RotH – Chapter 10: Curiosity
# roth - chapter 10: curiosity jack needed a few minutes to remember why he lay naked with his daughter in a tight embrace in his bed the next morning.
Skylar 2
"Skylar?! Skylar!!" He could hear a familiar voice calling out his name instantly, but it only bothered him. He thought, momentarily ignorant, that he was being awakened for school, then he noticed his uncomfortable position, and then... "Skylar thank...
Sleepover at Jimmy's - The First Night
"Yay! Sleepover, sleepover!" Jimmy bounced up and down in his seat. The overly excited german shepherd pup was about to have his very first sleepover with his new friend Kyle. Kyle was sitting next to him in the seat of Jimmy's dad's SUV. He was a...
I Guess I Was Bored
** ** Now, now, here's a story from the Gruffy archives - well, sort of, because I had a bit of a basic idea going around probably a year ago, and it took me this long to take it up and write a story out of it. It evolved a bit on the way, too,...
Broken Things - Chapter Three -
Sheppy's muzzle fell open, and he found he had no viable answer for the inquisitive synth, who gazed back at him, its head tilted slightly and ears pricking forwards in curiosity. to be continued...
Halcyon University 3 - Mailman's Curiosity
"curiosity killed the cat, especially in my situation." i decided to lie back down. the explosions continued for minutes and i really wanted know what was going on.
I, Dacien Chapter 28 -- Curiosity
# I, Dacien A Story by Onyx Tao © 2014 Onyx Tao []( I, Dacien by [Onyx Tao]( is licensed...
Seeing Stripes: Top to Bottom - Curiosity
Surprise! Surprise! Another story incoming. I do apologize for the SUPER long delay between posts but I've been in a creative funk for a while now and have hit several road blocks. I'm still working on revising A Bully Story. I actually printed out...
Random Rabbit Shorts - Wendell's Curiosity
His curiosity was going to get the better of him eventually anyway. he might as well get it over with sooner rather than later.
Curiosity in Clothing Part 1: Into The Closet
#1 of curiosity in clothing curiosity in clothing part 1 into the closet this is my very first story in a planned series, so any criticism would be appreciated. thank you.
Tales of the Insatiable Curiosity: Cast Off
Tales of the insatiable curiosity: cast off by stephen landis all rights reserved the_insatiable curiosity_ transitioned back into normal space with a barely perceptible whine from the subspace engines as i leaned back into my control chair on the
Curiosity Changed the Cat (Commission for Xilimyth)
Ko-fi curiosity changed the cat by cimmaronspirit commission for xilimyth warning: this story contains: macro growth, muscle growth, f/solo, nudity, super strength, destruction, magic, transformation, hybrid, wings, and more.