Arun and Rithnok Episode 1: no such thing as an easy mission
Standing, the dolphin grinned "i think a shower may be in order... you two even got it in your hair..."
alpha shadow wolf part 1!
The dolphin said to the now tied with tentacles dragon, who was in no way able to help. "fine ill do this my self." the dolphin grabbed 5 pauldrons and hurled them at alpha and his many guards.
Calmer Seas Ahead
But seeing as you're a dolphin now, well, i guess she found you. and you left your old life to be with her. you would never do anything to hurt her, or any dolphin." finally she opened her eyes, turning to look at me.
Go with the Flow
It's a dolphin. just a dolphin." a dolphin whose graceful beauty flowed through his mind from the moment he first laid eyes upon it. everything was perfect about her. or him.
Bremlur and His Farm
Then, he inserted his dolphin member into the cervix, and began thrusting in and out. suddenly, wave after wave of dolphin sperm pumped into the horse's uterus. satisfied, the tiny dolphin swam back to the vulva, and grew a little.
Dolphin Family (part 2) - Mother's Love
Luckily, mokula knew the warning signs of a dolphin in this mood as she moved her head out of the way. giving oral sex to a male dolphin was dangerous, as the powerful ejaculation can cause a broken neck even.
The College Experience (from Freebies Vol. 65)
The dolphin glanced up and grinned, then returned his attention to the red length bobbing in front of his face.
Open Sea Redux
Reaching hir front, the dolphin turns around to face cornel, hands now rubbing up along the reptile's dark blue-grey belly.
a relaxing weekend
The dolphin gasped and hugged the log harder, biting his lips and arching his back in pleasure.
The Blue Marble - Tales from the Other World
Today is the last day of my dolphin tours this season. i run it to help fund my dolphin research. hey, the tours are quite popular! i mean, where else do you have an actual dolphin as your guide?
Sanity's Private Bath
The dolphin let out a satisfied moan.
To Discover
There was no doubt in orion's mind that this was a dolphin! though what kind he couldn't be sure. "what are you doing so far from land?" the dolphin squealed and clicked at him.