Battle For Atlanta
I shouted over the firefight, popping my head up and firing when the hostile gunfire shifted from us. river did the same, and both the anthros to our left made it into the building.
chapter five
He feels someone- jake it was jakes hand easing the gun out of his paw as the firefight downstairs died down footsteps started up the stairs jake leveled his gun at the doorway then holstered it as seamus and aaron arrived.
The Bridge Of Cologne prt.1
The fighting seemed to have moved through another strewn wall and into a street below, the sound of a firefight echoing below.
Vicious Betrayal
Members of zero unit became worried when dante's mood refused to change, and among themselves they prepared for another firefight.
An Unknown Friend. Part 3
However, before the house caught fire again, firefighters found the remnants of a wolf like fur apparently named jeff.
The Hunted
An estimated twenty thousand arrol were cleansed and thankfully due to the dutiful efforts of the firefighters not a single person was harmed.
Captain's Evaluation
During a firefight on hanides, our unit was pinned down. i managed to make it around to the enemy's flank and helped pull the pressure off our troops, with three confirmed kills.
A Firefighter to the rescue — 09 — A High paid decision
Tags: story series, no-yiff, hero, lucario, blastois, buizel, tragedy, a firefighter to the rescue -- 09 -- a high paid decision " get down !!!!" tala suddenly yelled at tasida and pushed her down with his arms.
Silent Heroes
Im just like the ordinary person yet he saw something in me that i could not see there are people with professions such as policeman, firefighters, military real heroes that risk their lives everyday to protect the people from harm
American Mustelid Alpha - Episode 5, "Young Thing" - Part 2
~arron, 28, honey badger, firefighter "it's gonna be hard to go back to the burrow without cris."
Viral Attack: Eracervine
One of the firefighters muttered, and that snide comment elicited a glare from both eracervine and wind rider alike.
Know To Understand. Chapter 3: Not like this.
The firefighter met me half way with his arms out as well. he didn't ask any questions just took the boy and continued walking. that was good because i really don't think this would the appropriate time to explain why i could talk.