A Heroine's Fall

Story by MalCat on SoFurry

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#5 of Other Stories

Hello everyone! This story is based on one of my favorite commissions, which you can view here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1590386 by yoshi2332

Be forewarned that this is very dark and violent story, containing non-consent, bondage, humiliation, and degradation.

While I initially planned this to be a standalone story, I now have four more parts planned after this. I promise things will get better for our intrepid protagonists! Enjoy the story.

"Alright Am, how's my volume level?" Mallory asked into the small hovering camera drone, tapping her microphone a few times as she did.

Half a city away in a small apartment, Amber Bennet winced, pulling her headset away from her large round ears. "You're fine, but please don't tap the mic again." She answered while returning the headphones to their normal position. "Camera looks good too, just going to move in a little bit closer. Think we'll post this to Tweeter or Tik-Kat?"

The tabby cat on her screen did look pretty good. Her blazing red hair, orange fur, and tight crimson outfit all worked together to highlight her fiery powers, with that mask securely in place to hide her identity and tie the whole look together.

"Probably both, so maybe do vertical and horizontal aspects? I mean, I am alone up here, so we could even grab something for the OnlyFurs if you would like." She stuck her tongue out at the camera as she smiled a mischievous smile, knowing that would rile up the mouse. The fact that she posted things like that at all was quite the point of controversy, but the mouse liked showing off her best friend. With benefits. Whatever they were.

Amber blushed under her short fur at the thought of that, brushing her curly blue hair away from her face. "Save it for when you get back here. I'll even take close ups then!" It wasn't exactly a selfless offer, but the subscription income and popularity it gained the constantly-online hero were almost as vital as her powers.

Mallory giggled as she mentally planned the night after this mission. "Alright alright, later it is. Anyways, are we ready to roll?"

"Yup! We're recording now."

Mallory took a breath, then smiled warmly at the camera. "Good evening to all you fine residents of Halcard, and beyond! It's your one and only favorite heroine, Kitty-Flame here with some BIG news. So apparently some very foolish criminals thought it would be a good idea to establish a sex-trafficking operation under my watch. Now, I do not like that one bit, so I'm going to give them a... bit of a surprise. If you like me busting bad guys be sure to leave a like, and if you're here for other things, well, new set dropping tonight. Now, let's turn up the heat!" She held the pose for a second, then asked, "Did we get it?"

"Yeah, I think so! We'll have to leave the drone here for now, but I figure we can get some good action footage off of your body-cam." Amber paused for a moment. She was good at this technical stuff, but the actual fighting always scared her. And now that there were no more delays she was left thinking about something that had been bothering her.

"Mal, are you sure about doing this alone?" She asked the heroine through her earpiece. The mouse's voice was thick with worry. Of course she had seen her friend going directly into danger at least once a week for all of her adult life, but that never made it any easier.

"Am, I'll be fine. This is literally what I'm best at." Mallory replied with the even confidence of a true hero. There was a short pause before the cat added, "And I told you to use the hero name!"

Amber squeaked in embarrassment, shaking her head rapidly. "Sorry sorry! It's just, this whole situation feels strange, y'know? I would just be a lot more comfortable if you had some backup." Mallory couldn't see it, but it wasn't just the mouse's voice that was showing her nervousness. The way that Amber's thin tail flicked about behind her and she stopped every few seconds to brush her hair back into place would have lost her a poker game against a blind sloth.

Mallory felt some trepidation too, but didn't show it. That wasn't Kitty-Flame's character after all. With the short-cut costume and the mask in place she was firmly in character. "Yeah, I'd like some too, but until everybody stops being a buncha' prudes that's not going to happen." Mallory hoped that the way she ground her teeth in frustration as she spoke wasn't audible to the mouse. "But anyways, what's my distance to target?"

The attempt to bring things back around to the mission caught Amber off guard. She had been arguing on Tweeter that Kitty-Flame was NOT overrated instead of paying attention to the GPS coordinates that were pinging ever-closer to the location she had helped decipher.

"Right, sorry! Looks like we've got... 300 meters. The only easy entry is going to be to your left." Amber could see what was happening through a video feed from a tiny camera built into Mallory's suit. "Everywhere else is heavily guarded either inside or out. There's only two guards outside there according to my drone shots earlier."

"Only two? That's barely enough to get me warmed up." Mallory was as flippant as she always was when in costume. Kitty-Flame wasted no time in heading to the entrance that Amber had pointed out, and was pleased to see that the intel was on point. Two bored-looking guards were standing point outside of the warehouse door, with a line of shipping containers stacked to one side of them.

"I've got eyes on. Going in", Mallory whispered into her headset. A quick glance of the battlefield was all she needed to devise a strategy. Kitty-Flame broke into a light run, then sprang up with a lick of flame boosting her movements. She gracefully sailed onto the top of one of the shipping containers, using another small burst of flame to land quietly atop the empty metal box.

Once up there she could run as quietly as a jaguar through a forest, her footfalls preternaturally light even for a feline. The guards weren't looking on top of the tall containers, so their first and only warning of her approach would be another small spot of brightness from the flames as Mallory lept towards the guard to the right of the door.

"Hey wha-AH", was all the guard could get out before the gravity-assisted orange tabby cat crashed into him. She used that force to firmly plant her feet into his chest, knocking him down and out before he could even raise his gun.

His counterpart lasted a bit longer, but only by the sheer luck of being her second target. He hadn't even begun reaching for his weapon before Mallory was springing away from his colleague into a sweeping low spin kick. His legs were taken out from under him before he even realized what was happening. Two armed men down in two seconds. Not bad.

Mallory stood back up to her full height, dusting herself off with a slight smirk. "Did you catch that guy's face? I think he'd be good for the next compilation video."

Amber had been watching every second. It still stunned her how the cat moved so quickly and confidently. She had initially chalked it up to the gymnastics experience, but the way she flowed from attack to attack went beyond even that.

"Amber, you there?" Mallory asked, snapping the mouse out of her reverie. She scrambled to answer, accidentally knocking a nice quartz specimen on her desk to the floor in her haste.

"Yeah yeah, sorry! Just getting the door code. Looks like you're gonna need to enter, uh, 877727." Amber double checked the code to make sure it was right, then nodded. This was the last chance to turn back. Not that Mallory saw any reason to do so, nor could Amber come up with anything.

Kitty-Flame stepped forward, grabbing one of the guard's hats to cover her hand before punching in the number. No sense in leaving fingerprints everywhere. "8, 777, 2, 7", she repeated as she punched the code in. Something about the series of numbers didn't sit right with her, and she had a mini heart-attack when nothing happened at first. Was it wrong? Had they set off an alarm?

Then a small light on the handle went green and the door clicked loudly as it unlocked. The smug smile returned to the cat's face as she slowly pushed it open. "I'm in", she said in her best impression of a hacker from a cheesy early 2000's movie. Amber couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"Yeah alright Net-Fire451. Just stay on your toes, I..." As Mallory started to poke her head inside of the building the connection dropped in quality. Amber noticed it immediately, "Hey Mal can you check your cam? You're dropping frames like crazy."

Mallory tapped at her earpiece. "C'mon Am, code names! Repeat that though, I only got half of what you were saying." Half was a generous guess, and it was only getting worse as she pushed further in.

It was extremely dark inside the building. Granted, it was the middle of the night out there, but at least the ambient light of the city kept it bright enough that Mallory's powerful feline night vision could keep her from falling on her face. In here though she had to squint to make out even faint shapes. "Repeat please Am. Do we have a floorplan or something?"

All that answered Kitty-Flame was static. That wasn't good. She scowled, but at least her eyes were starting to adjust to the oppressive darkness. As well as they could anyways, it was dark as hell.

Suddenly a crackle from her earpiece interrupted the quiet of the building. Mallory jumped in shock, her tail puffing up. "MAL GET--" came the heavily garbled transmission, "--RAP!" Amber practically screamed through the connection. Something was wrong. Something was very--

An absolutely blindingly bright light burned Mallory's retinas, followed a short moment later by the mechanical clunking sound of a powerful searchlight being turned on. Mallory tried to never show pain or fear, but she couldn't help herself now. She mewled and clutched at her eyes, that perfect predator night vision being turned against her in the most vile way.

So it was a trap. Well, if they thought she was going to be an easy quarry they had another thing coming! Mallory wildly threw out a huge wall of fire, instantly raising the temperature in the large building a few degrees. More importantly though it obscured her position as she turned tail and ran blindly back the way she came.

Her movements had none of her usual gymnast's grace as she fled. It was just a desperate scramble to get away from danger, but if it worked that didn't matter. Despite the lack of dignity she thought she must be doing well. Not a single taser or gun had hit her, and she must be getting close to the door--

\ **WHAM!* * The sound of a cat running at full tilt into a metal wall filled the warehouse. Mallory fell backwards, torn between clutching her forehead and her eyes. Both hurt, bad. Her head was absolutely spinning, and she was still completely blinded.

Sightless and prone, Kitty-Flame could only desperately try to pull herself to her feet as she heard boots running towards her from all sides. Even worse than that though, some of them were LAUGHING at her! The indignity!

That humiliated rage gave her the strength to get back to her feet... just in time for the first taser to connect with her side. She was a tough one, but against special, high power, anti-super stun-guns she couldn't do anything. Instantly her body seized, sending her tumbling back to the floor.

It felt like every muscle in her body was on fire. Like everything in her body was trying to tear itself apart. She could barely even scream, the paralysis coming in wave after wave of electrical power binding her body. The brave and beautiful heroine certainly didn't look like either of those descriptors when she was writhing on the floor in pain.

Of course it was going to get worse too. A second attacker was close enough to score another taser hit on the cat now, only intensifying the torture. She was a prisoner in her own body, helpless to stop them as they got ever closer. Face-down and still only able to barely make out vague shapes, Mallory had to rely on her hearing to pick out the clink of handcuffs being brought out.

She supposed that on the bright side they wanted her alive. She wasn't just shot on sight. But her mind filled with all of the horrible reasons they could want her for.

The second taser finally clicked off, but Mallory was still twitching on the ground from the aftershocks alone. How in the hell did that little device make her so useless? All she could do was groan as her arms were yanked behind her, firmly handcuffed with extra-thick metal.

Kitty-Flame's legs were given a similar treatment, completely immobilizing the poor cat. She wanted to struggle, to throw these men off of her, but with those in place she was absolutely helpless. Completely unable to stop the final indignity she was to be saddled with.

Arms and legs secured, one of them reached around her neck. Mallory instantly recognized what was happening and hissed harshly, an animalistic sound of warning that she was PISSED. Any other time that would have made even the most hardened villain stop in their tracks, but it didn't slow this low-level grunt down for even a second. He just secured the collar around her neck like she was an unruly animal.

Finally the shocks were subsiding enough for her to talk. Just in time for one of them to throw her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Let... GO! I will burn you all to cinders! Ash! Charcoal!" Her angry outburst only elicited a chuckle from the men. A chuckle! She'd never been more disrespected while in costume.

There was good reason for their boldness though. Kitty-Flame wasn't the type to show her anger like this. She was the witty, clever one who left any villain stammering. The more openly furious she acted, the more it made her seem weaker. She was in trouble. They had her, and both she and they knew it.

Still, all of her squirming was annoying. She could only barely see, and without being able to move she couldn't summon much flame, but any fighting back was irritating. The one carrying her dropped her roughly to the ground. "Give her a quick shock", he said in a gruff voice.

Mallory laughed a single, derisive laugh. "Gonna tase me again? You can't even handle me when I'm in handcuffs! Pathet-AUGH!"

She was right in a way. They were going to shock her again. But this time it wasn't a taser, it was the shock collar they had put around her neck. One of them simply pressed a button on a remote. The effects were instant.

Mallory screamed, then was muffled as she slumped to the side again. She could feel the thing on her neck forcing current straight down her spine, instantly incapacitating her very painfully. It wasn't as strong or as long-lasting as the tasers they had used, but it was still plenty to knock the cat on her ass.

They waited for the shocks to subside before picking up the panting girl just like they had before. Mallory recognized that they were taking her somewhere, but her mind was still spinning too much to really comprehend where.

She'd find out soon enough. Just as she was starting to come to her senses and see again she was tossed down onto what felt like a padded mat. She was on her back, cuffed hands uncomfortably stuck under her. She didn't think they were overly concerned for her comfort though.

"Ow, rude. What's this, your gym?" She asked as she looked around. It certainly had the look of one on this half, but back the way she came Mallory noticed something far more frightening. Cameras. Lots of them. Real professional grade stuff, all staring her down.

Her question hung in the air for a long moment until someone finally answered her. "Welcome Kitten-Flame! And no, not a gym. More like a studio." Oh she HATED being called kitten. Wait a minute, she recognized that voice!

"Arthur? What the hell is this all abou-- ARGH!" Her line of questioning was cut off by the reactivation of that damned shock collar. She was being treated like a fucking animal!

Arthur Evan, alias Sublime-Canine and second-most popular hero in the city, waited for her to stop screaming before he answered her. "Use the hero names dear. It's more professional."

While he was placid, everyone else was abuzz with activity. Running cords and wires, checking equipment, or gasping for breath on the floor. Well, there was only one person doing that last part. Mallory groaned as she flopped herself onto her side so she could get a better look at the man who she had taken the popularity crown from. Him and his counterpart there...

"Samson-Sabretooth? You I get, but what's this mangy mutt doing with you?" The villain and the hero were standing shoulder-to-shoulder, not a single trace of their bitter fights on display right now. She snarled at them both, showing her teeth in excess. Someone snapped a picture of her like that. Damn it.

The villainous re-incarnated feline answered her, "Isn't it obvious Kitten? You're bad for business. Don't worry though, I'm sure your OnlyFurs is going to take off with all this new content." The sabre-toothed man stepped forward, loosing his robe and letting it fall from his shoulders as he did. Mallory's eyes went wide at the sight of nothing but that mottled brown fur underneath. Well, fur and one other thing.

"You're not... you can't!" Mallory stammered, trying to squirm away to the best of her abilities. It didn't help any. The naked villain still closed the gap in seconds, taking out his powerful claws to rip into her outfit. The thin red fabric easily shredded under the assault, rapidly exposing all of the white fur that covered her belly and more private areas. The black sports-bra that Mal wore underneath spared some of her dignity, but her unwanted undressing also revealed her lack of panties.

"Get the FUCK off!", Mallory screamed, her face going beet-red under her fur. This couldn't be happening, it couldn't! The only saving grace was that the cameras weren't rolling yet, but with the massive body of this tiger towering over her that felt like a small mercy.

He gave her a sickening leer, the look a man well past his prime would give a stripper he knew still needed to make rent this month. "Oh come on, this is hardly more than what you show for money. Only difference is that I'm not paying, and you're not going to stop at just teasing. You wanted this anyways, no panties and all. What a slut." He reached a hand for those lower lips, not even bothering with her toned athlete's body. He just wanted that hole between her legs.

Mallory whimpered when his fingers pressed roughly into her. They were surprisingly well lubed by her inner walls alone, but he was way too rough. It hurt.

He wasn't going to let her get away with just physical pain though. The big cat grinned maliciously. "Well now, she's wet as fuck too. Should have known the hero whore wanted this all along."

Gods he was grating. Mallory wanted to scream and to cry out in pain and frustration and humiliation. To let him know it was just her body reacting, that she didn't want this for a second, that he was hurting her. But she still had her mask on. She was still in the character that would be strong until the bitter end, no matter what was happening.

That increasingly felt like it wasn't her though. She was being fingered by a villain, tied up and helpless to stop it. How could she call herself a hero now? Mallory tried to snarl at him, to tell him off, but all that came out was a pained little cry that sounded even more pathetic than begging for mercy would have.

That poor showing seemed to please him. "Such cute noises! Now, let's see what you've been teasing for so long." He never pulled those intruding fingers out of her for a second as his other hand reached for her sports bra. This was another one of those lines that had never been crossed. She'd never posted a picture of her bare breasts online, only rarely even taken private pictures of them.

His claws didn't care. Another slash and her modest, but well shaped, bust popped free. More of that white fur that she kept private was on display for a man she now hated. Or maybe two men she now hated. Samson wasted no time grabbing her, pinching a nipple viciously.

Mallory yelped in pain, her back arching. The movement unfortunately forced her further onto his fingers inside of her, prompting another cry. How pathetic was she? In giving him the reaction he had wanted she only made it worse for herself. Samson's deep guffaw let her know he was very amused by that as well.

"What, am I too rough for you Kitten? I thought you could take it after you stopped my jewel heist plan. But you're not so tough without your flames, are you honey?" The soft, almost affectionate term for her made Mallory want to puke. Well, that and how his fingers were grating into her. It was hard to pick which was worse.

All throughout it though he left the mask on. She knew why. Even without the rest of her suit, the mask made sure she was still Kitty-Flame and ensured she wasn't just Mallory Gwynn. Mask and underwear only were the staples of her OnlyFurs, so by doing this they were hurting the heroine. The symbol. Not just the person.

He pulled his fingers out suddenly, a welcome moment of relief for the tabby. "That's enough teasing. My dick has been aching for you for as long as you've been legal. Maybe longer." What a fucking creep. He was readjusting himself now, getting over the top of her body entirely. He turned her body so she was on her back again. His arms were on either one of her shoulders, holding her down and dominating her field of vision. Every part of her was helpless beneath him.

"You're disgusting", Mallory hissed. She meant it too, felt it deep in her bones. Never had she despised anyone like she hated him now.

He just laughed. Why would he care anyways? He had a hot little heroine very securely tied up underneath him. "Sorry doll, but your feelings don't matter here." He was already pressing himself towards her slightly-wet quim, poking and prodding with a cock that had far more barbs than Mallory wanted to deal with.

Again though, her approval wasn't required. The strong predator had done this many times with girls who were struggling far harder than Mallory was. That tapered cock-head found purchase, slowly wedging in that first painful inch.

Mallory bit her lip, trying to force herself to relax. She wanted to fight, to make him work for every inch that he got inside of her. But with his sheer size, if she didn't let him in she risked tearing or worse. *Deep breaths Mal*, she told herself, trying to drown out the part of her mind that told her Kitty-Flame would still be fighting hard right now.

Relaxing turned out to be the right move, for better or for worse. With savage brutality the massive ancient predator shoved himself into the poor cat, forcing a strangled cry of pain from her lips. He growled happily at the snug fit around his cock and that reaction, savoring every moment of his victory. "Oh fuck yeah. This cunt is well worth it!"

Mallory didn't know if he meant the part of her body, or if she was just *the cunt* now. That cock felt huge inside of her, stretching her well beyond what even her largest toys would. Her hands were clenched into fists so tight that her claws were drawing blood from her palms, her tail thrashed, but that was all she could do. The limit of her staying cognizant and fighting was barely even noticeable to anyone who wasn't specifically looking for it.

"Is it in yet?", she hissed out. Immediately he gave her a powerful slap across the face. That she could take. That was the kind of fighting that Kitty-Flame could shrug off for the greater good. She grinned smugly, the pain between her legs almost forgotten for a moment.

The moment wouldn't last. Samson shoved the last inch inside of her, bottoming out in the much smaller cat. She gasped again, and if she had been able to look down she would have seen a distinct bulge in her belly from his outsized shaft. A snarl came from her rapist, "That line is the closest you've come to doing damage all night. I'm gonna make you fucking regret it."

As much as she wanted to be strong, the practical part of Mallory knew he was probably right. She was fucked, and not just literally. All that pain of that forced insertion was going to be redoubled in just a moment.

He pulled back, the barbs on his cock yanking on the sensitive flesh of Mallory's insides. She yelped in pain, her eyes going wide. Her own species had something similar, but she'd only ever experienced that with plenty of lube. On this large specimen of an already big resurrected species those points were that much larger and much sharper. It felt like she was being impaled on a sandpaper dildo, but not quite so gentle or soft.

"Yeah, you like that?" Samson asked as he pulled even further out. There was no yelp from her this time, only pathetic whimpers. "That's why we agreed I should go first. Figured I'd have the best chance to break ya'." It was rather egotistical to think that two thrusts could actually ruin a girl, or that a cock could at all. But one did not get to be a supervillain without a fair bit of ego.

Mallory tried to recover her mind, to breathe, to quip at him. None of it would come in time before he shoved into her yet again, this time going to his full depth in one fell swoop. The cat's body shuddered involuntarily. That little bit of time he had spent deep in her body wasn't anywhere near enough for her to adjust to his size. There was just no getting around that she was 5'4" and he was at least 6'9". Things were proportional down there too.

"Fuck, she's still tight", growled the sabretooth. As he was ramming himself back in and setting up a steady, continuous pace of those painful thrusts, Sublime-Canine called over, "Just don't fuck all the fight out of her. I want to see the mighty Kitty-Flame breaking when I knot her." Mallory's eyes went wide. He couldn't be serious right? But of course he was. That bastard was never a hero at all, was he?

Samson guffawed as he sawed in and out of her, never giving the cat even a moment of respite. "No promises! I don't think she's as strong as she pretends to be."

On any normal day that would have riled Mallory up beyond belief. She would have absolutely torched whoever said it to the point that they'd never think of crossing her again. Today though, today she wondered if it was true. She was being ravaged against her will. Used like a toy. Humiliated. How was she supposed to face the public again if they knew this had happened to her?

A particularly harsh pinch of Samson's claws on one of her nipples snapped her out of those thoughts and back into the painful reality. She swore that if he did that any harder she'd end up pierced. A little dribble of blood trailed down the soft white fur of her chest from the prick, staining it crimson. Samson groaned in pleasure at that sight, his thrusting now growing a bit faster.

Mallory was just starting to get used to his abuse when he again made things worse. Leaning down he licked up that thin drop of blood, shivering as he tasted it. "Supers always... erf... always taste better", he told her as if making casual conversation. Another drop of her blood had welled up, so he leaned down to lick that too as he groaned in pleasure.

One of Samson's hands shot to Mallory's neck, squeezing tight with his unnatural strength. The other hand continued to play with her lightly bleeding breast, the unwelcome physical arousal from his touch forcing little drops of blood to pool there. The poor heroine felt utterly used. She couldn't even breathe as he tasted her, felt her, enjoyed her as nothing more than a sextoy.

His thrusts were growing more powerful, but more erratic too. Going from a measured enjoyment to a frenzied pounding. Mallory knew what was coming next. That certainly didn't make his barbs feel any less painful or his length any less overbearing for her size though. She gritted her teeth. The light at the end of the tunnel was here. He would be done soon. She just hoped she would get to breathe before then.

He licked that breast one last time before groaning hard, thrusting all the way inside of her. His grip on Mallory's neck tightened to a painful degree. There wasn't going to be a drop of air getting to her lungs while he came, crushing her neck with his frightening strength. His cock pulsed once, twice, three times before spurting its load of thick, hot cum deep inside of her unprotected cunt. Wave after wave of potent sabre-toothed seed poured inside.

Would she be compatible with him? They were both felines. Was this how she got pregnant, carrying a villain's rape-baby? That would surely remove the doubts in anyone's mind that Kitty-Flame was anything but utterly defeated. Those despairing thoughts mixed with the ever-present pangs of physical pain in Mallory's air-starved mind, the exhaustion of being cut off from oxygen worsening with every second.

How long could he even keep cumming for anyways? Mallory had thought he was done, but another lick lapping up the blood on her breast had him depositing yet another fresh round of seed inside. Fuck it hurt. Her insides had been rubbed raw, and now that cum felt like it was just irritating things further. Maybe he'd just squeeze her neck too long and she'd die. A part of her wondered if that would be better.

Then he pulled back all at once. She didn't have a choice in the matter, Mallory's body still wanted to live. She gasped for air, coughing and wheezing. Her throat was bruised, no doubt. And that wasn't even the worst of her injuries.

"Haha, that cunt looks great dripping my cum, Kitten-Cunt", Samson said as he pulled himself up to stand over her. He looked down on her in more ways than one right now. Mallory had never felt so defeated before. So useless.

"Take... take the mask off", she demanded as if she had any authority here.

Both of her captors just laughed at that. Samson leaned in close enough that he was right next to her face. "And why would we do that? We take that off, you're just some tabby cunt named Valerie or some shit. We leave it on, you're Kitty-Flame. And we don't want there to be a Kitty-Flame. Ya understand?" He kicked her in the stomach before walking away. "All yours Doggy-Boy. Knot the cunt, then we'll toss her to the boys. Still need that footage."

Arthur Evan, the Sublime-Canine, just nodded and gestured like he was brushing those concerns away. "No matter, we have plenty of time. After all, she's going anywhere. Or has anyone coming for her."

Mallory wished that wasn't true. Wished that Amber could summon some help that would save her ass. It wouldn't be the first time, but she hadn't thought that the previous occasion might be the last.

There was no time to think about that. Arthur tossed aside his own robe, exposing the tan and black of his german shepherd fur. They had plenty of time, but he wasn't planning to waste any of it. His interest in her was made clear by the red piece of meat jutting out from his body.

Mallory was also forced to see his famous smile in an entirely new light. Sublime-Canine had burst onto the scene years ago, his durability, handsomeness, and winning smile had made him an absolute darling of the media and the public. Only Kitty-Flame's arrival had dethroned his top spot.

"I looked up to you", Mallory snarled at him. "I had a poster of you on my bedroom wall."

Arthur answered her with a vicious kick to her side, forcing the cat to gasp in pain. "Consider this the ultimate fan experience then." He turned back to the other people running around setting up film equipment and carrying out other odd tasks. "Get me the bar. And string her up too."

While somebody ran off to get those, he knelt down beside Mallory, reaching forward to stroke her cheek. He was so gentle, so soft. It could have almost passed for the touch of a lover, something that Amber would have done in a tender post-coital moment.

"You are pretty, I'll give you that. I've never been much of one for felines, and I usually get what I want. A tabby wouldn't have even crossed my mind without... extenuating circumstances. Now that I see you here though, all of you, I'm rather glad that the times have brought us together."

He stood back up as someone brought him the toys he asked for, pulling back from Mallory and leaving only brewing anger in his wake. The times brought them together? What utter bullshit! He had planned this. Trapped her! None of this was anything but intentional.

There would be no time for her to question him about it though. The shep had taken the item from the assistant and now brought it into Mallory's view for the first time. It was a bar with a locking hook on either end, a spreader bar undoubtedly. Mallory had seen them in porn before, but never tried one.

The other thing he asked for became clear soon as well. Behind her she heard some clinking, prompting the bound heroine to look back. Two more similar locking hooks were being let down on some very heavy-duty looking cables about two feet apart.

"These cuffs do the job, but they don't display our catch now, do they?" Arthur mused rhetorically. Mallory had known that she was going to be exposed with all of these video cameras here, but seeing the tools that they were going to do it with made it feel so much more real. So much closer.

Sublime-Canine came back closer to her with the bar in hand, leaning over her bound body. "Now I'm going to put this on you, and you are going to let me. Understand, kitten?"

Mallory snarled at him. Or at least she would have. She was supposed to. That was what Kitty-Flame would do. No matter how beaten down, how humiliated she was, the ferocious feline never cracked.

So when all she could manage was to weakly show a bit of teeth, Arthur knew he had her. "That's what I thought", he sneered, grabbing at the cuffs on her ankles. He unclipped them easily, shockingly so.

That was all it took? She, Mallory Gwynn, Kitty-Flame, was incapacitated by something he could undo with one hand? She could have been rescued by someone with mere seconds to free her? A flash of anger boiled over and she kicked at him, a red burst of flame propelling her newly-freed leg at that perfect face of his.

It never reached there. He caught her leg easily, that frustratingly indestructible body of his leveraged to easily force her back down. All the while his famous smile never disappeared, never even faded.

Mallory was forced to look up at the same beaming face from the poster in her childhood room as he pressed her leg into place. He snapped the spreader bar onto her right, then her left leg without even breaking a sweat. Something about him doing it felt deeply personal too, like a teacher or distant family member was doing this to her. This was someone she should feel safe with.

Without being able to move her muscles she couldn't channel her power, couldn't make her flames. Just like how she couldn't close her thighs, couldn't stop her still-cum-dripping cunt from being shown off to her former idol.

"This paid off", he growled, looking down at her appreciatively. His eyes crawled up and down her body before he grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up to a seated position against that padded wall. The cuffs on those cables hung above her, swinging back and forth ever so slightly.

Mallory expected him to attach those next, but his hands instead went lower. His left to her thigh, while his right hand went straight to her slit. Unlike Samson's harsh treatment though, Arthur's fingers were gentle. Slow. Experienced. His pointer finger drew slow circles around her clit while his middle slid up and down over her entrance, a soft but secure grip on her inner thigh held the entire time.

The tabby heroine beneath him squirmed in discomfort, and maybe in a bit of something else. She wished she could chalk everything she felt up to hatred, anger, and violation.

But she couldn't. He was gentle in the sensitive places, aggressive in the resilient ones. Always just on the edge of what would be too much. Mallory bit her lip hard, but that just made her look like she was liking it more. Not that the little moans she was letting out left much doubt of that.

"See what I mean?" the german shepherd asked, "What fan of mine wouldn't want this?" His fingers kept up their relentless toying as he spoke, and if she hadn't just been raped she might have even agreed. Those well-toned legs of her arched, her toes curled. Split apart by the spreader bar, every movement of forced pleasure she made was on display. She was glad the cameras weren't rolling yet.

By the time he pulled his fingers away Mallory was nearly panting. Her eyes had drifted closed, the sensations just too much to focus on. When they reopened she could have sworn he was frozen in time. Still smugly smiling at her, looking like every photoshoot he had ever been in. She barely had any energy to fight him as he grabbed her arms, yanking them up and towards the dangling cuffs.

Mallory squeaked with pain as her shoulders were forced to an uncomfortable angle. He pressed on regardless, clipping in one side before the other. Only then did he release her, each arm relaxing with what limited freedom they had.

That was promptly cut off. Whoever had let down those cuffs pulled in any remaining slack, forcing her arms well over her head. With her legs spread and her arms pulled up, any one of those cameras could have caught every detail of the famous heroine. She had nearly exposed all of it before of course. For only $15/month you could have unlimited access.

But she'd never had EVERY inch shown. Never had anyone ELSE take those pictures. Never been actually helplessly exposed.

Mallory looked down and away from Arthur, her face burning with shame. He wouldn't allow that to happen. His left hand reached for her jaw, roughly grabbing it. He forced her to look at him, forced her to watch as his right hand was pressed to her lips, that middle finger jamming past her teeth.

She knew better than to bite the durable hero. Knew her best course of action was to just taste her own arousal and Samson's cum on that digit without fighting back. To watch that infuriatingly smug look of Arthur's as he forced her to reckon with just how much he had turned her on with only a tiny bit of touching.

"You smell like a bitch in heat. Though honestly, I don't know what I was expecting from a whore like you." His tone was dripping with contempt, but what was more notable for her was the excitement he didn't quite obscure. He could have just sprung his trap, defeated her and been done with it. But that wasn't enough. He had to enjoy this too.

"I'm going to love seeing you burn", she hissed weakly. Unfortunately for her the hoarseness of her voice undercut any weight the threat might have carried. As did how much the canine seemed to like it.

"Of course you are honey", he responded as he moved down between her legs. Again his tone was like he was talking to a child, and it would have infuriated her if she hadn't been so focused on the carmine-colored shaft swelling between his legs.

She didn't want to admit it, but canines were a particular favorite of Mallory's. The slick texture, the tapering shape, and most of all that wonderful knot at the base made wolf and dog boys her top choices at parties and clubs. That knowledge combined with how his fingers had stirred her up before caused a new danger to come to her mind.

Mallory squirmed in her bindings, not motivated by the fear of pain from before, but a new terror at how her body would react. As thoroughly incapacitated as she was though, her struggle only served to shake her exposed tits and show off just how toned the heroine's body was.

"Settle down you rowdy molly. I'll make a bitch of you yet if you just give me a moment." Arthur's words were the harshest she had yet heard, but his tone was still so even and smooth. He was making a promise, not a threat.

Sublime-Canine wasn't the type of hero to keep someone waiting on his promises either. He reached a hand down to grab the base of his cock, angling it down slightly as he rubbed it up and down on her slit. Mallory could feel the heat coming off of it, the raw lust he was exuding. A horrible preview of what was to come.

The teasing wouldn't last long. He'd been wanting this since he saw his partner have a go at her. With one last adjustment he started pushing forward with his hips, that cock edging forward until it found purchase.

Aided by the wetness and cum left inside of her he had no trouble pushing his length in. Arthur sighed in pure bliss as her warm depths swallowed his cock, and Mallory was forced to bite her lip to keep from making a similar noise. The sensation of the slick, smooth cock moving inside was nothing like the grating pain that the saber-toothed tiger's member had caused. Gone was the dry sandpaper-like assault, instead replaced by something with an absolutely ideal texture and size for stimulating a teased cat.

With all of that extra lube he was easily able to bottom out in the heroine after only a minimal amount of adjustment on her end. Much as she hated to admit it, Mallory could see why he had gained such a reputation among the sleazier message boards.

It only got better, or maybe that was worse, when he started to move too. In and out slowly, he was moving like he actually cared about making her accustomed to his size before quickly starting to pick up the pace. He could sense how she was folding under him almost as clearly as she felt it. He knew that he didn't need to be too careful or gentle with her.

"That's a good little bitch", he whispered into the cat's ear. It should have made her upset. It should have boiled her blood. Really, it should have done anything but what it did, which was make her feel like she was going to melt into that padded wall.

"F-f-fuck y-you!" She shot back. If she hadn't been so breathless as she stammered it out then it probably would have been much more convincing. Mallory tried to look away again, biting her lip in an attempt to hide the sounds that were quickly building inside of her.

She should have learned that looking away wasn't allowed by now. Arthur grabbed at her chin, forcing her to look into that famously perfect face, to stare into his eyes as her breathing started to get faster. "Just let it out. I know you want to. Whore."

The word was filled with malice, but no matter how cruel it was intended to be, Mallory couldn't ignore how she was feeling. Arthur gave a particularly firm thrust and a moan slipped out of her before she could catch it. The moment she realized what had happened she slammed her mouth shut, but the damage was done.

A voice she hadn't wanted to ever hear again called out from across the room, "Fuck, you were right! Under 30 seconds, I owe ya' steak dinner ya' bastard."

Arthur turned to look over his shoulder, keeping himself buried in the cat the whole time. "These young heroines just can't resist. And most of them don't even flaunt themselves like this slut does! She's probably been fantasizing about something like this for ages."

Those words stirred Mallory's temper. They had a fucking bet on her moaning? This... how long had they been planning this? Flames swirled off of her fingers, the sheer rage burning inside of her expressing itself through her powers. She wanted to tear this bastard limb from limb, her body's forced moans and reactions had nothing to do with how she really felt!

As irrelevant as she wanted to believe those reactions were though, they were also strong. Sublime-Canine pressed into her at a new angle and she could have sworn she saw stars. The flames that were building on the tips of her fingers fizzled out like a match in the wind. Almost like they were blown out by the force of her moan.

Damn it she was moaning again. No matter how hard she tried to stop or at least hide them, they were coming, stronger and louder every single time. The only flames she even COULD have focused on right now were the ones building inside her loins. They were certainly strong enough to make up for the lack elsewhere.

Arthur's fucking was coming hot and heavy, really picking up the pace now that he was sure the heroine beneath him was enjoying it too. Physically anyways. "Much better like this honestly." He explained to the other bastard, "There's something fun about jamming it in an unwilling hole, but when they're dripping around you it just feels better."

They were talking about her like she wasn't even there, but what could she do? Right now Mallory couldn't even stop herself from vocalizing her pleasure. Had anyone come in now she would have looked like a willing, even enthusiastic participant. Her face was contorted in pleasure, every breath she exhaled carried a moan with it, even her toes were curling up.

"Gonna cum for me bitch? Tell you what, I'll stop for you if you don't cum in the next 20 seconds, alright?" Arthur gave her the offer like it was actually possible, but they both knew it wasn't happening.

Mallory shook her head desperately, as if by signalling to the negative it would actually stop her from going over that edge. She fought it in other ways too, clenching up, biting her lip, squirming around, trying to let out her energy in any way other than the explosive climax she was building towards.

All that effort bought her maybe a few seconds. At most. Really the only tangible effect that it had was to make her orgasm that much more powerful when it arrived. Mallory's mouth hung open and the moans stopped for a second. One moment of complete silence and stillness hung in the air before she absolutely shattered it with a desperate cry.

Her body writhed beneath the canine, arms and legs moving of their own accord. Her hands clenched into tight fists, her chest heaved, all of it centered around that cock absolutely pinning her movements. Like an axis that the rest of her body was forced to move around and obey.

"That's what I fucking thought", Arthur grunted above her, clearly also affected by her throes of pleasure. With the way that her insides squeezed and hugged around his cock it was no surprise, and if Mallory had been more cognizant of anything besides her own pleasure she might have noticed something else happening as well.

Inside of the still-moaning cat, the base of the german shepherd's cock started to inflate. It wouldn't grow to its full size until after he came, but it started expanding long before then. Even now it had grown enough that every time he pulled it out and pushed back in the cat's lips were forced to stretch around it.

Mallory should have been alarmed by that, but in her post-orgasmic rush of endorphins the extra girth was only noted for how good it felt. He hadn't let up in the slightest, never giving the cat a moment to recover. As the strongest waves of her bliss started to slow she was being fucked harder than ever, the previously measured and intentional thrusts starting to be overtaken by a more powerful need.

Arthur closed his eyes as he picked up the pace, that impeccably photogenic expression of his finally marred. It wasn't by Mallory's effort or attacks though; just his own pleasure forcefully taken from her body. His hands shot from either side of her body to her breasts, grabbing and groping them with a forcefulness that could only have come from his desperation.

It should have hurt. Just like how the ever-growing size of the knot ruining her should have been too much to take. At this point though any amount of pain he was inflicting was easily outmatched by how good she had been feeling for so long. Mallory moaned loudly as he shoved his growing bulb inside of her one last time.

His rutting took on a truly animalistic pace. The twisted hero's thrusts were short, but recklessly fast and harsh. He was basically slamming into her when he finally groaned out his own pleasure, burying every last inch inside of the poor girl.

Even in her pleasure-addled mind Mallory could still feel two things very distinctly. First was the heat. A wave of warmth entered her, flooding her and feeling heavenly on every inch of her insides. Second was the knot. It had felt big before, but the feline just hadn't been prepared for how truly huge it would get when fully inflated. She felt like there was a softball inside of her, but with a texture that was smoother than silk.

It rubbed on the insides of her slit without mercy, combining with the flood of thick cum to push her over the edge again. In some corner of Mallory's mind she registered that she had rarely EVER felt this good having sex. She had taken her share of consensual partners, but none of them had ever gotten her feeling this good without the help of some serious toys. It shouldn't be happening, what was wrong with her? Was it her body, her mind? Was it something special about him?

Unfortunately for her she would have PLENTY of time to think about it. The canine above her slowly came down from his own pleasure high, taking his hands off of her breasts but staying close. He had to, there was no way that thing was coming out anytime soon.

She would just have to wait for him to deflate. Stuck here, forced to see that damned smile, helpless even after he had raped her to one of the best orgasms of her life. Two of the best actually, but who was counting?

"Alright I'm going to be here for a while. Let's get the cameras ready while we're waiting. Where are the men?" The trend of basically ignoring her started again, Sublime-Canine finding it more important to set up her next humiliation than to even talk to the girl about the potentially life-altering experience she had just had. All the while his cock continued to twitch out little bits of cum, every drop held in by that knotted tool of his.

The video cameras were brought closer and switched on, the henchmen arrived, and they had brought over a set of markers before Arthur's cock had finally deflated enough to pull out of her. All the while Mallory could do nothing but think about what was happening. She knew what these men were here for, and if they released these videos she was done for. If it had been another hero or villain raping her then she might have had some argument for staying relevant, but a group of random men? It would be over.

They knew it just as well as she did. Her mask was still on, the one part of her once-proud uniform left now only serving to identify and humiliate the poor girl. She tried to knock it off with her suspended arms, but of course that wasn't allowed.

Mallory couldn't determine whether it had been an eternity or a moment before Sublime-Canine was finally pulling out of her. The last bits of the pleasure he had forced on her were just enough to make her moan as he pulled out, something that the goons they had brought in greatly appreciated. They all chuckled as Mallory looked away from them, trying to avoid eye contact.

They were being briefed on their instructions now, and the cameras were being tested and readied. They were talking about completely mundane things she was familiar with, bitrates, dropped frames, lag, but it could have been an alien language from another galaxy for how much she could bring herself to pay attention.

Arthur took his leave at this point, not even sparing any words for the girl as he did. In no way did he want to risk being on these tapes.

Then all at once they descended. It must have been a half dozen men of all species, but only two sizes. Large or huge. A bear of some sort was the first to take her. He didn't waste any time getting between her legs, his cock positively springing out at the chance to defile the poor heroine. While he did that the other men weren't idle though. Hands were all over her, grabbing and pinching and groping with impunity. Cocks followed, rubbed and slapped on her fur, marking her in the scents of a half dozen rapists.

She wanted to attack them, to hurt them, to make them regret it. Her upper lip pulled back in a snarl, showing her teeth. She expected to catch a slap or some other blow for it. Instead they did worse.

The one between her legs thrust forward, knocking the aggressive look off her face in a second. The rest just laughed. Laughed. At her. She grimaced in pain, but whether it was from the cock piercing her or the emotional blow of her current assailants and soon-to-be rapists looking down on her she wasn't sure. They never slowed down in their physical exploration of her body as they laughed, those hands always finding something new to make her squirm with.

She wouldn't get a break from the one between her legs either. He didn't have the sheer pain that Samson had had or the mind-bending pleasure that Sublime-Canine had forced on her, but the fact that he was no more than a mere goon gave him a special power over her. He wasn't exactly small, but it was absolutely the humiliation that stuck out most about him.

He didn't last long. Who would when they had an opportunity to dump their load in the famous and highly-desirable number one heroine? A sickening wave of thick cum filled the girl yet again, but this time it didn't have anywhere to go. She was already full from her previous two rapes, especially the second one. And because this bear wasn't blessed with a knot like Arthur had been the excess mess simply spilled out all around her.

Goddess above it was awful. She looked like an absolute whore, cum pouring out in quantities that shouldn't have been possible. The camera operators moved in closer, capturing every second of it. Mallory wished she could hide her face. Run away. Anything but this.

Finally he started to pull out. Started to. The other men shouted something at him that made him stop with only half his cock out. Mallory wasn't in the right mind to really hear what was being said, but she would learn soon enough. Someone handed him a marker and he brought it down to her belly, penning the term, "Hero Slut" in big letters across her belly.

This was apparently uproariously funny to the other men. They were all high-fiving and laughing as the camera zoomed in to capture those words in full high definition detail.

This time around the bear actually pulled out, but he was just as soon replaced by another man, a wolverine, between her legs. A fox had gotten bold enough to start rubbing his cock around her mouth too. Had she still been in the building, Kitty-Flame would have surely bitten him hard right on the tip for that indignity.

Mallory didn't even react as he shoved it into her maw. Her face and eyes seemed empty as the man made sure her mouth wasn't, her only reaction being to choke and gag when he got too deep. That was just a backdrop to the regular fucking though, and again it could have been an hour or it could have been seconds before the wolverine was cumming in her cunt. Did it matter anymore? Not really.

His written message was much more simple. In messier writing than the first man he added "Bitch" to her left thigh. Mallory would have to wait to see that one though, as her head pre-occupied by the fox using it. She didn't even care about the cameras capturing her dripping cunt or the degrading words, at this point she was completely checked out.

Or at least she had thought she was. The next man, an otter who had come to replace the wolverine, was apparently getting rather annoyed by her lack of reaction. This was supposed to be the sassy, spunky, always aggressive heroine after all, and right now she had less energy than a half-deflated blow up doll. He grabbed at her legs, pulling them up a bit as he angled his cock towards her.

Mallory was ready to be penetrated again. Ready for whatever remaining dignity she still maintained to be pumped full of cum yet again. She was NOT ready for him to shove that prick of his towards her asshole. The heroine shrieked around the cock in her mouth, thrashing in her bindings as the pain of that sudden intrusion lit up her mind.

The cum that had poured down from her violated pussy was actually a blessing now. Those sloppy drippings were the only thing giving her any lube and saving her from the man who wasn't going to simply be satisfied with taking her the same way everyone else had. Tears poured from her eyes, staining her mask as inch after inch of cock was inserted into her rear. She sobbed onto the cock in her mouth, and apparently that was enough to make the fox fucking her throat cum.

Normally an outpouring of seed into her mouth would distract her, but now she was so focused on the other pain that only the choking and cutting off of her air snapped her out of it for even a second. The dissociation that had been helping her was shattered by the two men working together.

It was pathetic really. She couldn't fight them, couldn't stay stoic, couldn't do anything but be a fucktoy. The cameras loved every second of her fighting the anal penetration, the cum pouring from her lips. The sobbing. Of course they had expected to get good footage of her defeat, but that she had broken down so completely was a blessing for them. It looked great on video.

Mallory didn't even know how many more men fucked her. At least three more loads in her throat, and probably that many in her pussy? She wasn't even able to keep count anymore, but the stabbing pain reminded her it had been exactly two more who had fucked her ass, and one more who had started in her pussy and finished himself in her tight rear. They seemed to like how she mewled when they did that.

Finally though, finally a reprieve came. The men dispersed, the cameras stopped, and they just... left her there. Dripping cum and tears, unable to do any more than squirm around a bit and look at what they had written on her. Choice messages included, "Cum Here" with an arrow toward her cunt, "whore", "trash", and a few mocking hearts that just made everything worse. That and of course they had started tallying on her. Even if she didn't remember how many times they had taken her, there would be evidence to remind the cat of every last man.

They were taking their sweet time doing... whatever it was they were doing now. That gave Mallory plenty of time to ruminate on her fate. What had she done to deserve this? How long had her demise been planned? Had Sublime-Canine always been this evil? This good in bed?

The fact that that last thought still swirled in her mind even after her brutal treatment made her feel like shit. Maybe she was just the stupid slut they thought she was. Whore was an insult thrown at her a lot on the internet, but she had never considered it remotely true until now.

Her pity party was interrupted by the cameras switching back on, though this time someone with a laptop was testing them. They were doing sound checks now, snapping a clapper board, and other mundane technical functions. It may have been a life-changing event for her, but to them it was just like any other production.

To her surprise the next person in actually undid the spreader bar. "Don't try shit", he warned before walking off. She hadn't even thought of it. Even without the shock collar or the bindings on her wrists she was too exhausted to fight them. They'd won.

The answer of what was coming next was finally answered. A rat who looked far too cheerful and sharply dressed came onto the set, followed by another four men. Mallory tried to glare at them, but that just seemed to make their leers even more vicious.

"Welcome to our stream folks!" Wait, stream? Mallory cringed internally, but hardly had the energy to emote physically. "Now, you may have been surprised to see the announcement, but we do have the one and only Kitty-Flame here, live and in person! As you can see, she's already had a bit of a rough time, and you can get that footage of her first group for the low, low price of $9.99, or view it with our premium subscription. Don't worry though, everyone will get this round to view and enjoy! And without further ado, let's get to the action!"

The rat made an exaggerated gesture as the camera dollyed in past him, framing the four men and the fallen heroine in shot. Someone on the technical end shouted something about video quality being good, and high bandwidth usage. Mallory wondered how many people were watching right now.

"Damn, it really is her", one of them commented. She hardly bore a resemblance to the heroine that so often graced the headlines with that dripping cum, askew ear, and only the mask to ensure her identity was known. Even in her worse-for-wear condition though, she still had a reputation. The men hung back, silently making comments until a wolf finally stepped forward.

He knelt down so he was at her height, then grabbed her chin roughly. He forced her to look up, directly into his eyes. " 'Member me? Ya kicked my ass a few months ago. Gave me a nasty concussion. Think it's high time I returned the favor." She tried to pull away from his grip, but he just squeezed more tightly, slapping her tits with his free hand. "Look at me bitch. I wanna see you break around my knot" he growled, the sharp tone making her want to recoil in fear.

Mallory turned to meet his gaze without the 'help' from his hand forcing her this time. The moment of respite she had received meant she had regained some of her fire, but the normally sharp edge of her heroic voice was still long since worn down to but a dull squeak. "I'm gonna beat the shit out of you once I get free."

It was the most she had managed to say in a long time, and significantly more vicious than she was usually. But the fact that the mighty Kitty-Flame didn't have a single quip or joke ready made every live viewer aware of just how bad of a situation she was in.

The wolf grabbed Mallory's legs, easily forcing the athletic limbs apart in a way that was crushingly familiar for the poor heroine now. Once more she wondered just how many people were watching as she faded into another round of abuse.

Amber screamed loudly and incoherently, whipping a geode that had resided on her desk at a computer screen displaying her worst nightmare. It wouldn't help. She knew it wouldn't help. But she was just so angry at these men and their disgusting bodies and her own failures. That was her best friend, the most selfless, funniest, prettiest, kindest person she knew. And they were... they were doing THIS to her.

She sniffled, trying to take a deep breath. Trying so hard to calm herself. She had to fix this.

The police would be no help. There were known supers on site, and the information to get them there had been obtained very illegally. Not to mention Mallory's already low popularity among that particular group.

Other heroes weren't coming through either. Getting involved here was a dangerous proposition, she could respect that. But the number of them that didn't want to get dragged into it because of the scandal of the situation surprised her. That none of them had the will to save one of their own frankly disgusted her.

She knew what she had to do. Amber had hoped to never need to do this. Hoped not to need her. But at this point the mission came first. Mallory came first.

The phone picked up on the first ring, a growly contralto voice answering. "This about the... the stream?"

"Yes it is. Look, I know you and Mal aren't on the best terms, but I really really need your help. I will do ANYTHING, say it and it's yours." Amber's words came out in a blur, tumbling without pause into that phone line.

"Are you serious? I wouldn't take adv--" The voice sounded surprised at first, but quickly settled back into that professional tone. "Look just tell me where to go. Who's my backup?"

"I'll send you coordinates. And don't worry, we'll have plenty of power. Talk to you soon." Amber ended the call, sighing in relief.

That was one part of the solution down. She almost wished there was more to figure out, but she couldn't put this off any longer. Amber pulled herself to a more upright seating position, taking a deep breath in and holding it. One second, two. The fur on the back of her neck stood up, her tail flicking about behind her.

Nothing happened for a long second. Then the mouse exhaled, and a rush of icy wind and snowflakes followed. They swirled and twisted, forming into one solid dagger of ice as clear as glass floating in front of her. Amber opened her eyes as she reached for the weapon.

She couldn't run from it any longer. It was time to take things into her hands.

She just hoped it wasn't already too late.