whole body, just a little.

She moved her hands to hold her breasts, and gently squeeze them. They tickled with pleasure as well. Stronger than she thought they would. Then, she sucked in a breath.

Watching her massage her breasts was too enticing. Her nipples were too pert, like they were pleading. He couldn't help latching on and suckling. It also eased him, kept him going longer.

She opened her eyes, and let out a fluttery moan. He was suckling her, like a baby! His eyes were closed, and she watched attentively to how his lips so earnestly contracted. Each little tug made her heart skip a beat.

So much pleasure! From so many unfamiliar directions!

She wanted it to last forever, but she was getting pushed closer and closer to the edge.

"Are you--Are you--Are you--G-Gonna--Sq-Squirt--Inside--Of--Me?" She asked, between thrusts. Despite knowing he would need to so he could answer her, she was disappointed when he released her nipple. A trail of spit connected them before it broke.

"That's--What you--Want?" He grunted.

"Yes--Oh yes--Oh yes--Oh please--P-Please," she whimpered.

"You haven't--Been--This eager--Since--We--Were--M-Making--Marcie."

"M-Maybe--I--W-Want--A sis--A sis--A sis--trgggh!"

His final thrust slammed against her, both inside and out. The pleasure paralyzed her; she was barely able to suck in a breath. For a few seconds, she heard the sound of his grunts, and felt the throbs within her snaring hold.

It started with a subtle ripple. Then, suddenly, a powerful convulsion. She let out the most guttural groan of her life, a sound she didn't even know she could make. Sparkles erupted in her eyes, and she resigned to the powerful urge to bear down as hard as she could on that stiffness between her legs. Her entire body worked in harmony to squeeze around it, as if desiring to hold it still and keep it from throbbing and twitching within her.

With what little senses she had, she tried to hold onto the feelings as long as she could. Even when the feelings were so dull they were just barely there, she tried to keep her squeezes just as strong.

Her arms and back gave out first. Then, her legs. Then, she weakly tried to keep it going with only the muscles between her legs. But, those too soon grew weary. Try as she might, she could not get them to even twitch.

He was heavy on her. But, in a good way. She held him, one hand across his back, the other around the back of his head. His cheek rested upon her breast. She listened to his soft breathing.

She desperately reached back to the memory of just minutes ago. She replayed it over and over in her mind. She wanted to rewind time, to relive it again.

But, to her dismay, time was running out. And, there was one last thing to do.

"Mmmh..." He stirred, opening his eyes. "So... Warm enough?"

She smiled, nodding. She let go when he made to get up. "Too warm," she said, sitting up as well.

"Hm? Whaddya mean?" He watched as she turned on the bed, flat on her knees.

She hooked her thumbs into the waist of her panties, and leaned forward. As she did, she lifted her rump, and the panties came down until they rested in the crooks of her knees.

He watched as a little bit of his seed welled up within her red, puffy vulva, and started to trickle out. He was distracted, when her hand snuck around her rear, her fingers sneaking into the crack.

She pulled the cheek of her rump to the side, giving a peek at the hole hiding between. She was glancing back at him over her shoulder, and when his eyes met hers, she gave a sort of questioning hum: "Mmmh? Mmmh?" She added to the unspoken offer by wiggling her tail.

His eyes went wide. "Buh--b-b--" He scrunched his face, then opened his eyes again.

She was still there.

"B-B-Be right back," he muttered quickly, and scurried from the bed into the bathroom.

For a moment she worried. Was this too much? Had she gone to far? He seemed so suddenly nervous, or some manner close to that. She heard clattering coming from within the bathroom, the door left only ajar.

"Holyshitholyshitholyshitholyshit," she heard him murmuring. "Why the hell can't I find it now, it was ri--oh thank you, heavens."

She caught the shadow in the slice of light under the door, before it snubbed, and he emerged. In his hand was a bottle that looked about the size of a shampoo bottle, but wasn't one she recognized.

"Okayokayokay," he whispered, scurrying back to the bed. The bottle opened with a snap. His knee hit the bed before he was expecting, and so he fell forward, dropping the bottle. "Shit!" He hissed, snatching it back up.

Some of the contents had spilled out onto the sheets.

"Guess I'm on the hook for that, now," he grumbled, holding the bottle up and pouring a bit of the liquid onto his palm. "J-J-Just relax, okay," he told her.

"Okay," she replied, watching his hand disappear behind her rump. She shivered when she felt his hand wipe over her, grazing over her fingers. The liquid from the bottle felt oily and slippery. He used the pad of his finger and grazed it over the hole. It instinctively quivered.

"You okay?" He asked, sensitive to the little twitches he felt against his fingerpad. He was reassured by a nod. "And, y-y-y-you're sure about this?"

Another reassuring nod.

"Okay. B-B-But, I promise, I'll t-t-take it easy and slow," he told her. "I'm gonna... E-Ease you a bit, k-kay?"

"Mhmm," she acknowledged. She felt the fingerpad rest over her pucker, and closed her eyes.

"Count of three, ready... One..."

He gently pushed against her.


He pressed more firmly, then relented.

The ring quivered with anticipation.


"Mmmhhh..." She moaned, more from the built-up excitement than the feeling of his finger pushing through the ring. It rested there, just inside her. Her pucker tentatively squeezed on it.

A pleasant flutter danced in her tummy.

He eased it in further, up to the second knuckle, before pulling it back. He did this a few times, until he felt like she was a little more comfortable, before removing it altogether. "Raise up a little," he instructed her.

She did so, her tailhole now almost facing the ceiling. She felt his fingers tickle at her pucker, and it twitched. She took in a breath as he used them to pry it open without penetrating. Then, she felt the oily liquid dripping onto it.

He gave her a generous amount, not wanting to take any risks. He didn't want the first time to be the last time, after all. "I'm gonna use my thumb, okay?" He waited a moment for a reply, but when he didn't hear one he took that as an okay.

He laid his thumb over the hole, and this time the countdown was silent. He merely pressed onto it to signal the count, relieving the pressure quickly on the readying counts. When it was time, he pressed, and didn't ease back; his thumb smoothly pushed in.


At first he was frightened he'd hurt her, but then the following hum calmed him. His thumb was the biggest thing he could work in. She seemed to be handling it well with the lube. Still, he didn't want the first to be the last.

He pulled his thumb free, and added a bit more lube onto the pucker. Then, he pushed his thumb over it to try and work it in. He also used his forefinger, and tentatively rubbed it along the soft, hot walls of her rectum.

She continued to reward him with coos and mumbles of pleasure. The crackling and squelching of the lube was so naughty, it alone added to her excitement.

When he felt he had more than doubled the amount she would need, his hand receded from her rump. The time he took to get her prepped was also time to get his stamina back. He added lube to his palm, and gripped his cock, lathering it all over. The soft crackles of the liquid easing the friction tickled their ears.

He lubed the shaft, and then a few inches around the base, as well as his balls. An abundance of caution was necessary. Finally, he snapped the cap back, and took a breath.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Hurry, we might not have much time," she stressed.

He was conflicted. On the one hand, he knew he should go slow. But, on the other, she was right: Marcie could be home at any time. He would have to be fast, but gentle, and hope that the heinous amount of lube would make up for the difference.

Panting with both excitement and trepidation, he knelt behind her, jutting his pelvis forward. His cockhead rested at the top of her crack as a basepoint, and used the crevice to guide him. He lowered it, down, down, down, until it, like the pad of his finger, rested at her pucker.

He nudged forward, intending to just give her a few last probing nudges before penetrating, but he was so lubed up that his crown slipped right in. "Hoah!" He muttered, not expecting the tight pressure all around his head.

He started to push in, as slowly as he could.

"Ah-hah-hah-ah-ah..." She murmured, with each breath, and each centimeter that pushed in, widening her pucker. When it got wider than his thumb, it tingled a great deal, with just a slight burn. "Hah-hah-hah-hah-hah--hmmmmmmhhhhh..."

He could almost feel the soft vibrations of her hum once he was finally good and in. Her whimpers were worrying him, but now that he was hilted, she seemed to enjoy him. She breathed softly, and her pucker experimentally quivered around the wedge that pried it open.

He rested his stomach on her back. His hands snuck underneath, and clutched her breasts for a brace. He took a few steeling breaths, and then started to rut.

He pulled back, and pushed forward, but also pulled himself against her by his hold on her breasts, squishing them a little in his hands.

His thrusts were rapid and short, little jabs. He tried not to be too rough, resisting the temptation to draw back further and slam in harder. He settled for the gentle churning in her soft rectum, erratically nudging different walls from the larger space compared to her more preferred hole.

But that hole lacked the snaring ring that tugged along his shaft as he drew back. It was such a pleasant hold, tighter than her tunnel, but only in that small ring. How he would love to feel that tightness all around.

Quickly, their whimpers started up again. She could barely catch her breath, her breasts pushing the air out when he squished them. Her pucker burned pleasantly, now akin to the feeling of an early-morning stretch on a tender, cramped muscle.

He was first to finish. He held her tightly, hilted in her rump, spurting wildly. His throat rested on her shoulder, lips near the base of her ear. He moaned so feverishly, one might mistake it for a frightened yelp.

The vibrations of his moan. The tightness of his hold to her for stability. The soft grazes of his testicles over her petals. The gentle throbs and twitches of his spurts. It all swirled together in her heart.

"Ooooooh Dahddhhhyyyyy!" She called, both holes contracting; her rectum squeezing around the intruder that made it tingle so wonderfully; and her princess-parts quivering, soaking his balls from a few feminine squirts.

They both went weak, and fell to the side. He remained in her rump for several moments, until he softened too much. Now, the lube worked against him, and he slipped free.

She caught her breath. Then, looked at the clock on the nightstand.

It was nearly midnight.

Hoping she wouldn't wake him, she gingerly disentangled from him, and stood on shaky legs. She turned, to see if she had disturbed him.

He was lying peacefully, passed out from the treat she had tricked from him.

She leaned in, and gave him the lightest kiss upon the cheek, before slipping away. She looked in the master bath, and donned a thick robe to cover up. Quietly leaving the room, she headed for the back door.

It opened with a minor groan. The wind rustled the chimes hanging on the corner of the back porch. The smell of pumpkin pie and burning hickory was in the air.

Sitting on the bench-swing, beneath the dim lantern-light, was Marcie. Her treat bag was full, and she sat stoically, staring off into the darkness into the back yard. Despite that her costume did little to warm her from the chill, the girl did not shiver.

She went to the girl, ushering her to stand. "C'mon, c'mon. Stand up. We're going to my room," she said.

Calmly, the girl stood and followed.

The two made their way through the house very quietly, mother stopping to shush her daughter when they approached the stairs. At the top, they entered Marcie's bedroom, the mother shutting the door behind them by turning the knob so that the latch didn't make a sound.

Towels had been laid out, overlapping one another. A circular glyph covered them, made from baby-powder. Several candles were placed at specific spots on the circle.

The mother led her daughter to the center, instructing her to step carefully. She retrieved the fireplace lighter, and began lighting all the candles.

In the corner of her eye, she thought she saw movement. A twinge of panic pulsed through her, and she looked at the mirror. She saw the reflected room, and watched for a few moments. But, nothing happened.

"Just seeing things," she reasoned, lighting the last candle. "Okay..." She said, looking down and carefully stepping onto the towels, doing her best to not disturb the glyph she and her friend had outlined. "This better work, again..." She muttered, and took Marcie's hands.

"E'hen ilb'nyeh," she began to chant; "Oth k'u'lth pa schen." The candles pulsed, their flames brightening. "Nazha kloom tumem bajrir'ha. Somu t'buhn, somet t'bahn!"

She kissed her daughter upon the lips.

She heard a rush of wind in her ears. She felt like she was just barely awake; that moment when one rouses to toss or turn, just enough. She felt a pitching and rolling, like she was on a boat. Pins and needles coursed through her, and she felt cold.

She gasped, opening her eyes, and stumbled back. She nearly knocked over a candle, but did smear a mess of powder onto her clothes. She stared up, and saw her mother.

Her mother's expression was distant. Relaxed. She stood still, hands by her side in the thick-furred robe, that was now open. Her nipples were erect, perking out from beside the silk lines of the trim.

Marcie got to her feet, and approached her mother. "I was out trick-or-treating," she told her mother, in a tone that was clearly meant to fabricate memory; "You had a hot night with daddy. You blew him, let him in bare-back, and up your butt. He fell asleep. You waited up for me. I came home, had a fun night with my friend.

"When I say the magic word, you'll pick up these towels, put them in the laundry to wash, and forget this conversation and anything that happened while you were me. Understand?"

Her mother nodded.

"Three... Two... One..." She snapped. "Crackerjacks."

Immediately, her mother twitched, and looked about. "Oh... I guess I need to do towels, huh?" She remarked, and smiled. "I'm glad you had a nice night, sweetie. Don't eat all that candy in one sitting, okay?" She maternally warned, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah, yeah," she grumbled.

While her mother gathered the towels, not at all questioning the powder, her daughter began blowing out the candles and putting them onto her dresser.

Her mother left the room, and she went to her bag of candy. She opened it, and saw that it was filled with milk-duds, tootsie-rolls, laffy-taffy, and other candies she really didn't like.

"Psh. Thanks, Trin," she grumbled, and started to take off her costume. She looked herself over, wearing just the leotard and leggings, making sure her friend didn't do anything weird to her while her body was occupied by her hypnotized mom.

"Welcome back, hon," came a sleepy voice from the doorway.

She looked and saw her dad, dressed back in the pajamas he had been in when she interrupted him at the computer. "Daddy!" She giggled, and ran up to him, arms open for a hug.

He happily gave her one. "Did you have fun tricking? Got lots of yummy treats? Maybe some to share with daddy?" He teased.

She giggled. "Mhmm," she replied, simply.

The mirror rippled gently.

* * *

Across the street, she sat in her own bedroom, surrounded by candles. She sat within a crisscross, lattice geometry bounded in a circle, constructed out of baby-powder. She sat cross-legged, holding a candle in her palms, and staring down at a shallow, porcelain bowl before her. Within was a thin layer of mercury, just enough to make the surface as a mirror.

A drop of wax from the candle dripped into the liquid metal, causing it to ripple. The image of Marcie hugging her father blurred, and vanished.

The g-shep, rabbit hybrid set the candle's dish upon the mercury, allowing it to slightly float. She stared at it, almost transfixed.

"And that's it," she spoke. "What? You were expecting to see someone die at some point when you saw me earlier? Tsch." She folded her arms, and looked a bit hurt; though, most assuredly, the emotion was as shallow, and as much as water, as the metal lining the bowl. "Just cuz I'm here, that doesn't mean someone's gonna get nixed. I didn't hurt anyone in that other world I was in, with the foxes, did I?

"Fuck you." She raised the bird. "Happy Halloween, you presumptuous little bitch."

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Ghost Story - Mors Alium - Book 1

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