POEM: A Journey

Dreams of wolf life, so vivid and surreal. ask me; i tell you they were real. hunting, prowling, eating, sleeping. perfection! no need for weeping! i was a pup, free and happy. not a care in the world.

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The name ungiven

Until the end of their days - a set of sharp backswept horns, crowning a noble profile of a wedge-shaped head, broad shoulders, extending to a set of large, partially unfurled wings, a thick, armored tail, coiling around the figure... the entire scene felt surreal

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Digimon House

Beelzemon: -begins to read the letter- dear digimon surreal lifers, yadda yadda ... -skips halfway through the letter- your mission today will to be to get to know each other on a more personal level, so...

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Plushie Form: Hands-on Training (Sirius' Story Part 1)

Behind you, a lush jungle shimmers with the same colorful aura, large palm trees and mossy rocks creating a very surreal scene. even more surreal is the anthro dragonite who sits on the beach next to you, looking out at the ocean.

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The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 1 of 3

Familiars used to be tied to specific humans with whom they shared supernatural powers and in return received constant spiritual power from their bound companion, maintaining a surreal symbiotic relationship.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 16 - A nudge in the right direction

I remember our first time all too well and how surreal it seemed to me... it just happened... and maybe that's why it was so surreal to me...

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Purple Heart

The addition of the elves was just a sprinkling of the bizarre on an already surreal situation.

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[Pending Title] Part 1 of ?

Working for terrans and my own kind, it was surreal.

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Incalculable Vastness.

The spot he chose was a clearing in some open flatland, not far from a single isolated tree- not that he can well see it, it's a moonless night and the cosmic canopy melts so perfectly with the surreal dark all around him he feels he could jump and fall through


Dragonlord Saga - Prologue

Upon any other such eve, terrible beauty and preternatural surreal depth, he would retire amongst the snow drifts. unfortunately, ...tonight he follows the scent.

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The Breaking of the world

A strange surreal beauty, a planet drifting apart and together like floating islands in a sea of stars.

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