Order Up (OLD)

Story by Ceeb on SoFurry

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This piece was done as a commission for my friend capntuggs89 and it features his main character, Tuggs. This also features Violet, who belongs to FA: pnkng and, of course, is used with permission.

Writing (C) me

Tuggs (C) capntuggs89

Violet (C) FA: pnkng

Illustration (C) FA: meesh - used with permission

Tuggs grunted and slumped over the counter. With eyes too tired for contempt, he glanced around at the dozen or so customers in the restaurant. All of them were variously fat and unattractive - and of course, none of them were bears or badgers or any other species that actually looked good with some bulk, no, they were all creatures like foxes, wolves and tigers, who were on the opposite end of that spectrum. Under his breath, he whispered to himself, "I swear to god, if I have to smile and say would you like fries with that? one more fucking time today," and at the same time, he closed his weary eyes. He looked back on the events that brought him to such a crossroads in life - once the proprietor of his very own paranormal investigation agency, his sister Elise - not a proper sister, for she was a clone - diligently collected payment from every single one of their clients. At least, provided those clients were men, since Elise's idea of payment was sex. She had those men fuck her in ways that even Tuggs admitted were creative, but, understandably, he was more infuriated than he was interested in the novelty of her sexuality. She had at least gone off to recoup some of the money, but rather than get herself a legitimate job, she chose to instead fuck on camera in adult films. Whether she really cared about the lost money or Tuggs' livelihood and happiness was a dubious question, but at least she was bringing home a paycheck.

With darkly-humored irony, Tuggs acknowledged that he got fucked far harder than Elise in his line of work as a cash register jockey at a local burger joint, named Fatty's Burger Bar. Though named from a more innocent time after the titular founder of the chain, Tuggs found the name appropriate after staring at the clientele for a few weeks. In his time working there, he'd seen some teenagers tag over the sign out front, christening the establishment as Fatty's Cholesterol Bar. Tuggs was as reluctant to take paint thinner to that graffiti as he was surprised that high school kids would know what cholesterol was, let alone how to spell it.

More customers came in; it was a train of fat, jiggling asses and horrific stenches that the lizard could have done without, but it distracted him from his seething and self-pitying. He put on his best fake smile - it was clearly a grimace - and died inside as he recited the monotone spiel that had been drilled into him in employee training, or Fatty's Indoctrination as he - and his fellow fast-food slaves - called it in retrospect. "Welcome to Fatty's Burger Bar, home of the famous two-pound Fatty's Widowmaker, may I take your order," the lizard paused, finding himself forced to genuinely focus just so he could figure out the gender of the blob before him. At last, he said: "Ma'am?" At least from there, it was relatively simple; he took her order, he took her money, he put it in the register, and then he handed them their food-flavored poison. Within less than ten minutes, he was back at his sulking in full force, but mercifully, he managed to think of something positive. His thoughts fell on Violet, a fine sabertoothed tiger he knew, who he almost always saw with Jack, her boyfriend. A nice enough couple, they were both MMA fighters - and to that end, both of them were fit and attractive individuals, but Tuggs really only admired these properties in Violet. His thoughts didn't stay benign and sweet for long; once, he'd gotten his hands on that fine pussy, figuratively and literally. It was a fun proposition from Jack, fuck my girlfriend while I watch, and who could say no to that? A lazy grin spread across Tuggs' face as he recalled that frantic fuck and that tight, spasming cunt, but what stuck out most to him was the sheer filth that she'd whimpered and moaned to him. They were dirty nothings, but they made him blush and grin at the time, and even now as he recalled it. Unconsciously, he rubbed his erection against the underside of the counter, and then he shuddered. "Fuck, what I wouldn't do for another bite of that," the lizard whispered to himself, closing his eyes, cradling his head in his hands.

Again came the ding of the door opening, but Tuggs didn't raise his head just yet. For fuck's sake, I gotta say it again? he thought with resigned despair, at the same time straightening himself out. As he opened his eyes, the sight he saw was so pleasant that he thought he was still daydreaming, but after three fluttering blinks, he knew he was looking at Violet. At first, all she did was smile, and Tuggs smiled back. "Hey there, handsome," she said, her smile turning into something of a grin, "you gonna take my order or what?" Tuggs returned the grin and braced his hands against the counter. "If I have to, sure. What do you want?" Violet shook her head, then folded her arms, offering Tuggs an expression that was, in a word, mischievous. "Say it, Tuggs." The lizard paused, his grin evening out into a more of a smile, and finally an indifferent frown. "Say what?" Violet licked one of her fangs. "It, Tuggs. You know what I mean. I wanna hear it." At once, Tuggs hung his head. "Welcome to Fatty's Burger Bar," he groaned, his voice not at all friendly or chipper, "home of the..." After he trailed off, he sighed, a noise that continued into the rest of the humiliation, "famous two-pound Fatty's Widowmaker. May I take your order, ma'am?" Violet had to cover her mouth to stifle her giggling, but by no means was she done tormenting Tuggs - she wouldn't be until the day she stopped breathing.

"Oh, god, that's cute," she laughed, leaning against the counter, planting her shapely behind on it, sitting in such a side-saddle way that she could look Tuggs in the eyes - and she did. Her expression was free of malice, appearing only friendly and benign, and Tuggs wore a smile, himself, despite the burn of humility fresh in his mind. "Tell me how things are going, sweetie," she cooed to him, reaching out to pat his arm. Tuggs sighed, closed his eyes, and utterly slumped his shoulders in exasperation and exhaustion. "They suck as usual. My sister boned all our customers, left us totally broke - you know, just that crap. Nothing new there. What about you, Violet?" Put on the spot, the tiger chuckled in some modesty, finally offering Tuggs a shrug of her own. She didn't want to emphasize how much better her life was going than Tuggs', but to simply brush off his request would be far more rude. "Oh, it's just typical, you know? Jack and I haven't been all that busy, but, um, we're getting to be pretty well known." She thought to cheer Tuggs up with a gentle smile, and she was happy to see him return it. "Glad for you guys. So," he paused, glancing down at the cash register, "you want something to eat, honey?"

Violet stood up from the counter and nodded - and then she proceeded to bide her time. She pored over the menus that hung overhead and rubbed her chin, with her other arm folded under her bosom in a gesture of thoughtfulness. "Hmm," she mumbled, dragging her tongue over her fangs in an all too seductive way, "I'm feeling a little naughty, how about a milkshake?" Though her simple use of the word naughty threw Tuggs off, he didn't think Violet was up to anything - yet. "A milkshake, sure. What kind do you want?" asked Tuggs, his fingers hovering over the cash register's keyboard. Violet turned her eyes on Tuggs again, but this time, she had a distinct gleam in them, one not lost on Tuggs. Slowly twisting her smile back into a grin, and then a yet more devious smirk, she finally mused aloud. "I'm thinking of blueberry. Thick, largest size you got. I want the kind of treat I'd have to really suck on good and hard to get something out of it," she purred to him, leaning across - and bending over - the surface of the counter. Her short tail wagged behind her, just over a truly fine feline behind that Tuggs had spent many lazy afternoons picturing. Licking his own lips, Tuggs idly rested his hand on the register, peering at Violet down his muzzle. "We don't have blueberry," said the lizard in deadpan - but just when Violet began to think her playfulness had been lost on Tuggs, he added: "But if you wanna meet me out back, I'll get you one special-order, babe." Showing her teeth to Tuggs in an unabashed grin, one that suggested sex and other nastiness, Violet shook her head at the lizard and purred seductively to him. "Hmm, well, as romantic as it is to get nailed in an alley that homeless old war veterans live and pee in," she began, wrangling her grin into more of a coy smile, "I was thinking we'd go back to my place instead. When's your next break, baby?" Tuggs glanced at the apathetic face of the analog clock, which hung over the doorway - 2:38 PM, still plenty of time in the workday, with his first break two hours behind him, and the other one still an hour away. Fuck it, I'm gonna get laid, Tuggs thought, yanking off the yellow-and-blue smock of his uniform, which he left on he counter. He climbed over the counter, too impatient to walk around to the employees-only door, and then he grabbed Violet's paw. "Right now."

In the relative privacy of Violet's car, which was parked out front but beneath the shade of a tree, Tuggs and Violet quite ferociously made out, freely exchanging tongues and saliva, their paws roaming on any and all erogenous zones on each other's bodies. As Tuggs slid his hand up beneath Violet's muscle shirt and clutched one of the prehistoric tiger's full breasts - which were unhindered by a bra - and she squeezed possessively upon the swelling bulk of his erection through his work slacks, the lizard assumed he'd be getting laid right there in the front seat of her car, but no; Violet was just getting started. She broke off the kiss with a sultry growl, but as Tuggs squeezed down on the pliable flesh of her breast, the feline was shaken with a subtle whine. "Ooh, god, Tuggs," huffed Violet, nipping on the handsome reptile's neck in a possessive way - it was sheer dominance that the lizard savored with a low grunt. "You have no idea how bad I wanted to get my hands on you," she rumbled, bumping her snout nose-to-nose with Tuggs' own, gazing intimately into his eyes, her beautiful, amber pupils fixated on his own. With an awkward grin, the lizard asked "Yeah?," and Violet nodded, reaffirming her grip on the lizard's clothed cock, dragging her rough tongue across his lips in a brief gesture of lewd affection. "I kinda feel bad that I spend so much time drilling myself with my fingers thinking about you, thinking about feeling your hide rubbing on me and that big, blue dick pounding me again," she shuddered, briefly whining and arching herself against Tuggs to emphasize her need; with the windows rolled up, in such confined quarters, Tuggs was aware of the hot pussy's blatantly obvious musk, the scent of raw female sexuality, and maybe even estrus. Leaning closer to one of the lizard's earholes, whispering in confidentiality despite their privacy, she whimpered to him: "I sat right here in my car and fingerfucked myself just thinking about you, baby. I need you so bad. I know I ought to be fucking Jack instead of daydreaming about you, but I just gotta have you again, Tuggs."

With herculean feats of self-control, Violet and Tuggs managed to calm their almost pubescent sex drives enough for the tiger to drive back to her and Jack's home - though she might have gone twenty or thirty miles per hour over the speed limit when no cops were looking. The tiger and the lizard barely made it past the threshold of her apartment before they were in each other's arms again, kissing and violating one another's mouths, their paws more freely exploring outside of the confines of the car. Violet reached under Tuggs' shirt, letting her paws roam along his back and shoulderblades, her claws raking against the flesh-like hide of his body, yet only in a sensual manner, her actions drawing no blood. Tuggs shivered and broke off the kiss, but before the warmth of her lips had even begun to fade from his own, he pulled her shirt up and off, rendering the beautiful feline entirely bare from the waist up. Violet wasted no time in planting her lips on the lizard's once more, desperate to suck on that reptilian tongue of his, something she did with no complaints from Tuggs. As much as the handsome reptile wanted to palm those lovely boobs, he did what was only natural; he hugged her close to his firm body. With such a fine vantage point, he instead clutched her behind and squeezed it, kneading those athletic ass cheeks through the slack material of both her three-quarter pants and the gym shorts beneath, but he could feel the distinctive curve of her muscular rear even through such unflattering garments. Tuggs broke off the kiss with a hissing noise of pleasure, and he did all he could to speak the praises of her beautiful ass, one he'd fucked a thousand times in his mind but not once in person - but Violet didn't make speaking very easy. While he spoke, she assaulted him with desperate smooches and nibbles on the lips, forcing his words to come out fragmented. "Violet, mmf, baby, you've got such, mmwuh, your ass, baby, mmpht, Violet," was the best he could do; she finally pressed a finger to his lips, then narrowed her eyes down. "Shh." Very slowly, and with a dull look of obedience, Tuggs nodded his head.

Violet broke free of Tuggs' embrace, and she put just enough space between her and the lizard so that she could unzip and drop his pants, which left him in only a pair of boxer-briefs - though ordinarily quite comfortable, they were very tight under the circumstances. Violet bit her lip and clutched the unmistakable, throbbing bulge in the lizard's underwear, coaxing a grunt and a shudder from the handsome reptile. "It probably sounds slutty as hell, Tuggs, but I can't quit thinking of this," Violet unnecessarily whispered to him, afterward moving her paws to his hips with a clear impatience. She tugged the lizard's underwear down just as eagerly as she'd done away with his slacks, and after but a moment to enjoy the sight of Tuggs' mighty, blue-hued pecker, she again pressed her athletic form against his own. Clutching the lizard's penis tight, she palmed and stroked its' throbbing length and round tip, absolutely saturating her paw in the reptilian creature's voluminous precum, a liquid ripe with the smell of male musk, something that drove the ready-to-breed feline's instincts into near hysteria. "Mmmf, gawd," she whined, pausing her intent molestations to squeeze as tightly as she could, exerting so much force that the blue flesh momentarily turned purple - Tuggs grunted and groaned, but it was an immensely pleasurable pain, and it left him biting his lip. Once she loosened her grip, a truly colossal wad of pre shot from the tip like a miniature load, something Violet was upset to have missed. She peppered shallow, needy kisses on his lips, ones he sparsely returned, but she soon chained the affection down his jawline and onto his neck, and there, she nipped. "It's so big," Violet whispered, closing her eyes, nuzzling with affection into his throat, a purr rumbling from her throat. Instinctively, Tuggs cradled the back of her head with a hand, a gesture Violet appreciated, though unconsciously.

"Tuggs, I almost kinda hate you," Violet said, coaxing a small chuckle from the lizard. "Heh, why? What'd I do now?" asked Tuggs, scratching behind one of the tiger's ears; quite involuntarily, she mrowled and pressed tighter to him, her grip on his shaft becoming considerably more lackadaisical, though still very enjoyable for the reptile. "Because! This huge, blue cock of yours, jeez," she whined, "it makes it impossible to enjoy a blue popsicle anymore. I just wind up literally going down on it, thinking about you. Don't even get me started on driving past that damn fifty-foot-tall blue rocket ship decoration out in the city park. A huge, blue, phallic statue, yeah, that doesn't make me think about you at all." For a moment, Tuggs was silent in pause, but then a naughty grin spread across his snout, one fueled by seemingly unintentional flattery. "Heheh, that tacky rocket really makes you think of my dick?" asked the lizard, shooting Violet something of a bashful, incredulous expression, but the feline blushed and nodded. "Weird," Tuggs mumbled, planting a kiss between Violet's eyes, "it's so much smaller than my thing is, I don't know how you could think that." The tiger groaned and rolled her eyes, but she could forgive the lizard for that one - if only because she was currently holding on to the object of her desires. "Didn't I tell you to quit talking?" she huffed with only mild playfulness, shooting him an exasperated expression. Tuggs just grinned and pursed his lips, deciding to be a good boy - for a little while, anyway. "But, really, I just can't get over it," she said, her voice low, but not necessarily a whisper. "I've never met such a well-hung guy. I've only seen them in pictures." She flashed Tuggs a cheeky smile, one with a hint of teeth, more so when Tuggs began to blush. "Jack satisfies me, don't get me wrong," Violet murmured, then looking down at Tuggs' throbbing erection, which she began to more intently palm, "but sometimes, I just need something that's gonna stretch me out and make me squeal, you know?" Lifting her head, she pecked Tuggs on the lips, who was still entirely silent, though now, an impish smile dominated his face. "You can talk now, sweetie." Tuggs casually wrapped an arm around her back, and then he returned the smooch. "Sorry. I'm just still thinking of the rocket ship."

Violet knew Tuggs could - and would - run with that all day if she let him, and as much as she enjoyed his sense of humor most times, that occasion wasn't one of them. She pressed her lips more firmly to his own, delivering not an affectionate kiss, but the beginnings of what threatened to be a very messy, passionate make-out session. She unhanded Tuggs' erection and wrapped her arms around his back, and then she simply pushed her hips into his own; she loved the lewd sensation of that reptilian member grinding against the clothed mound of her cunt. Tuggs similarly held the feline close, but as his hands came to rest on the curve of her hips, a pang of unease shot through his conscience, one which saw him slowly pull his way out of that passionate exchange of saliva and tongues. "Violet, baby, this is a lot of fun," Tuggs admitted, "but honestly, what about Jack?" Of course, despite his fit of damning good conscience, Tuggs still clutched the tiger's hips, and in short order, his hands squirmed around to clutch the delicious curve of her ass cheeks, which he groped and palmed as though nothing had bothered him at all. Putting on a coy smile, Violet bumped her nose to Tuggs', and then she began softly twisting and turning her head to playfully Eskimo-kiss the handsome lizard. "Jack's not gonna be back for a week or two, at least." Tuggs opened his mouth to protest again, but Violet took the opportunity to lick the roof of his mouth, and this stymied him at once. "And someone has to keep me satisfied. My fingers just aren't gonna cut it for all that time. I need some big, hard, throbbing cock. I just can't go without it for so long."

Whether or not Tuggs' pesky conscience was satisfied with that justification was a moot point; Violet broke free of his grip and eagerly knelt, again clutching that reptilian penis in her sullied paw. As though it were a lollipop, she teasingly dragged her tongue over the blunt tip again and again, favoring it over the shaft itself, but Tuggs didn't mind one bit. To break up such casual licks with her rough tongue, she occasionally peppered it with gentle kisses and smooches, and even less frequently, she nuzzled into it, allowing the oozing slime of the pre to smear into her fur and mat it down. Tuggs panted quietly and simply rested a hand on the back of the tiger's head. The manner was only affectionate, with no dominance implied, though in the submissive, cock-hungry mood she was in, Violet would have probably handed herself over to Tuggs' dominion. After unhanding that blue member, Violet at last took it past her lips, slowly engulfing the entirety of the slippery, throbbing flesh in her maw and throat, and she immediately began sucking and swallowing with unbelievable intensity. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she emitted but a single sound, an almost infantile vocalization of contentment and pleasure. "God damn, yeah," Tuggs sighed, allowing his eyes to drift half-closed in a lazy expression of sexuality. "How you liking that milkshake, sweetheart?" he asked with an effortlessly straight face, gently scratching behind one of the tiger's ears. Purring around the swollen length of Tuggs' turgid erection, Violet clutched the tender hide of his balls and groped fondly, answering his question with only more gestures of pleasure and sex; Tuggs was happy with her reply.

Violet was so very needy, so desperate for Tuggs' reptilian scent and endowment, and this instinctive desire to be fucked was more apparent upon her cunt than anywhere else. The insides of her gym shorts were fast becoming a lewd swamp, rendered damp and musky by her pussy. Tuggs was well aware of her scent, having been in its' presence since the car ride, but he could tell, whether he realized it or not, that it was getting worse. Violet needed to be fucked; there was simply no alternative. The harder she'd suck and gulp down heavy trickles and dribbles of his musk-flavored pre, she found herself getting all the more hot and wet. The lips of her cunt were subtly swollen with with an excessive need for sex, and thus rendered all the more tender; simply rubbing against the soft lycra of her gym shorts was enough to send twinges of pleasure up her spine. Everything she did to please Tuggs was a vicious cycle; sucking him off only left her more and more aroused, and very soon, she thought she might climax just from the velvety tickle of her shorts. Finally, she pulled off of Tuggs' cock with a noisy slurp, absently wiped her muzzle on her forearm to clear it of his juices, and then she stood up straight. So enraptured by the closeness of her climax, Violet felt her legs briefly tremble, and so she leaned against Tuggs' with all her weight; beyond a grunt, Tuggs calmly held her up, and he grinned a truly devilish grin. "You alright, baby?" the lizard asked, though Violet had no verbal reply. She gazed at the lizard with eyes that screamed one word, and one word only: sex.

The tiger reached down and unzipped the loose-fitting three-quarter pants that kept her decent, and then she popped their button; no longer clutching her divine hips, they fell to the floor, thus leaving her in only those enviably dampened gym shorts. She took hold of one of the lizard's hands and forced it down the front of her shorts, past the elastic waistband, and at once, his digits found the hot pussy's pussy. Biting his lip, bearing an almost contrived smile, Tuggs stroked and kneaded the hot, thinly-furred lips of Violet's snatch, coaxing nearly imperceptible whimpers out of the tiger. She grew yet more feral and predatory as she was teased, lavishing the arteries of Tuggs' neck with her rough, meat-eating tongue, nipping the throbbing vessels when the urge struck her, making it abundantly clear that she could embrace her instincts if she so wished. "God, Tuggs," she hissed, rolling her eyes back before closing them, pressing nearly flush to the lizard's hard body, "feel my cunt, see how wet and hot that is? You see how bad I need you to screw me, baby?" Tuggs licked his lips in some idle concentration, and soon after that, he licked Violet's. This gentle show of passion was nothing compared to what he did in the secrecy of her shorts, however, for he pumped her deep with two of his fingers, treating her to the tender, fleshy hide of his extremities. "Son of a bitch," the lizard huffed, pushing his thumb intently into her clit - an action met with a mrowling cry of pleasure. "It's like a fuckin' rainforest in here. I've seen some wet girls, Violet, but Christ." They shared a brief, but impassioned meeting of lips and tongues, one followed by a protracted gaze. In this idle, quiet moment, Tuggs continued to noiselessly pump and tease Violet, but a naughty smile spread across his lips. "We gotta do something about that."

Violet thought to agree with Tuggs, but she couldn't find it in herself to be witty - not with Tuggs so close, and definitely not with the sex she needed within her trembling reach. With little regard for the fact that her cunt was still being so roughly fingerfucked, the tiger braced her palms flat on the reptile's chest and shoved with much of her strength - Tuggs fell ass-first on the sofa, not winded, but simply stunned - of course, he was no fool, and he didn't stay in that daze for long. He tugged his work shirt up and off, disregarding the fact that it was a button-up piece, and he tossed it well away from himself. Gazing into the lizard's eyes, lapping over her fangs with an immensely sultry flair, Violet slowly slid down her shorts, bending over as she did so - and not once did her hungry eyes release Tuggs' own. When the last of her pesky clothing was out of the way, she pounced - literally - and pinned Tuggs to the back of the sofa with such force, it briefly wobbled on its' two rear legs before heavily thudding back down to the floor properly. This time, Tuggs was winded, but he was still quite an active participant, squeezing down on Violet's fine hips, returning her possessive licks and kisses whenever she gave him the opportunity to do so - though getting even a single smooch in edgewise was nearly impossible with such a horny bitch. She ruthlessly rubbed the quivering folds of her snatch against his throbbing, drooling penis, saturating his meat in her intensely hot juices, and inversely, she found herself proudly wearing the lizard's musk-laden precum all over the fine, furred flesh of her cunt and inner thighs. "Rrr," she snarled with an ambiguous mixture of lust and animalistic desire, dragging her tongue yet harder along the pulsating arteries of the fast-food lackey's neck. Such a subtle throbbing was difficult to notice, even with the trained eye, yet Violet could see it instinctively. For a fanged creature like herself, the neck was an immediate kill zone; whether she acknowledged her feral behavior was a dubious question, but Tuggs only found that danger to be an inexplicable pleasure.

The lizard stroked on and around the tiger's hips, though he came to dote on her behind, a favorite in any and all of his fantasies involving the beautiful feline. For all her rumbling and impassioned mrowling, Violet was really quite sensual, nearly romantic, but the animalism was there, the desire to embrace behavior that could never quite be bred out of her, or any animal creature. "Tuggs," she hissed through gritted teeth, at the same time grinding her fangs broadside into his snout. Shivering, blushing, under the tiger's spell and more than happy with that fate, Tuggs dragged his slender tongue over her jawline and chin, and he similarly whispered her name, following it with an aimless, vocal manifestation of his need. "Violet, fucking hell," said the lizard, afterward resting cheek-to-cheek with her, his eyes momentarily closed. In this moment of closeness and absolute need, Violet didn't have any more teasing in store - she, herself, couldn't take any more of it. Reaching down, she mercilessly squeezed the lizard's shaft, her groomed claws pricking gently into the skin, but only in such a manner as to produce spine-tingling erotic pain - she drew no blood and inflicted no suffering. Tuggs gasped from this unloving squeeze, but it segued into a deep, impassioned moan, one brought on when the tiger descended upon his cock. As his blunt tip - turning an unseemly shade of purple and rendered extraordinarily sensitive from Violet's deathgrip - was ushered past the quivering, saturated lips of that feline pussy, any and all uncertainty in the world vanished. His paranormal agency - let it burn. His petty existence as a burger-flipping loser - he could deal with it. "Oh, Christ," Tuggs cooed, falling slack against the back of the sofa, savoring every moment of Violet's ruthless, efficient impalement. Very soon, her needing cunt was pressed flush to the tender hide of his groin, and he was happy; there was no other word to describe the look on his face and the feeling in his heart.

Violet cooed and stroked through the raven fluff of Tuggs' hair, but it was a brief affection, and something was missing from it - that much the lizard could tell. In some way, the both of them felt ashamed over just what it was they were doing while Jack was away, but the thought suddenly spurred Violet to greater arousal. Squeezing down upon the lizard's shoulders, she started to bounce with great speed and strength, and her grace was remarkable. Despite the burning need to fuck, that itch deep in her body that told her to get any and all cock that she could, she was beautiful to watch as she elegantly rose and fell again and again in the grateful lizard's lap. Tuggs looked down, past her enraptured face, past her jiggling bosom, towards the focal point of their nastiness; he bore a cheeky grin at the sight of Violet's thinly-furred cooch lips parted so wide around his thick, swollen member. Her flesh was tight, blissfully so; in a moment of zen-like concentration, almost the sensation of being stoned and outside of his own body, he could feel and savor every facet of her tight pink flesh upon his manhood, every drop of preseminal fluid and vaginal juice that rolled down his shaft like beads of sweat. Violet was just as involved, for she felt each pronounced vein on his meat, swollen with blood, engorged to absolute capacity. She felt them dragging against her, the way her cunt gripped on their texture and did all it could to hold on to that forbidden reptilian penis, but nothing could stop her; not her conscience, not anything. In the moment, she thought that even if Jack suddenly walked through the front door, she wouldn't quit fucking Tuggs; and in a sinfully sick and exhibitionist way, she wished for that.

Violet began to whimper and cry out; her cunt was so wracked with spasms that Tuggs knew, with a lopsided grin which spoke volumes about his demeanor, that the tiger was about to get off. It dragged Tuggs willingly out of his trance, and he gazed back up her beautiful, pistoning body - he paused momentarily to admire, with the thoughtful eye of a thirteen-year-old boy, just how good her boobs looked - before gazing into her eyes again. Once sexual pinpoints, they were back to being the beautiful circles of amber that Tuggs - and Jack - both loved to gaze into. Momentarily, Tuggs likened them to the hue of a lake in the final tones of a sunset, but he'd save that one for later when he wanted to get laid again; it was just too good to waste on pillow-talk. "Oh, fuck, baby," Violet whined, squeezing down tighter and tighter on Tuggs' shoulders, so much so that her claws, though blunt, began to sink into his soft hide, drawing no blood, but causing an erotic pain that made the reptile grunt and grimace. "Ahh!" she gasped, momentarily pounding herself down harder and harder with every descent, each time forcing her cunt to swallow that cock whole, often accompanied by a wet noise somewhere between a hearty suck on a lollipop and a footfall in fresh, wet concrete. "I'm gonna cum so fucking hard," she cried, at once clenching her eyes shut, pressing flush to Tuggs. After relinquishing his shoulders, she instead squeezed her arms tightly around his back - contrasting this possessive dominance, she laid her chin on his shoulder with a sweet air. Tuggs, ever the behind enthusiast, clutched the iron cheeks of Violet's rear, but he was not to savor them - with a final, wet, noisy slam down of her hips, she engulfed his cock so deep that her snatch oozed upon his balls, and then she came. It was a climax so mighty and so wracking that Violet tossed her head back and screamed out, but it was less of a mutation of articulate speech and more of a wild-cat yowl that told everybody in the floors directly above and below them that there was a pussy getting fucked somewhere.

"Aah, gawd," Violet cried, her body rigid, rendered so stiff from the intense slap of a climax, followed shortly by a blissfully numbing afterglow - but the tingle it put in the quivering lips and depths of her needy snatch was only amplified by the fuzzy, dulling bliss of her post-climax sensation. "Fuck me, Tuggs," she hissed through grimacing teeth, teeth which she pressed predatorially into his throat, "just fucking fuck the hell out of me." For Tuggs, his existence immediately took on a dominantly sexual purpose; the only reason he was there was to satisfy Violet, and he took to this role quite admirably. With strength driven by lust and desire - for his own climax was yet a ways off - the lizard clutched Violet close, one strong arm around her shoulderblades, the other around her hip, and he lifted her, only to unceremoniously jerk to his side and drop her on the uneasily creaking sofa, her form splaying willingly across the butt-dented cushions. Now kneeling upon the sofa, his penis still buried balls-deep in the writhing maw of Violet's snatch, Tuggs was ready. Practically laying himself over the tiger, he started to buck for all he was worth, the taut hide of his green behind bouncing in an unintentionally inviting homoerotic display as he gave that yowling, screaming tiger everything he had. He huffed and grunted, grimacing involuntarily, his teeth gleaming with a sheen of hot saliva. He nuzzled intently into her neck, his tapering tail lashing back and forth in a show of concentration, a keen effort to hit all the right spots as he worked. He was a damn good lay, something he'd admit with only a little bit of modesty; there were better ones out there, sure, but Tuggs knew he could please a lady or two. Violet, however, couldn't have possibly cared any less about the nuances of the reptile's technique or the feel of his fleshy cock ramming into her, the smooth hide of his scrotum smacking rudely into her, his oddly chilly body rubbing against hers - she didn't care at all. All that truly mattered was that Tuggs was inside of her - the concept was what brought her the most pleasure, but his skillful fucking was a close second.

Tuggs could feel his climax creeping closer, but he felt like his own libido was running a marathon - and in an almost childlike manner, he was jealous of Violet as she started to cry and whine about a second orgasm barreling towards her, threatening to be just as violent as the first. Though Tuggs appeared to be off in his own world as he pounded Violet with almost machine-like efficiency, he was very involved in her impassioned words; every sexy syllable that rolled off of her sandpapery tongue was a deliciously naughty morsel that he wouldn't miss for the world. "Ohh, gawd, Tuggs!" she squealed, raking her claws across the hapless fabric of the sofa, wrenching free great, billowy tufts of stuffing - that would be hard to explain to Jack. "I'm f-fucking cumming again!" the tiger yowled, her spine arching in the obscene manner that only a feline's could, her breasts momentarily touching Tuggs' chin. To witness the tiger's flexibility brought a blush and a dull grin to the reptile, but when her climax struck, it wiped this silly look off his face with all the authority of a full-on bitch slap. Her snatch clenched down upon his pride even harder than before, briefly squeezing the will to continue out of him - she held so tightly onto his meat that, just for a distant moment, he had a vision of his balls comically popping like overinflated balloons. This sexy stalemate passed, however, and Tuggs was left more ravenously horny than ever before. Violet squirmed and writhed, managing to make her way to her side - whether she was non-verbally begging to be fucked like so or not, Tuggs didn't know, and as hard as he was, he lacked the capacity to care. Bracing himself against the sofa, he clutched one shapely, toned leg around the knee, bringing the palm of his other hand to rest flat against the cushion closest to Violet's belly. With such leverage, he started to fuck that slippery, spasming cunt as well as ever.

As Tuggs dutifully nailed Jack's woman, the tiger cried out with the usual suspects of such sultry, steaming sex - most often, she gasped and moaned, her voice broken with pleasure, but she began to speak to him again with some coherence. Of course, what shuddered past her lips were yet more lines of filth and sex, but Tuggs wouldn't have expected - or accepted - any less from her at that point. "Fuck, Tuggs," she whispered in between hurried gasps and blissful whimpers, "Jack would be so upset if he knew we were doing this. God, I'm such a bad girl for fucking one of his friends behind his back like this." In her tone, Tuggs could detect only mild shame, and much of that seemed quite contrived in light of just how moist she was. Besides that, it only took a single glance into those lake-at-sunset eyes to know what a happily naughty whore she was being. "Heh, you know what, though?" Tuggs grinned, his query met with a blush and a fluttering of eyelashes. "I don't think I see anything wrong with this, you know? You want something, and I've got it," the reptile said, his lips bending into a coy smile. Violet's only response was a flushing of her cheeks, but Tuggs was certain he saw the beginnings of a toothy grin - though as he started to so roughly pound her with his strong hips again, the mischief disappeared from her features, replaced by the kind of sexual desperation and raw eroticism that he'd begun to expect and cherish. Tuggs allowed his hand - the one braced near Violet's chiseled stomach - to tease up the muscular curve of her twisted body and clutch a great handful of a swollen, jiggling breast, an action met with only a soft gasp from Violet, but the pleasure was there. "Fuck, you got nice tits, Violet, baby," Tuggs cooed, managing to sound both romantic and unapologetically lewd, only deepening the tiger's blush. "But they're nothing next to your tight, wet cunt, I mean, fuck," the reptile sighed, his face glazing over in an expression of raw pleasure. Violet grinned bashfully.

Pounding away at Violet's cunt from this new angle, Tuggs freely panted and groaned, his vocalizations not at all forced or faked; he was simply enjoying himself. With every throb of his great, thick meat, he shot a wad of his slimy pre into her depths, only adding to what was already a very slick mess of natural lubricants belonging partly to himself, but mostly to Violet - but considering his preference for wet girls, he didn't mind. For a short time after her second climax, Violet was actually quite reserved, gasping only now and again, whispering no filth, just subtle encouragements to Tuggs; "Mmh, yes, gawd," she shivered to him, her eyes closed tight, her pink flesh so very tender from the high of her afterglow. "You're so good, Tuggs, so good," she whimpered, spurring him to buck his hips a little harder and faster with every word. "Mmhm," the lizard grunted, blushing, but grinning. For a brief moment, he leaned over the tiger's prone form - his hips didn't stop, not even in such a difficult position - and he kissed her on the lips, a kiss that quickly degraded into a shameless snarl of tongues and saliva. Violet went into the kiss with clear submission, but she quickly took over, forcing Tuggs' slender, reptilian tongue back with the broad, rough bulk of her own, and she used that tongue to slurp over even the deepest reaches of his maw. When she finally broke off the kiss, the sexuality Tuggs had missed was back in full force. "Nngh, yeah," she huffed, afterward dragging her tongue over the lizard's neck as she had done before. "C'mon, Tuggs, give it to me," the tiger said, her words coming across as more of an order than a loving suggestion, but Tuggs didn't care - deep down, maybe he was even turned on by her dominance.

Tuggs again knelt and braced himself with one hand on the sofa and one on Violet's leg. Once more, he started to rut that needing tiger - with every thrust, a lewd squish! issued forth from the tiger's cunt, a naughty noise brought on by so much sticky liquid making room for Tuggs' big, blue battering ram. No matter how hot, how wet, and how tight that inviting, pink pussy was, Tuggs' orgasm was so far from him; what he really wanted was that tiger's rump, and he intended to ask for it, but first came the chivalrous business of being a gentleman, of getting her off - besides, maybe she'd feel like she owed him after that. "Mmn, damn, good for you, baby?" the lizard grunted, though he was talking to her bouncing bosom; since her eyes were shut, he didn't feel guilty. "It's some of the best fucking sex I've ever had, Tuggs," the sabertoothed tiger gasped, following her sentence with a few sexually exhausted pants and huffs. "I wouldn't cheat on Jack with anybody I didn't think was worth it," she said in a strikingly collected tone, but that lust was still there. She briefly looked Tuggs in the eyes, then licked over her fangs, and just as quickly, she closed those sunset eyes again. It brought a crude grin to Tuggs' lips, and though he supposed Violet could have been saying all of those things just to make him fuck her harder, so what? "That's the kinda shit I like to hear," he snickered, changing his rhythm and his pace. Instead of quick, short thrusts, they started to take a little bit longer, but he used the entirety of his long, reptilian endowment, pulling back to the tip, plowing in to his balls. The result was a thorough, skilled fucking that saw Violet begin that telltale arching again, the sure sign that a third climax - her fourth that day - would not be far off. Tuggs was fully aware of how obvious Violet's pleasure was, but no matter how smug he felt for his sexual prowess, he wondered, in the back of his mind, how the hell can she get off so much?

As Violet mrowled, gasped, and shuddered through her new climax, leaving Tuggs' manhood yet more slick and further sullying the already remarkably well-sullied sofa cushion beneath, Tuggs knew, however unconsciously, just why Violet was so volatile; she was in heat. In any way possible, she needed to fuck and get off, and Tuggs, whom she had been lusting after for some time already, was the perfect man to satisfy that urge with Jack away. Even if he wasn't truly aware of it, he still instinctively knew, and that was what drove his hips; even as distant as their two species were, her musk was still immensely attractive to him - but even without those pheromones, he probably would've been in that exact position anyway. The reptile looked over Violet's almost exhausted body, and he felt a weariness of his own - in those eyes of hers, he could tell that her libido was the only thing keeping her going, and it was that lusty burn in them that gave him his second wind. "Mmh, yeah!" he gasped, planting a few kisses around one of the tiger's nipples, punctuating them with a playful bite on that pink, erect nub, all things that gave Violet pleasure, but it was secondary to that which she got from the lizard's endowment. "You gonna cum for me again, babe? C'mon, I bet you got one or two more of those in you," he whispered, his nose bumping against her own. "Mmh! Mmhm!" Violet whimpered, biting down on her lower lip, squeezing her strong arms around the back of his neck. "Ahh, hey, Tuh-Tuggs," she groaned, nuzzling absently into the hide of his snout, "laying like this, it's killing me." Violet didn't need to say another word, but Tuggs was, understandably, reluctant to quit - after a few final gyrating bucks of his hips, he slid free of the tiger's cunt, his shaft's exit followed by a steady dribble of female juices that made for quite a mess. He sat squarely on the middle cushion, intending only to let Violet get up and lead him elsewhere, yet his new place was perfectly alright with her. It only took the flexible feline a brief moment to stand and stretch before she was ready for the lizard again; with a feline grace, she straddled Tuggs and lowered herself in one smooth motion, sighing heavily in outspoken pleasure as his thick, blue meat spread open her well-loved pussy once again. There, facing away from him, she put her toned legs to work, bouncing in his lap in a way to make a kangaroo proud, and all Tuggs could do was squeeze her hips and grin.

Violet's bouncing, though efficient and quick, was deceptively tame. She didn't cry out to Tuggs or proclaim the wonders of his reptilian cock, something the lizard acknowledged as mysteriously absent, yet he kept this thought to himself. Here was a beautiful, sexually capable lady riding him - without so much as asking! - but he was a good boy, and he kept his concerns unvoiced. "Mmh, ah," Violet gasped, suddenly choosing to ride the lizard a little harder, her technique becoming more endearingly sloppy. In short order, she stopped gracefully descending into his lap; she freely plopped down on his aching, oozing cock, and she cried out like a wild cat when it punched up into her, plowing her so deep, she thought for sure it was bruising her cervix. "Fuck, jeez," Tuggs mindlessly uttered, losing his grin, involuntarily replacing it with a grimace that could have been mistaken for pain, but it was most definitely the polar opposite. "Tuggs, oh my god, Tuggs!" Violet gasped, reclining against the lizard, letting her strong legs do all the work. Even as well-exercised as she was, she started to feel that tired burn in her muscles, but she ignored it - nothing was going to deny her that last orgasm, the orgasm that she truly needed, the one she'd abducted Tuggs from work from and gone behind Jack's back for. "Nngh, oh, fuck," she nearly sobbed, reaching down, rubbing intently around Tuggs' shaft, over her cunt, massaging herself to that last climax, giving herself such pleasure that she involuntarily screwed her face up into a grimace. With her teeth showing, and with her eyes so tightly clenched, it was abundantly clear that the tiger was on the verge of that final climax, the mythical release she'd been waiting for. At the apex of her final bounce, she came, and there she tensed with Tuggs' shaft but two inches inside of her. Leaning further into Tuggs' prone body, his meat left her entirely, and with nothing to stop her, she squirted with astonishing force. Tuggs could barely see around her flank, yet in the most sexually crude way, he smelled the juices, and a moment later, he heard the wet splat! on the floor, like a drink being spilled. Soon after, he was able to feel what was left of her potent climax, the dripping honey that saturated his already soaked, yet-erect penis and plump scrotum. Though his own release was still a ways off, he was content to know that Violet was, for all intents and purposes, satisfied. The tiger panted and shuddered, coming down to rest on Tuggs' hips, his erection resting harmlessly between her thighs, which she gently, almost idly stroked in her soft paws. "God, do all lizards fuck like you, Tuggs, or are you just that good?" The lizard paused, grinned, and then shrugged - hubris, after all.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, babe," Tuggs amiably said, enjoying this respite, making use of it to both relax and to plan; he stroked down her chest, its' heaving gradually slowing into unremarkably calm, stable breathing, and when his hands had cleared the pliable, loving warmth of her bosom, he slid his fingers down her belly and squeezed her hips. Violet's paw, still slowly rubbing the lizard's endowment, fell idle from the sensation of Tuggs' hands on her body - like any feline creature, she savored an affectionate touch, especially in the emotional and physical high of afterglow, and she arched her body away from the lizard, unconsciously presenting her body. This shift saw her still swollen, soaked, and heated cunt rub into his shaft, and it drew a quiet moan from the reptile's lips. Still clutching the tiger's hips, Tuggs looked down the perfectly formed shape of her backside, following the subtle outline of her spine all the way down to her rump, which sat poised in his lap; that ass was positively beautiful, and it was completely virgin - but not for long if the lizard had his way. He withdrew a hand from her hip, and he suckled in silence on two fingers, leaving them saturated in saliva. When he slid them between the feline's cheeks and sank them in the tight, virgin warmth of her behind, she emitted a yelp that was both shocked and pained, yet it was dominantly the former. "Tuggs!" she gasped, looking over her shoulder at the lizard, who by that point had a grin that was both wide and toothy. He saw discomfort and uncertainty in her eyes, but her overwhelming blush spoke of twinges of pleasure and damning curiosity. Nevertheless, her words sided with her eyes. "Tuggs, I've never done that, not with Jack," she paused, briefly biting her lip, "not with anybody." Tuggs let his grin wither, but only to the point that he no longer bore his teeth; he began to slowly, gently pump that virgin behind, while his free hand stroked over her stomach and flank in a comforting manner. "First time for everything, beautiful," he cooed, shooting her a wink that did nothing to dispel her unease, and in fact, it only worsened her blush. "As nasty as we've been, getting it on when Jack's not around, why not make it memorable with a little first-time anal, eh?"

Though Violet gave in to Tuggs with a reluctant flair, she was more than a little bit curious about it. And, truthfully, as quickly as she'd given in, and as passive as she'd been about such sudden, unannounced fingers, Tuggs had his suspicions. Of course, as she got down upon her all-fours and offered her rump to Tuggs - even going so far as to lift her tail, however short and unobtrusive it was - the lizard abandoned any and all deeper thoughts on the matter, for he was about to get exactly what he wanted. He knelt close behind the tiger, his hands upon the deliciously taut curve of her behind, and he pried those rump cheeks apart, exposing the virgin, pink pucker between them, its' surface glistening with a tiny amount of the reptile's saliva. "I think you're gonna like this, baby," he cooed with surprising comfort in his voice, at the same time leaning down, closer to her presented bottom. "Just, uh, tell me to quit, if you wanna." Before that could even sink in, he took a very long lick across the surface of that tightly clenched pucker, putting his slender, reptilian tongue to work, leaving her untouched flesh moist with saliva. She cut the air with a gasp, and in a moment of involuntary reflex, she clenched her snug pucker and raked her claws through the carpet.

If she's acting like that over being licked, she's either gonna like being fucked a lot, or she's gonna hate it, Tuggs thought with a momentary grin of naughty mischief, but it was not an expression that lasted for long, for he soon parted his lips and dragged his reptilian tongue across the tiger's quivering entrance again, and once more soon after that, leaving that tender orifice and the fine fur around it covered in a thin sheen of saliva. "Tuggs," Violet managed to shudder, involuntarily wiggling her short tuft of a tail, "that feels pretty good..." Though it was hardly a thoughtful observation, Tuggs appreciated the pretty tiger's enthusiasm, and he rewarded her pleasure with more of the same; with all the ferocity of licking a lollipop, he slurped and lapped across her virgin entrance over and over, pausing only once to moisten his tongue. The end result was a thoroughly-rimmed entrance, and after a moment of admiring his work, Tuggs knew she was as ready as ever. Though Tuggs offered to go grab some lube, Violet insisted that he just do it, and so he intended to do just that. The tiger chose to lay upon her side, and the lizard had no complaints; he clutched his shaft, still as hard as ever, still oozing with pre, and still saturated with Violet's own vaginal juices, and he pressed the blunt tip of it to Violet's virgin pucker, which gave the both of them a moment of simple pleasure from erotic contact. As the reptile pushed in, he took his time, defying his lusty urges to simply plow her into oblivion - Violet whined and cried out to Tuggs, her vocalizations a mix of both pleasure and pain, yet she never once asked him to stop. To some degree, Tuggs found her cries difficult to listen to, yet he wanted that ass too much to just stop... Though if she asked him to, he would have done just that.

No matter how slow he was forced to enter Violet, Tuggs found that penetration divine - a virgin ass was a one-of-a-kind fuck, the type of sex that a man never forgot, and it brought a lazy grin to his lips. Watching his thick, blue meat slip more than halfway into Violet's blissfully tight rear-end, Tuggs let out a content sigh, and then he squeezed her on the thigh - his other hand still clutched his shaft, yet that guidance had long been unnecessary. "I can't say much about how this must feel for you, Violet," he cooed, "but this is exactly what I've been wanting. Thanks." The feline said nothing, yet her cheeks began to burn with a tiny blush, and she twisted her lips into a passable, friendly smile; Tuggs could see the discomfort in her eyes, but more and more, it seemed like she was growing used to it, and so he allowed himself a little indulgence; he sank his cock a little bit faster, and soon, only two inches remained. By then, Violet no longer made any sounds of discomfort at all, and the lizard rudely bucked his shaft to the hilt, the smooth hide of his sack coming to rest on one of the cheeks of her ass. He thought Violet might cry out, or at least gasp from that, but no - she made not a single noise, and she didn't even flinch. Tuggs believed that she was a virgin, for she was simply too snug to be anything else, yet he was beginning to think that she was a natural for anal sex - something he resisted saying, simply because it sounded so crude, no matter how good the intentions behind it were. "God, you're tight," he moaned instead, leaning over her to plant a kiss on her lips, one returned quickly and fondly. "And you're just huge, Tuggs - I can't think of any other way to put it." She surprised him with a grin, and then a naughty lick of her fangs. "You had to have this," she teased, "so go ahead, Tuggs. Fuck my ass."

The lizard began his work slowly at first, so as to let Violet get used to that feeling, but she encouraged him with little whispered nothings - every time he'd ramp up his pace, she encouraged him to go a little bit faster, to pump her a little bit harder. Yeah, definitely a natural, Tuggs thought, briefly spurring himself into a grin. "This is great," he chuckled, feeling his shaft let loose with a squirt of pre, and another but a second later - it sent shivers up his spine, and it gave Violet a similar feeling. "Mmh, mhm," the beautiful tiger grunted, allowing her sunset eyes to drift shut, finding her loins growing hot again - she wasn't sure she'd be game to get fucked in the cunt again, or if she even had the energy to climax one more time, but she was definitely starting to enjoy what she was getting from the lizard - and to that end, she started to rub intently upon the tender, swollen lips of her folds. "Harder, Tuggs," she whispered, uttering a cooing moan when her soft-spoken command was heeded. "Ooh, god," the tiger said under her breath, "that feels good, baby, really good..." Tuggs closed his eyes halfway, yet he still focused on the tiger's face, choosing her pretty, subtly grimacing features over the sight of her bouncing bosom, or her rubbing fingers, or even that of his shaft disappearing and emerging ad nauseum from her tail hole. He could have probably fucked her traditionally two or three more times without getting off, he surmised; a nice blowjob or a good titfucking might have gotten him there sooner. Yet, buried in the taboo depths of Violet's previously-untouched anal passage, Tuggs started to feel that climax creeping up on him. Involuntarily, his long tail lashed behind him, and just as beyond his control, his breathing grew erratic, emerging in snatches and huffs. Profanities freely wheezed past his lips, a mindless tune of oh shit, fuck, fuck, goddamn, shit!, and Violet knew precisely what he was getting ready for.

"Mmh, Tuggs!" Violet gasped, opening her eyes, though she kept them down to narrow, intense slits. "I know you're gonna get off, baby," she cooed to him, doing all she could to keep her voice calm, unaffected by pleasure or the lingering twinges of anal discomfort and the pleasure of her own rubbing, teasing fingers - and she failed only mildly in that regard. "You have to cum on me, Tuggs - not in me, I need that reptile jizz on me! I've been waiting so long to get fucked by you, Tuggs! Everything else, all the sex, even this - it's been perfect, you just gotta do this one last thing, just paint my face, baby, and I can call this the best sex I've ever had! Please!" Her voice grew more desperate with each passing word, and Tuggs soon thought she sounded just a little bit hysterical - but he found the begging to be sexy, nevertheless. "Uhn, gawd," he grunted through clenched teeth, his hips a blur, his balls slapping haphazardly into the toned, furred flesh of her ass cheek over and over. "Y-you want it," Tuggs managed to gasp, suddenly yanking his shaft free of her freshly-defiled rump, ignoring the yowling cry of pain she made, "then you get it, baby!" For just a moment that almost seemed like an anticlimax, Tuggs' throbbing shaft rested idly upon the top of Violet's presented, sideways behind - and then he came. It was a climax that he'd been holding on to for days, but if that weren't enough, it had endured Violet's teasing and hours of ruthless, rough sex with her; the first rope of his seed shot far, and it splattered askew on the side of one of her breasts. The second and third shots were the heaviest, and they exited with such force and such length that Tuggs gasped and twitched. In succession, they nailed the beautiful feline in the face; the first caused her to squint her eyes shut and squeal in surprise, and the second hit her more-or-less in her opened, squealing maw, giving her a mouthful of thick, dripping reptile jism, in addition to a fine facial. Several more ropes of his intensely productive load finished what he began with the first by leaving a more thorough mess on the side of her breast, which oozed down to sloppily coat the other, and what remained dribbled from his shaft, soaking her hips and hindquarters nicely. In afterglow, with his head spinning, Tuggs leaned over Violet and shuddered a single word: "Fuck." Violet still felt that warmth in her loins, but with Tuggs' reptilian semen all over her body, she felt satisfied; Tuggs felt lightheaded, yet immensely gratified. Content and pleased beyond words, they snuggled for the rest of the day, and slept together that night.

The next morning, Violet pulled up to Fatty's, with Tuggs riding shotgun. They shared a kiss, a protracted meeting of tongues and a hefty exchange of saliva, yet in light of all they'd done the afternoon before, it seemed laughably tame. "Heh," Tuggs chuckled as the kiss died, "thanks for the ride, and for dropping me off at work, Violet." For a moment, they shared a very naughty grin. "I just hope you didn't get me in too much trouble." Violet briefly smirked, but it quickly faded into a more content, friendly smile. "Just tell them you were hanging out with a professional fighter, and I'll beat 'em up if they fire you." No longer did she seem to exude raw sexuality, having been satisfied and then some by the lizard, but her next words still seemed incredibly natural. "That was one of the best times of my life, Tuggs," she purred. "Make me come like that again, and you get my phone number." It was punctuated with a wink; Tuggs met it with a wry, toothy grin. "When do I get the chance again for that?" The tiger took a moment to lick across her fangs in a sensual manner - Tuggs never knew why, but it always turned him on, even if he caught her doing it idly. "Soon," she answered calmly enough, before nodding his way. "Better get going, Tuggs. I'll see you around..."

Tuggs was prepared for and found himself suitably apathetic towards his shift manager's scolding for leaving early the day before, yet he seemed more peeved at the lizard for not clocking out. Whatever, Tuggs thought, his mind wandering as he was lectured about just why Fatty's had been around for almost seventy years, and how drag-asses like him either shaped up or got thrown out. I got laid - when's the last time you did? It made him start to laugh mid-way through his chewing out, which seemed to humble the manager, who simply stopped and walked away, with his tail tucked, and not just proverbially. Finally back at work, taking orders from gender-unclear blobs of cellulite and smelly rolls of fat, Tuggs found himself teased and derided by his fellow slaves at Fatty's for what he'd done, sneaking off with a hot lady like he did - of course, their teasing was less out of malicious intent, and more like harmless bro fist-bumping and ass-patting. No way, bro, you did what while you were on the clock!? Simply by following his dick's guidance and the scent of Violet's heat, Tuggs had become a hero among the Fatty's crew.

"Welcome to Fatty's Burger Bar," Tuggs began, and for once, he finished without sighing: "home of the famous two-pound Fatty's Widowmaker, may I take your order, sir?" He felt his soul die a little bit more when he said it, but he started to think of Violet again... That ferocious, hasty fuck, that first-time behind, the mess he'd made of her, and even the dark thrill of having her behind Jack's back. Maybe working at this dump isn't so bad, he thought to himself, as he absently handed the obese creature before him his change. Left to his own devices again, he slumped over the counter as he'd done every day of his employment, but for once, he didn't think of how lame a chapter his life was in, or the creative ways he could kill his manager or burn the place down.

He thought about how great it was to fuck Violet all day, and still be on the clock.