Malicious Software Detected P1
Stormy held her hands up but the malicious code just swirled around them and up her arms.
Christopher Cailin Biton
#8 of tsociety profile database profile: christopher cailin biton skillset: metasploit framework use, android rooting and spyware, rootkit coding, remote access tools, sleight of hand, malware coding, cryptography, python coding, c coding, java coding, and
The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 1
When they were finished the following code was made.
Ver 3.0
He watched proksy code for a solid minute before the girl saved her progress and swung around. "version three of source code is done."
Renamon the Birthday Slut
Takato hacks renamon's code to turn her into a slutty present for guilmon. takato is at a computer while guilmon and i are sitting in his room. he had managed to hack the digital world and is editing its code. in particular, he's editing my code.
Chapter 2: Warning
Could you show me the code?" kate asked as asher opened the code on his laptop and showed it to them. ''' #!
Evolution Eradication: The Ending Orgasms (part two of three)
_give us the code, give us the code, give us the code..._ _ _ and it would all stop, if he only gave them the code. if he gave them the code, everything would stop, he would orgasm and...
Beta-Testers, Chapter 9: Dragon at Heart
_ # as rumiir slammed his hand back into the code, teryx was having a very bad day.
Tron Expansion - 05 - Mutation
Silver lines were interspersed, the original tron code that was inviolable... and then there were instances of a neon green code. the code didn't belong, it was alien to eden, and it was spreading.
Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 2.) Bending the Rules
Dead eye said as he scratched his head then added "sometimes the freelancer code sucks." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* the freelancer's code, is basically the rules that freelancers play by.
Venturing: Same Ticks
He spoke about how they made a deal about the usage of their coding and his devices. and the secret line of code that was implemented inside the coding. however, to his knowledge, he never knew what this secret line was. or where it was.
Nor's New Friend
The lines of code stretched out, the green light coming off of them consolidating into new numbers, new pieces of code that pushed out further and further, reaching deeper into the darkness.