
Uuran explained that the water was from natural mineral springs and naturally geothermally heated, though the heating was controlled by devices to ensure the temperatures remained safe and stable.

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 11

"it's too cold to be geothermal, like the onsen or file mountain. but a mass of heat this size could be generated by thousands of digimon, if they were... underground," blackgato said, frowning. "...a hive," gato said, frowning.

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The Adventures of Shock and Rock I

Tossing my hat and glasses aside i wade into the geothermal water and lie back, thankful that the lake is big enough and deep enough to hold me even with the added height (we originally designed it so both kaiden and i could use it at the same time).

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Ghost Among The Stars - Part 1

Stopping drilling operations, they would eventually retract and cap off the breaches, allowing the geothermal flows to resume.

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Amber's 69 First Dates - The Twin Paradox

For a few moments, wrapping her robe around her water-slicked body, she thought that it would be a piece of cake, all of that residual geothermal heat making her feel like a warm pop-tart.

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Incident on Safari

Both girls were on the verge of tears as they were carried deeper into the geothermically active region where the hyenas made their lair, before they were both suddenly dumped unceremoniously onto their knees in front of an especially large stone cauldron

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Ch 1 - Questionable Exploration

The crystal isn't tapping into anything geothermal, and it isn't radioactive. what would be causing the emanation from it..." evan looked off to the horizon and then back to the crystal.

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"Daggers of Darkness" - Part 8

While the thought of sitting outdoors in geothermally heated water in extreme cold air, would not have immediately crossed my mind as something pleasurable, curiously i do find it stimulating--at least on an intellectual level."

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geothermal conduits in the base structures make it one of the only large scale apartments with no backup fusion generator for winter months." "are all your buildings like this?" mardak asked, hopeful for an affirmative answer.

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Shark Lovers 3

It was just like the beach where beagle and i first mated, only here there was no sand and no natural geothermal vents. but there were artificial water jets that pumped warm water into the pool, giving it a nice, comfortable temperature.

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