Baxter, the Insolent, Foul-Mouthed Punk

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#24 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

This is the first part to "Krampus, the Anti-Claus: A Furry Christmas Carol", a collaboration between SilverrFox and myself.

Krampus' first victim of the day: a foulmouthed and rebellious little Pokemon.

Baxter Schlagen, the Insolent, Foul-Mouthed Punk

The hoodlum Pokémon opens his front door after hearing a mysterious knock at midnight of December's fifth day. "What tha fuck do ya want?" His voice almost echoes in the neighborhood he is known to terrorize with his foul language and blasting, pulsating music, with lyrics to match his own colorful words. The teenaged Scrafty pulls down the hood of his yellow, hood-like skin and looks out into the empty night. Upon looking down, he discovers a present, carefully wrapped in snowman patterned wrapping paper, a lustrous, red bow around all four sides of the box, and a white tag with bold, black letters spelling DO NOT OPEN UNTIL X-MAS.

Baxter Schlagen's face displays a crooked smile as he declares, "Well, looks like someone left little old me a present." He picks up the parcel and reads the tag. In response, the ne'er-do-well adolescent rips it off and throws it into the bushes. "Fuck that noise," he declares in a loud, deplorable tone. The ne'er-do-well runs up to his room, with his saggy leg skin trailing behind. He locks his door, thinking, "My parents aren't home, but the last thing I need is for their nosey asses to come barging in." With the utmost callousness for both the present and his parents, the teen tears away the bow, shreds the wrapping paper, and tosses the lid of the box across his room. The disrespectful, foul-mouthed punk looks into the box with expectant eyes. "The Fuck!? Empty?" In an overreaction of rage, the scale tosses the box out of the window, only to discover that it is in its original position after he turns back around. When he tries to throw the parcel a second time, an invisible force pulls him into the present.

The Scrafty falls fast into a dark swirling vortex and meets the cold, hard ground face first. He manages to sit up to look at his surroundings. He sees nothing but a red sky with black clouds slowly drifting by. A growl from behind causes him to quickly flinch and turn in automatic reaction. Sitting before Baxter on a throne of briar thorns, is Krampus, whose soul-piercing eyes cause the boy to freeze in place.

In a shaky voice, filled with fear and bravado, the punkish teen tries to sound unafraid of the old demon in front of him. "Who the hell are ya and what tha fuck have ya done to mah room?" Seeing the beast's disaffected, stoic, dominant gaze unchanging, the hoodlum Pokemon continues his vain attempt at a brave front. "If ya don't send meh back right Fucking now before I get angry, I'm gonna really show ya how fast shit can hit tha fan." The adolescent manages to produce his crooked smile, but, before the boy can blink, Krampus takes the foul-mouthed scale by the arm, roughly pulls him over his muscular knee, and sends a quick, strong slap to the disrespectful boy's behind. To the boy's shock, he can even feel the sting through his thick, protective skin and screams from the ensuing pain.

Spanking had always been a hated punishment of Baxter's. In fact, his parent's and the schools' use of corporal punishment is the main reason he decided to act the way he has. He is not really a bad kid; he has just been putting up a brave front in order to avoid any attempt at physical punishment. In and of itself, that is not a crime in Krampus' eyes. However, the teen's readiness and crassness in dis regarding any and all authority is more than worthy of the caprine punisher's attention. Tonight, Baxter is learning that his posturing was all in vain.

Passing his judgment on the lad, Krampus delivers another, sound smack on his ass, eliciting another shriek from the offending teen. "I-I-I'm not gonna give in, F-Fu-Fucker!" The punk's protesting words are met only with harder blows to his backside. He bellows out another wail as the pain becomes more searing with every hit. It isn't long before Baxter loudly declares, "I Give! I GIVE!" as sweat begins to glisten on his orange skin.

Krampus ceases his spanking of his victim's ass and momentarily allows the boy to pant uninterrupted. Then, the stronger, bigger male pulls away the smaller lad's protective skin and delivers rapid slaps on the Pokemon's bare gluteal cheeks. The Scrafty resumes screaming and begins to struggle. This only serves to further anger the ancient executioner of punishment, who waves his hand in the air and summons a hickory switch from thin air. The instrument of corporal penance is brought down hard upon the scale, and Baxter shouts again in pain from the new level of pain on his increasingly tender ass. Wasting no time, the demon continues using the thin, flexible rod in quick succession. With every pop on his butt, the thuggish adolescent trembles and sweats as his body is heated from the feeling of helplessness, embarrassment, and Krampus' insulating fur.

The boy's orange bottom begins to turn red as he becomes accustomed to the pain. Not ready to give the boy a break, the corporal executioner raises his stick high into the air and wills it to change form. The switch instantly becomes a black, leather strap, which the demonic capra forcefully descends upon the teen's unguarded derriere. The resulting sounds of physical anguish from Baxter almost echo in the endless expanse of Krampus' world. Aonther harder crack of the strap causes the boy to stop struggling and begin to weep tears of hopelessness from his eyes.

To push the point home, Krampus causes his punitive instrument to transform again, this time into a wooden paddle with holes drilled through it. With one of his toned, strong hooves on the Scrafty's back, the punisher brings down the paddle on the unresisting young man's behind. The paddle breaks upon contact with the ne'er-do-well lad's bare, reddened ass, and tiny droplets of blood begin to well up on the spanking bruised mounds of young flesh. The boy's entire body goes limp as he openly cries with his mouth wide open and tears streaming unrestrained from his eyes.

In that very moment Baxter remembers a story that his grandma told him when he was still a young, impressionable Scraggy. It was a story about a demon that she met when she was a little girl in the old country. He was a burly, malevolent executioner who was the counter-part to Saint Nicholas himself that roamed the world punishing naughty children. She warned him to always be a good little child and never bid ill will to others. He had always thought her story to be a fiction, manufactured by the old to keep the young in line. Now, he has realized the brutal truth behind her story.

Discarding the paddle, Krampus gently caresses the boy's tomato red, slightly bleeding buttocks, causing the teen to whimper at the stinging sensation resulting from the gentle touch on his ultrasensitized ass. The capra then effortlessly picks up the boy, who puts up no resistance, and sits the adolescent on his knee facing him. The Pokemon has his hands covering his crotch and is avoiding eye contact with the brawny beast by looking down at Krampus' chest as he continues crying. Grabbing the weeping Scrafty by his crest, the ancient administrator of punishments raises the lad's head so that their gazes meet. Upon seeing Krampus' far more dominant eyes, the punk moves his claws to his sides, revealing his fully erect, rigid, uncircumcised, orange hemipenis. His arousal exposed to the lolled tongued demon, the boy feels further humiliated.

The demoralized, broken Baxter's tear laden face continues looking into the goat's unmoving and stoic visage. He begins to think about his bad deeds: all the peace he has interrupted with his foul worded music, all the teachers he has cussed at, and all the times he disrespected his loving parent's authority. As if reading the boy's mind, Krampus narrows his gaze, piercing the boy's very heart, soul, and psyche. The scared teen's voice jumps up two octaves from fear as he declares in a pleading spirit, "I-I understand...Please let meh go...I'll be a good boy! I promise!" The boy begins to hyper-ventilate from the never before experienced level of fear and embarrassment.

Krampus is satisfied that Baxter has learned his lesson. The man-beast does tend to have a softer side for his more mislead and unintentionally bad victims. He is even known to show some amount of affection, albeit small, to those who are not truly bad but sincerely absorb their lessons. The boy has learned to respect authority and is deserving of some comfort.

The dominating demon spins the boy around and pulls the scalie teen's back into his chest and stomach. Before wrapping his strong hooves around the hoodlum's chest, he places both of the crying lad's claws at his twin cocks. The hormonally driven youth wastes no time and begins fiercely pumping his hemipenis with both hands working his straining erections in unison. Enjoying the stinging sensation, he grinds his ass into Krampus' leg and knee and screams in a mix of pleasure and pain that is completely foreign to his young mind. The boy climaxes with a moan of newfound ecstasy and trembles as he fires his adolescent seed all over the foot of the goat's briar throne. The capra authoritarian, who has remained motionless and emotionless through the boy's short moment of sexual bliss, waves a hoof in front of the boy's face, and the teen quickly drifts to sleep.

Baxter wakes up tied to a flagpole outside a nearby apartment complex. He begins to struggle, but the festive, green ribbons have him bound too tightly.

As the reader can plainly see, our first offender is nothing more than a mislead soul who has been in dire need of straightening out; he is no one worth too much of our corporal executioner's efforts. Krampus always seeks out the lesser offenders first, and they do often learn their lessons fairly quickly. Now, the young Scrafty will have to play the role of messenger to the caprine moral adjudicator's next victim.

In order to see what is in store for our other, more purposefully callous players in this darker Christmas tale, follow this link to the full text of our story and see what Krampus is capable of doing to those who deserve a greater portion of his wrath.

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